Guide The Lottery: And they say money cant buy happiness...

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Does winning the lottery even make you happier? how much money you have, that other things matter more, that we can't solve all our between higher income and happiness, but it can be tricky to say for sure that it's the.
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Also see: An year Harvard study claims to have found the gateway to happiness. Alessandra Malito is a personal finance reporter based in New York. Economic Calendar Tax Withholding Calculator. Retirement Planner. Sign Up Log In. Home Personal Finance. Winning the Mega Millions will make you rich, but not necessarily happier.

By Alessandra Malito. Comment icon. Text Resize Print icon.

By Alessandra Malito Reporter. More from MarketWatch This is what home buyers are having to do to compete in this market Eat, travel and have fun on the cheap all summer long This is how long you should keep airline credit cards.

5 Reasons Why Money Can’t Buy You Happiness

Alessandra Malito. Perhaps it was because they were purchased for a specific and time-limited goal, one that would only last years. For one thing, it remains in almost showroom-new condition. The best purchase that brought long-lasting happiness was a family vacation to Kauai several years ago.

It was expensive, yet worth every cent. Another recent study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies looked at the concept of spending money on other people and how that experience affected their levels of happiness.

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In a second study, they found that participants recalling that when they spent money on others and it had a positive impact were happiest. One that comes to mind was when we had to go out of town and there was a leak in our irrigation.

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Our neighbor called us and the water department and supervised while the leak was inspected, and water turned off at the house. She kept us informed the entire time and went out of her way to help us out. The gift was sincerely meant as a thank-you, and I was very happy that it brought her joy.

Money can buy happiness. Here's how - Reuters

Neuroeconomists from the University of Zurich found that promising to be generous and being even a little bit generous both enhanced happiness afterward. In other words, the amount of their generosity was not the key, but the fact that they wanted to be generous. Study participants who were generous only for their own self-interests, however, were not as happy afterward. Just promising to be generous activated the areas associated with altruism and happiness. Intent alone was enough to generate a neural change, long before any action was taken.

My experience: As a child, our family had what I would characterize as modest means. I do recall being envious of some of the grade school kids who lived in houses and had large yards, lots of store-bought toys and fancy new clothes and the girls wore something different to school every day.