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The Cry of the Soul: How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions About God Paperback – March 1, ​ An excerpt from the foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada: “With the book you are holding, you have stumbled upon the best of guides.​ Tremper Longman III explore what Scripture says.
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It said:. I closed my eyes and savored the words. I thought of each of the immediate problems that were bothering me, and repeated the sentence, as an application over the problem statement. We love problems. Our ego thrives on problems. Even when everything is going as planned, we find a way to create conflicts, issues, and unhappiness in our own lives. We allow our fears of the future and regrets from the past to consume much of our conscious attention. We feel that we are unable to let go of grievances, of unfairness that we endured, of regrets.

We feel unable to forgive someone who has hurt us, or seemingly took advantage of us, or who treated us unfairly. Once and only once. And there is nothing I can do to change it. It is what it is. This moment is all that we have. This moment is the only thing that is real, and in this moment, life happens. Accept and allow the past to be.

Photo: Cindy Loughridge flickr stream. Nobody will benefit this more than you. And by you being well, you will spread the fragrance of wellness, compassion and joy to others who come in contact with you.

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Being unable to forgive is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. It pollutes our inner space and disturbs our inner stillness. Know that by forgiving them, we are liberating ourselves to enjoy a happier future. We have nothing to prove.

The Cry of the Soul : How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions about God

Deepak Chopra has a guided meditation CD that includes the forgiveness process. If you are having a hard time doing so on your own, I recommend it. A better way to spend our energy, I believe, is to focus on something that we do want.

If you found out that you were going to die tomorrow, or within the next month. Would you still be holding on to your regrets, resentments and problems? Make the images as real as possible, and feel the feelings of being in that position. Now, imagine all the things you might regret not doing in your life time. Write them down, as fast as possible, without editing.

Alternatively, imagine all the things you are grateful for from your life things that your older self has experienced , things that are most important to your older self, during the last stages of your life. Write them down. In your current state of consciousness, these are the things most important to you. Make these your priorities, and focus on these things, instead of things from your past that haunt you and hurt you. Create time for yourself, every week everyday if you are brave to spend on something you are passionate about.

Do something that expresses your creatively, or something that you enjoy quietly. Listen to your heart and follow its whispers of desire. Take up drawing, acting, dancing, cooking, singing, jogging, music, photography, or writing. Get lost in a wonderful book. Work on a project that aligns with what you want to see exist in this world. Trust me, in time, you will find your passion.

In the meantime, to do something that feeds your soul. Momentarily, I find myself slipping and giving into the allures of my mind and pain-body. Please be patient with yourself when this happens. I found it helpful to post visual cues around the house to remind me of the power I have in shifting my emotional state.

I have printed and posted the following on my wall near my desk:. Accept the past as the past, and accept that everything happened which serves us for a happier future. Find a quote or a saying that you connect with, and helps to ground you to the power of the present moment. Either post it on a wall where you can see it, or put it on a small card and carry it with you in a journal or wallet.

Life is a journey of experiences, of learning, of growth, of loving, and ultimately, of contribution. But among the hectic demands of daily life, we forget why we are here and what matters to us most. Our judgment becomes clouded, and we forget to connect authentically and intimately with others.

The Cry of the Teacher's Soul

Whether you are preparing for future Bible studies or daily readings, this study Bible for men and women is the ideal resource for lifelong discipleship. Contains 36 colorful inch x inch posters and 4 colorful inch x inch maps that are perfect for classroom use with small groups. This tote is the perfect bag to help carry all of your essentials. The scripture Psalms is elegantly displayed on this bag and surrounded by adorable floral detail. Fill it with Bible study materials or even groceries.

Text: Be still and know.

How Our Emotions Reveal Our Deepest Questions About God

It is designed to involve and engage the audience congregation in celebration as they join the choir in singing. Many of the songs have specific places where the congregation worships with the choir. Some offer the opportunity to sing along on the entire song. The Accompaniment DVD clearly labels where the congregation is invited to sing and where the choir sings alone.

Lyric Files are also available to accomplish this if not using the DVD. The Carols of Christmas will be a great resource this Christmas and for years to come, combining choir and congregation in joyful celebration!


As kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion. LifeWay Kids Ministry Groups Ministry. Women's Ministry. Young Adult Ministry. Student Ministry. So often we find ourselves caught between extremes -either we feel too much or not at all.

We tend to ignore our feelings or fight them off as if they were an enemy. We want to control our negative emotions and dark desires.

The Cry of My Soul

God wants us to recognize them as the cry of our soul to be made right with Him. Beginning with the Psalms, Dr. Dan Allender and Dr.