Just Folks Earthy Tales of the Prairie Heartland

Earthy Tales of the Prairie Heartland is the first volume in the Just Folks series of short fiction stories by Jerry Engler that earned him the Heartland Reviews.
Table of contents

The day the Kaw delivered new life short story Engler's book, A Heartland Voice: Children's "nature deficit disorder" will grow as a health threat.

Ecological Tales

Children today are spending less time in direct contact with nature than did previous generations. The impacts are showing up not only in their lack of physical fitness, but also in the growing prevalence of hyperactivity and attention deficit. Studies show that immersing children in outdoor settings - away from television and video games - fosters more creative mental activity and concentration.

Pacific Northwest - Region Department of the Interior DOI agencies lauded Louv's book as a benchmark for reframing people-powered outdoor recreation experiences:. Not a medical term but a growing trend. In fact in flowery county Florida one public school outlaw swinging on the playground to head off lawsuits.

Digital Jaywalker

Here in California even a neighborhood with plenty of trees, tree houses are banned. Today's children are the first generation to be raised without meaningful contact with the natural world. Within the space of a few decades, the way children understand and experience nature has changed radically. Today, kids are more aware of the global threats to the environment, but their physical contact, their intimacy with nature is fading.

Product description

ISBN - April Many factors play into this situation; parents fear of having a safe outlet for their children to enjoy, more and more places are being regulated to discourage exploration and the technology available to our children. Families have precious little free time and the trend today is for outdoor educational opportunities to be posted on event calendars.

This is all well and good, but what if personal schedules do not match with scheduled events? An all too familiar situation and the children end up on the short end of the stick. League of Women Voters, We invite you to enjoy the images and words of classmates, friends and family. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Would you like to tell us about a lower price?

1st Set - Diamond Joe White with Nathan Tinkham playing The Roxy on Gabriola Island

If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Fourty five fiction short stories of humor, irony, history and nostalgia. They are fun reads for thoughtful people. Read more Read less. Review Engler writes with gentle warmth and sharp wit. To get the free app, enter mobile phone number.

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Hillsboro Free Press – Engler book-signing planned for Saturday

Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. If you like all of the above, you'll probably like this book. And if you've ever spent any time at all in any small town in America, you'll probably relate very easily to some of Mr.

  2. .

The fictional town in this book - Kawtown - is a marvelous place to visit and get acquainted with the author's many colorful characters. I especially liked his stories revolving around one of Kawtown's historic landmarks - The Deerhead Tavern.

  • thinkLets / Digital Jaywalker.
  • Customer reviews.
  • What if you were God?.
  • Just Folks: Earthy Tales of the Prairie Heartland - Jerry W. Engler - Google Книги.
  • Evolution and Ethics: Human Morality in Biological and Religious Perspective.
  • Lots of interesting things happen in and around The Deerhead almost every day, as they often do in the local meeting place in many a small town all across the land. If you like good stories and interesting characters, you'll probably like this book! Just leave it up to Jerry to entertain you with his stark and wholesome characters.

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    • This book is masterfully written by a real craftsman. Harlan Medlam and his naps. Ardon Vastou reveals the Kaw river as both a giver and taker. The wasps in the outhouse tale was by far the most hilarious of them all. Fans of humor will no doubt enjoy these 45 lovely short story gems. Yes, I truly believe this book can make a fence post giggle too.