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An International Affair Ashok Iyengar, Laura Dallape. The Road East An International Affair Ashok Iyengar Order this book online at or email.
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The book Eurasian project of Nursultan Nazarbayev which has been brought to life.

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Tair Mansurov consistently reveals the historical role of the Eurasian project as a key tool for effective economic and social development, which opens new opportunities and prospects for the post-Soviet countries. The publication is addressed to a wide circle of readers, scientists, specialists in public administration and international relations, as well as anyone interested in modern history. The book sets forth in details the issues of philosophy of Eurasianism, considers the main aspects of this global project of Nursultan Nazarbayev, analyzes the main stages of economic integration of post-Soviet states which have become, in essence, the embodiment of this project: establishment of the Eurasian Economic Community, the Customs Union and the Common Economic Space and, in the long view, the Eurasian Economic Union.

Promotion of the Eurasian integration has become a matter of life of the Kazakhstan leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, who has managed to convince in the effectiveness of the integration ideas not only the Presidents of Russia Vladimir Putin and Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, but also other leaders of post-Soviet states. Now, with their active participation, the Eurasian project is being progressively implemented.

One way is, in our view, implementation of the integration potential of the initiative on creation of the Eurasian Union, reflecting the objective logic of the post-Soviet space and the will of people to integration. The International Summit of Journalism will be aimed at raising questions about the role of the journalism in the conditions of global crisis as well as innovations in media, existing and developing tools for journalistic work with vast and complex economic data and presentation of such complex information in ways that are both engaging and appealing to the audience.

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The open dialogue platform will be become a basis for discussion of actual problems of the modern day journalism, especially one focused on economic and financial topics. In addition, current trends and developments in media, including technological innovations, will also be the focus of the discussion. Media holdings, periodicals, individual journalists, IT companies, individual developers and collaborative projects between journalists and developers are eligible to apply.

The journalistic project, which will manage to present complex economic information through the use of new technologies and instruments so as to make it easier for comprehension and increase the engagement of the general public in the economic problems of the global community, will win.

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The exhibition will be a meeting point for outstanding media, developers, academia and practitioners of the industry with extensive experience in the field, who are ready to demonstrate their achievements, media tools and technologies and new practices of building information business and knowledge base in the field of economic journalism. Within a month, from now until the end of April, about 50 online video sessions are planned to be held on the G-Global info-communication platform.

For the first time in international practice, speakers at the VII AEF and II WAC will be able to discuss key issues, urgent problems of the world economy, as well as express their views concerning upcoming events in online mode. Video conferencing in online mode enables a maximum number of participants to conduct productive discussions, preparing the ground for the recommendations that will emerge from the sessions of the VII AEF and II WAC. Mirrlees is considered as one of the pioneers of a new field of research related to access to information among participants in the process of making economic decisions.

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Shop for Books on Google Play Browse the world's largest eBookstore and start reading today on the web, tablet, phone, or ereader. Ashok Iyengar , Laura Dallape.

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