PDF Tuning Into the Holy Spirit : A Guide to Hearing and Following the Voice of God

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I have good news -- God wants to speak to us, and yes, we can 'know' that we in response to my article, The Harness of the Holy Spirit in which a leondumoulin.nl us in John , "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. . to relate to Him, He has given us these clear principles in the Bible to guide us.
Table of contents

Equipping people to pursue God's glory

The problem that I had as a young musician was that I could never hear my own out-of-pitch sound. I was off key but so was everyone else around me. Besides we were not thinking about pitch. We were focused upon loud and soft noise mainly loud. When I got to high school, marching was added to the musical experience. I was more interested in avoiding horse pucky in a parade than in matching my tone to the true sound.

So I never learned to hear dissonant pitch. By the way, my band instructor solved the problem in my senior year by exchanging my trombone for a whistle and making me the drum major. As Christian leaders, however, we can not afford to avoid dissonant voices that rumble through our souls.

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Parker Palmer uses the metaphor of light and shadow and puts it this way. But by failing to look at our shadow, we feed a dangerous delusion that leaders too often indulge: that our efforts are always well intended, our power is always benign, and the problem is always in those difficult people whom we are trying to lead. It is so much easier to deal with the external world, to spend our lives manipulating material and institutions and other people instead of dealing with our own souls.

We like to talk about the outer world as if it were infinitely complex and demanding, but it is a cakewalk compared to the labyrinth of our inner lives! In Luke 4 Jesus is led into the desert where he engaged the devil. The shadow of darkness tempted him with the same offers that his followers have faced since the dawn of time.

He was taunted to prove his position and relationship with miraculous power. Parker Palmer says that when leaders are insecure about their identity and worth, they sometimes develop an extroverted personality as a way to cope with their self doubt. They plunge into activity to prove that they are worthy.

Behind our self-doubt there often lurks an image of God that is harsh and critical. That image may require us to prove our worthiness. For example, I carry on a running conversation with someone in my head trying to convince that I use my time in a wise and effective manner. For years I thought that the being in my brain was God. But as I have listened and reflected on Scripture, I have concluded that the image is more often of my own making.

That security was the source of his power. On the journey from the Jordan to Jerusalem he was able to wait upon His Father to provide what he needed. And he was able to freely give himself to others rather than use others to satisfy his own ego needs.

Hearing God's Voice

If self-doubt is one out-of-tune sound in our heads that must be distinguished from the true voice of the Father, self inflation is another. Many of us in leadership live with the unexamined conviction that if anything decent is going to happen here, we are the ones who must make it happen. This sound is called functional atheism. This shadow causes pathology on every level of our lives. It leads us to impose our will on others, stressing our relationships, sometimes to the point of breaking. It often eventuates in burnout, depression and despair, as we learn that the world will not bend to our will and we become embittered about that fact.

They may use activity to bury their feelings of disappointment, sadness, fatigue, or longing. But our gracious God does not want us to hide our true selves from Him. He invites us to bring all of our sounds to his music room. Because of my limited abilities, I spent most of my musical career stuck in third chair.

The score was not as complicated and the notes not as high as the people who played first trombone. My best friend, however, played first chair trombone and he eagerly helped me tune my instrument or figure out a difficult piece when I asked him.

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In addition to making space to listen, immersing ourselves in Scripture, discerning the voices of our shadow side, we also need others who know us well to help us hear. I am an introvert by nature and I tend to trust my own instinct above the opinion of others. But my instinct has failed me on a number of occasions so as I have gotten older, I have learned to include others in my decision making processes.

When I am trying to make an important decision, I often ask my wife and a few close friends for their counsel. I have grown to trust their advice.

Hearing God's Voice

I look for collaboration between their words, the words of Scripture, and my own instinct as I seek the pathway ahead. This was true even for the lonely prophets of old. They usually had a companion or a company of prophets that helped them discern the ways of the Lord. Knowing the voice of the Lord is not like listening to a telephone call. If only it were that easy. For me the experience is more akin to the dawning of a new day.

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When the first rays of light filter through the morning mist, the sky turns ever so slowly from a deep blackness to a dark grayness. The still air seems to take on a hopeful expectancy. Gradually the gray becomes softer and lighter. Then a lonely little bird will announce daybreak and suddenly his friends will join him in song for the new day. Though the sky may still be dark and the stars shining, night is over and a new day has begun. I had a sense that a silent benevolent force was present. It felt spacious and good. I noticed that I felt more grateful for the little things of life- flowers, smiles, and children playing.

Scripture reading captured my attention more. The Word had a new energy that I had not detected before. Prayer felt more comfortable.

For some reason I was less concerned about saying the right words and more concerned about simply being present and attentive. The causes that I gave myself to seemed more important, though my role in the cause seemed less necessary. This change has happened very slowly over many years.

Hearing God speak is filled with such wonder and mystery. Tuning my life to his music is a life long effort. In the forty days following his resurrection, Jesus prepared his disciples for the time when he would be with them but invisible. On one occasion he appeared to two of his followers walking on the road to Emmaus.

To Hear the Voice of the Lord

A few hours later when the two were debriefing the experience, they said. No one else had that effect on them. In music, when two sounds are matched in pitch, the air resonates with a stronger, fuller melody. The notes are bright and clear. Father, Son, and Spirit were perfectly in tune when Jesus returned to Galilee and his human body resonated with the majestic power of God. Everyone who saw him was in awe. That same resonant sound is offered to us as well because Jesus promises to be with us.

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. One of the great benefits of being on staff with InterVarsity is the expectation that you will take a monthly day of retreat. Some stories in the Bible comfort us like a warm cup of chocolate on a cold day.

How Most of Our Prayer Times Look

Others haunt us like a bad dream that we would rather forget. Some stories draw us in with an intriguing main character that we want to emulate, while other stories pursue us like a hound dog on the hunt.

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Since , the story of Jacob has been all of those things for me. I have studied him, read novels and commentaries, lead Bible studies, painted pictures, and written poetry about him. His story captivates me still. The term refers to the space of time that begins with the last prayer service of the day called Compline and ends with the first prayer service the following morning.