Muslim To Minister: My Journey To God

Patrice Turner author of "Muslim To Minister: My Journey To God".
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I looked at Judaism.

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My impression of Islam was a combination of several things. It consisted of the one class I took in university, my one visit to the mosque in Columbia, SC, and then the media I've now discovered that the U. I began researching the fundamental beliefs of Islam. I decided to strip away the stereotypes and examine exactly what Islam is all about. After some study, I found the following:.

After reading about Islam, I set out to inquire a little deeper. I set out to find a Muslim. At the time of my inquiry into Islam, I was working in a very large company with more than employees. I thought, "Surely there's a Muslim or two that would be willing to answer my questions. My search did not take long. I met a kind, quiet Muslim man named "Hani. Hani inscribed in it the following words that continue to touch my heart: It confirmed so many doubts I had about Judaism and Christianity, and provided the roadmap that I was looking for.

After reading only part of the Qur'an , I said to myself, "I believe in this. I should be a Muslim. What would my friends say?

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What would my co-workers think? So, for months, I kept my feelings quiet and continued to study Islam silently. I began to read more books, subscribed to Muslim email lists, purchased Islamic videos and even began memorizing the prayers. Out of all the aspects of Islam that I observed, the prayer impacted me the most.

Like the worshipers I saw in the videos, I too wanted to bow down and prostrate myself before my Holy Creator.

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Finally, after more than eight months of inquiry with my friend Hani, he must have sensed I was ready to take the next step. It is where more than Muslims in Northern Colorado go to pray and worship. He invited me the fajr prayer before sunrise. At that time, it was around 6: You can imagine what I was thinking: I felt like I was being called to do something. I made it down to Islamic Center and met up with Hani. When I went in, I was instructed to take off my shoes in the vestibule. I walked through a large communal area and Hani showed me the area that Muslims perform wudhu , the washing and purifying of one's body before going before Allah.

Hani and I then went into the prayer area. The prayer area was a large, simple, quiet room. There were many books, mostly in Arabic, on several of the walls, and the room seemed to point in one direction the direction to the ka'bah in Makkah, or the first house of worship to Allah.

When we walked in, there were Muslim men praying. For the second time, I saw again in-person what I had seen only in videos - worshipers bowing before their Creator but with anew understanding after all the careful reading I did.

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  • Patrice Turner author of "Muslim To Minister: My Journey To God"?

It sent chills down my spine. I too wanted to worship as the men before me. The familiar call to prayer, the adhan, was called and Hani asked me if I wanted to pray. I nervously said, "Yes!

My Journey to Islam

I didn't know all the words or their meanings, but it had a powerful impact. After the prayer, Hani asked me if I would like to become a Muslim. Again, I said, "Yes! The moment I said "la ilaha illallah muhammad rasulallah " There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah in front of those men, I felt a huge burden lifted from my heart.

I felt liberated from my search. For the first time in my life, I knew the Truth - the Truth of Allah. It's now been over a year since I became a Muslim. Has it been easy? Have I had struggles, setbacks and doubts? However, the past year has been the best of my life. Allah has blessed me beyond belief. I've had a peace about me that is indescribable. And although I can't really describe how it feels, I know where it comes from it comes minute-after-minute, hour-after-hour, day-after-day, trying my best to follow Allah's true din religion, way of life.

My peace is knowing that Allah has revealed the Truth to me. To my Muslims brothers and sisters and all non-Muslims, may Allah guide us all to the right path. Most Read Poems What do you see when you look at me?

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Most Recent Poems Palestinian Boy. My Life as a Palestinian Boy. Repentance - A Supplication. A Piece of You Welcome to the new site again! Contact Us What's New? Home Library The Call of Islam. The most critical matter was the notion of Trinity. How could God have three parts, one of which was human?

The boy who asked, asked many questions about Trinity, received many answers, and was never satisfied.

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Finally, our teacher, a University of Michigan Professor of Theology, told him to pray for faith. When I was in high school, I secretly wanted to be a nun. I was drawn to the pattern of offering devotions at set times of day, of a life devoted entirely to God, and of dressing in a way that declared my religious lifestyle. I lived in a Midwestern town where Catholics were a distinct and unpopular minority! Furthermore, my protestant upbringing had instilled in me distaste for religious statuary, and a healthy disbelief that dead saints had the ability to help me.

In college, I continued to think and pray. Students often talk and argue about religion, and I heard many different ideas. Like Yusuf Islam, I studied the Eastern so-called religions: Buddhism, Confucianism, and Hinduism. I met a Muslim from Libya, who told me a little about Islam and the Quran. He told me that Islam is the modern, most up-to-date form of revealed religion.

My family took this Libyan brother to a Christmas church service. The service was breathtakingly beautiful, but at the end, he asked:. I told him about early Church history, but his question made me angry at first, and later made me think. Had the people who designed the worship service really been qualified to do so?

How had they known the form that worship should take? Had they had divine instruction? I went to church again, and sat and looked at the ministers in front. They were no better than the congregation—some of them were worse. How could it be true that the agency of a man, of any human being, was necessary for communion with God? Soon after this, I found a translation of the meaning of the Quran in a bookstore, bought it, and started to read it.

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I read it, off and on, for eight years. During this time, I continued to investigate other religions. I grew increasingly aware of and afraid of my sins.

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