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The Steam House is an Jules Verne novel recounting the travels of a group of British Followed by, Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon An alternate title by which the book was known - "The End of Nana Sahib" - refers to the is named Behemoth and together with two carriages, it is called the Steam House.
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Collector's Edition. Limited Edition. Vintage Paperback. Language see all. Topic see all. Action, Adventure.

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  • You Even Make My Dog Smile: A Teacher Remembers;
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Literature, Modern. Mystery, Thriller. Science Fiction. Printing Year see all. Author see all.

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Jules Verne Filter Applied. Region see all. Condition see all. Not Specified. Under ILS 1, Over ILS 2, Please provide a valid price range. Buying Format see all. Hetzel's advice improved Verne's writings, which until then had been rejected and rejected again by other publishers. Hetzel read a draft of Verne's story about the balloon exploration of Africa, which had been rejected by other publishers on the ground that it was "too scientific".

With Hetzel's help, Verne rewrote the story and in it was published in book form as Five Weeks in a Balloon. Acting on Hetzel's advice, Verne added comical accents to his novels, changed sad endings into happy ones, and toned down various political messages. From that point on, and for nearly a quarter of a century, scarcely a year passed in which Hetzel did not publish one or more of his stories. The most successful of these include: Doctor Ox in Verne became wealthy and famous.

Eight Hundred Leagues On The Amazon by Jules Verne (Book Reading, British English Female Voice)

The last years On March 9, , as Verne was coming home, his twenty five year old nephew, Gaston, with whom he had entertained lengthy and affectionate relations, charged at him with a gun. As the two wrestled for it, it went off. The second bullet entered Verne's left leg and Gaston spent the rest of his life in an asylum.

The incident was hushed up by the media. After the deaths of Hetzel and his beloved mother in , Jules began writing works that were darker, such as a story of a lord of a castle infatuated with an opera singer who turns out to be just a hologram and a recording, and others concerned with death.

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In , he entered politics and was elected town councillor of Amiens where he championed several improvements and served for 15 years. In , Jules Verne wrote a novel called Paris in the 20th Century about a young man who lives in a world of glass skyscrapers, high-speed trains, gas-powered automobiles, calculators, and a worldwide communications network, yet cannot find happiness, and comes to a tragic end.

Hetzel thought the novel's pessimism would damage Verne's then booming career, and suggested he wait 20 years to publish it. Verne put the manuscript in a safe, where it was discovered by his great-grandson in It was published in Reputation in English-speaking countries While in France and many other countries Verne is considered an author of quality youth books with good command of his subjects - especially technological, but also political ones, his reputation in English-speaking countries has for a long time suffered from poor translation.

Voyages Extraordinaires by Jules Verne (Original 54 Books List)

Characteristically for much of late 19th century writing, Verne's books often take a quite chauvinistic point of view. Especially the British Empire was frequently portrayed in a bad light, and so the first English translator, Reverend Lewis Page Mercier writing under a pseudonym, cut out many such passages, for example those describing the political actions of Captain Nemo in his incarnation as an Indian nobleman. Mercier and subsequent British translators also had trouble with the metric system that Verne used - sometimes simply dropping significant figures, at other times keeping the nominal value and only changing the unit to an Imperial measure.

XXXII 95 : — Retrieved 24 February Works by Jules Verne. Doctor Ox Yesterday and Tomorrow Book Category. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history.