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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. SOLOMON NORTHUP was born in and lived as a free man in Saratoga Springs, New York, with his wife and three.
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For 10 excruciating weeks, they suffered deprivations beyond imagining, confronting nature head-on at its most furious and inhospitable. And to survive, these men and women not only had to keep their faith; they had to make an impossible decision: Should they eat the flesh of their dead friends? Do you know me? On social networks and dating sites, his image and identity - a forty-year-old straight white male - had been used to hook countless women into believing in lies of love and romance. Was it all an ironic cosmic joke? Almost a decade prior, William himself had been living a lie that had lasted for more than twenty years.

His secret? He was a gay man, a fact he hid from his wife and two daughters for almost as long as he had hidden it from himself. At the dawn of the 20th century, the social unrest in Paterson, New Jersey was palpable. The burgeoning population ushered women into the workplace, grew suffragist sympathies, and produced an anarchist movement.

In this charged environment, Jennie Bosschieter, a year-old Dutch immigrant and mill worker, was murdered. Sorrow turned to shock when four wealthy, influential citizens were accused of killing her. In the aftermath of the Vietnam War, a young girl and her family were exiled from city-living in Saigon to the countryside of Vietnam and, ultimately, escaped to a small town in Texas. Part travelogue and part family drama, this quietly affecting immigrant memoir will make you laugh, cry, and hunger for more, all at the same time. Dopeworld is a bold and eye-opening exploration into the world of drugs.

Taking us on an unforgettable journey around the world, we trace the emergence of psychoactive substances and our relationship with them. Exploring the murky criminal underworld, the author has unparalleled access to drug lords, cartel leaders, hit men and government officials. It was the war that changed everything, and yet it's been mostly forgotten: in , Italy invaded Ethiopia. It dominated newspaper headlines and newsreels. It inspired mass marches in Harlem, a play on Broadway, and independence movements in Africa. As the British Navy sailed into the Mediterranean for a white-knuckle showdown with Italian ships, riots broke out in major cities all over the United States.

Twelve Years A Slave Unabridged edition

Molly Thomas is a feisty, independent soul, born on the Winter Solstice. At every stage of her life, she has faced troubles While Molly searches the streets for little Oliver, the police are called but her baby is gone. Why does trouble seem to follow Molly? And will she ever find out what happened to her child? December Girl is a tale of family bonds, love, revenge, and murder.

Twelve Years a Slave is an account of actual events that took place in the life of Solomon Northup, during the pre-Civil War era of the s. It follows the trials and tribulations of an educated African American man that was born into freedom and later kidnapped, taken away from his family, and forced into slavery. His story brings to life a shockingly common practice that took place during those times.

Twelve Years a Slave Audiobook | Solomon Northup |

In his journey, Northup, who is a native of Saratoga, New York, and has a wife with three kids, gets lured into leaving his home town by two circus promoters who ask him to accompany them to Washington, D. This trip, which he thought would only take a few days turned in to an unimaginable voyage of deceit and great misfortune. Those few days turned into 12 long years, in which Northup was placed back into slavery in the isolated plantation country of Louisiana's Bayou Boeuf where he quickly learned that the mere mention of his past freedom would result in severe punishments or possibly his own death.

His story takes a drastic turn when a heroic friend risks his own life to help deliver the news of Northup's whereabouts to his wife, in order to help him regain his freedom.

The Historian Who Unearthed “Twelve Years a Slave”

This heroic act could ultimately get Northup killed or help return him back home, to his family and freedom. What other book might you compare Twelve Years a Slave to and why? Of the many audio books that I have listened to, this is definitely one of the most beautifully written autobiographies. It gives an excellent firsthand account into the daily life and unfortunate occurrences that took place during that time in American history. Northup did a great job at putting his life events together in this book.

The story is also told very well by the narrator, making this a real pleasure to listen to. Cannot praise it any higher, it will make a wonderful addition to any library….

TWELVE YEARS A SLAVE by Solomon Northup - FULL AudioBook 🎧📖 - Greatest🌟AudioBooks 12

Any additional comments? This is a great book, I started listening to this on a long car ride and I couldn't stop listening. The first thing I noticed was how real the author is, this autobiography is written honestly without exaggeration. Not only is this story incredibly riveting and inspiring, but it is an important piece of history. Another high point of this audiobook is that the narrator is very easy to listen to.

His smooth voice reads though the book without distracting from the story. A truly excellent narrator for this excellent book. If you are considering giving this book a listen, I would highly recommend it.

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Would you recommend this audiobook to a friend? If so, why? This phenomenal book blasted off with a captivating prologue. Indeed this story depicts a free man betrayed into to slavery and it bears a unique plot which will stun unaware listeners. The conspiracy of his disappearance and redemption from slavery triggers goose bumps through my entire body. The exquisite characters were shining with glamorous descriptions and flawless execution thanks to the embodying of Stephen L. I enjoyed every millisecond of this exceptional story! Not only have I seen the Academy Award winning movie, but I have recently just listened to this Audio book.

This book goes into so much more detail and even touched on parts of the story that the movie left out or did not spend a whole lot of time on.

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Like the humans will surely prove to be. Vipin Bihari Shukla rated it it was amazing Apr 08, Michael Jose added it Feb 04, K marked it as to-read Nov 08, Dax marked it as to-read Feb 25, Caroline Asiedua marked it as to-read Apr 19, Seven Negen marked it as to-read Aug 17, Michael marked it as to-read Feb 23, Del marked it as to-read Aug 22, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Edwin A.

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Edwin A. From Biography Base: Edwin Abbott Abbott, English schoolmaster and theologian, is best known as the author of the mathematical satire Flatland He was educated at the City of London School and at St John's College, Cambridge, where he took the highest honours in classics, mathematics and theology, and became fellow of his college. In he took orders. After holding masterships at King From Biography Base: Edwin Abbott Abbott, English schoolmaster and theologian, is best known as the author of the mathematical satire Flatland Mortimer as headmaster of the City of London School in at the early age of twenty-six.

He was Hulsean lecturer in He retired in , and devoted himself to literary and theological pursuits.


Abbott's liberal inclinations in theology were prominent both in his educational views and in his books. In the twelfth year of his unforgettable odyssey, Solomon's chance meeting with a Canadian abolitionist will forever alter his life. Written by Fox Searchlight. Let's define difficult, shall we? Is it difficult to see the first openly gay politician gunned down by his closeted colleague?

Is it difficult to see a reformed convict put to death by our country for his crimes? Is it difficult to see a mother choose which one of her children dies during the Holocaust? I'd argue that these answers add up to a resounding yes. Yet, no one threw those phrases of "too difficult" around. I've watched hundreds of films throughout my short year history and I've seen some difficult cinema. Steven Spielberg's "Schindler's List" can make anyone quiver in shame as it shows the despicable reality of the Holocaust. Paul Greengrass' "United 93", which is almost an emotional biopic of America's darkest hour, makes me want to crawl up into a ball and cry.

And finally, Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ", one of the highest grossing films of all-time, shows the labor of our sins fleshed out into the beaten skin of an honest man.

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And still, no one threw these hyperbolic terms out saying, "it's too hard watch. Is it the guilt of someone's ancestors manifesting it in your tear ducts? I can't answer that. Only the person who says it can. The structure of this country is built on the backs and blood of slaves.