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Through this subject students will analyse current education reform, and the debates that surround them, through careful examination of the relevant research literature. Students will develop key professional skills in research and policy critical analysis. Four main themes underpin the subject: 1 the relationship of schools to society, community and parents; 2 the role of school in preparing students for their future; 3 contemporary testing and standards reform; and 4 global and national neoliberal policy reform, including school funding, school markets, and choice-based reforms.

Through studying different case studies of debates and reform students will consider the variety of issues that underpin schooling practice, research and polices. This will include engaging with key debates surrounding schooling and equity, global competitiveness, Indigenous rights, sexuality, notions of deficit, gender and disability and ability.

Undergraduate subjects Graduate subjects Research subjects. There will remain the need for humans to manage transportation tracking and auditing, perform problem-solving, and occupy stakeholder contact roles such as sales and customer support communication. Take privacy as an example. Any digital economy professional needs to understand privacy and how it creates risk for organizations.

But that means grasping law and policy, business management, and technology. Modern professionals will need to bridge all of these fields.


The workforce of the future that is not completely displaced by this tech then needs the skills to utilize these technologies. Some broad skills I anticipate are interacting with machine learning systems, reasoning with underlying algorithms and embedded judgments, being comfortable delegating tactical decisions to those algorithms, etc. Without those basics in place, occupational training is insufficient. The anonymous director of evaluation and research at a university ranked in the top 10 in the U.

Two important domains of human comparative advantage are ill-structured problem solving and complex, persuasive communication.


Ironically, computers are most effective at teaching and assessing routine tasks, the kinds of things that we no longer need human beings to do. Large-scale learning, which generally depends on automated assessment, is most effective at teaching the kinds of skills and routine tasks that no longer command a living wage in the labor market. The internet enables us to teach and practice these skills in a unique and appropriate way by connecting and engaging people across geographies, backgrounds, ages, etc.

The future of skills is going to be one of continuous change and renewal, and any one special skill we can identify now will almost certainly be outdated in not too long. Creativity and critical thinking will be as important in the future as it is today, but beyond this we should be very careful not to arrogantly assume too much. And this is precisely why new programs, online and off, will be so crucial.

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Many cannot. Many participants mentioned the general categories of communication and people skills. No matter what kind of hard skills one comes to the workplace with, at the end of the day things always seem to boil down to people and communication challenges. Anonymous respondent. Many technical skills can be taught or learned online. Being able to learn how to learn and having the ability to problem solve will guide a successful workforce in the future. Human engagement is just as important, and increasingly more so as we shut ourselves off from others and engage digitally.

I wager empathy is harder to learn without physical interaction; however, continued discourse surrounding social issues around race, gender, etc. With that said, I think we would see benefit from physical schools focusing on human interaction and critical thinking with more trade-school-type offerings.

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Most everything else could be through online systems and could make higher education even more affordable and accessible. Additionally, with virtual reality having a comeback moment, the technology for a more interactive class will be more present. Debate is a most important skill that can be taught online, emphasizing the importance of preparation. A large proportion of traditionally working-class jobs will be taken by robots or AIs, and that workforce will need to be re-trained. Equally urgent is the need for our universities to stop behaving like factory farms churning out degrees mapped to job specs — as the business and technology landscape changes more and more rapidly, studying toward a specific job title and fixed skill set will become more and more untenable.

There has also been the emergence of a range of specialist positions that address the cutting edge of such literacies — under job titles such as data scientist or computational journalist, for instance. Across the creative industries, and beyond, the possession of such skills will increasingly serve as a differentiator between job applicants, and within organisational hierarchies in the workplace.

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Those who possess these skills are also more likely to branch out beyond their core disciplines and industries, as many such skills are inherently interdisciplinary and enable the worker to engage in a wider range of activities. Beyond generic digital literacies, some of the key areas I see as important are: 1 platform-specific literacies, e. Until the accreditation schemes for workers with these skills are standardised, which eventually they will be, we will continue to see leading workers in these areas … be able to enter the workplace on the basis of their demonstrated expertise and track record rather than on the basis of formal accreditation.

An anonymous principal consultant at a strategic change organization boiled it all down into two action steps. I see two important actions to consider: 1 Build a foundation — basic computer and network literacy, together with critical thinking skills, without emphasizing specifics — this allows new technologies to be place[d] within an existing context, and assimilated more quickly. Is long division worth learning when you always have a calculator?

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Is cursive worth learning if you type and text? We need to lose our nostalgia for how we learned, and equip our children with the most practical skills. Fast learners and self-starters, the bright, who are ahead or early on the hype curve, will overcome deficiencies in training courses. Several experts wrote about the likelihood that apprenticeship programs will be refashioned offline and online via evolving application of human knowledge and technology tools.

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  • Understanding Contemporary Education.

Anyone can learn anything online now. For those in industries that still demand degrees as currency, the requirements for degrees will change, continuing education will become more embedded in the workplace or new types of evaluation will become more popular. New credentialing systems will complement, not compete with, older iterations.

One will not be favored above the other in practice i. In the future, the technology will be advanced such that the modality — online or offline — is not the issue; rather, it is the size and intimacy of the learning environment that will matter. Formalized apprenticeships that require both technical skills and interpersonal interaction will become more important. As more people get degrees, university degrees will matter less, but that does not mean that higher education does not have its place.

Schools that are able to provide a more holistic learning experience that does not focus on a specific skill but is able to provide students with an interdisciplinary and social experience will become more valuable. John B. That said, there will still be a need in many areas for verifiable performance of complex skills and behaviors that may not be possible to be accomplished algorithmically.