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Ballesteros Possu, William Carbon storage potential of windbreaks on agricultural lands of the continental United States. Bass, Katherine L Rape culture and sexual slang: A structured action approach. Bautista, Rene An examination of sources of error in exit polls: Nonresponse and measurement error.

Behrens, Sarah Lynne Graph centers, hypergraph degree sequences, and induced-saturation. Blenner, Jordan A Sexual minority stigma and system justification theory: How changing the status quo impacts marriage and housing equality.

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Bliss, Angela C Springtime melt onset on arctic sea ice from satellite observations and related atmospheric conditions. Bohaty, Janet J The effects of expository text structure instruction on the reading outcomes of 4th and 5th graders experiencing reading difficulties. Boosalis, Alexander George Ellipsometric characterization of silicon and carbon junctions for advanced electronics.

Boreddy, Sreenivasula Reddy Radiofrequency-assisted thermal processing for improving microbiological safety of low-moisture food powders. Bossman, Dorothy M The disabled teacher: A memoir of an interrupted pedagogical career, a life with a chronic illness, and an encounter with real barriers to inclusive education.

Boster, Daniel Eric Teaching writing as practice: A collaborative inquiry into the development of a mindful writing pedagogy in the era of accountability.

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Braun, William E The evolution of the cello endpin and its effect on technique and repertoire. Brown, Jessica A Assessing planning and execution of immediate and prospective memory tasks by adults with acquired brain injury. Budhiraja, Gaurav Low-intensity therapeutic ultrasound: Role of frequency and its impact on the mechanosensitive signaling processes in chondrocytes. Camara, Cristiane Rodrigues S Synergistic effects of phenolic compounds on Candida albicans DNA conformational changes during yeast-tohyphae transition.

Campbell, Breanne S From literacy to literacies: Megotiating multiple literacies in the English classroom. Cao, Yichun Motivation of Chinese frontline employees in a foreign-funded manufacturing company: A mixed methods study. Castle, Katherine M Illness narratives of women with systemic lupus erythematosus and family communication: A mixed methods study. Chadwell, Mindy R The impact of treatment exposure, trauma, and caregiver involvement in therapy on children's response to behavioral treatment.

Chao, Michael Impact of wet distillers grains plus solubles and antioxidants on a basic mechanism of beef tenderization. Charntikov, Sergios Double dissociation of the anterior and posterior dorsomedial caudate-putamen in the acquisition and expression of associative learning with the nicotine stimulus. Charoenruk, Nuttirudee Interviewer voice characteristics and data quality. Chen, Jiajia Multiphysics modeling to enhance understanding of microwave heating of food in domestic ovens.

Chen, Yifeng An adaptive corridor-wide signal timing optimization methodology for traffic networks with multiple highway-rail grade crossings.

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Chernyavskiy, Pavel On the analysis of event-related potential and electroencephalographic data: Spatio-temporal modeling, variography, and simulation. Christ, Beau Michael A visual analysis of articulated motion complexity based on optical flow and spatial-temporal features. Cohen, Marc J Principal leadership in high-performing, high-poverty elementary schools. Cordonier, Elizabeth Characterizing the effects of both synthetic and natural inhibitors on the function of holocarboxylase synthetase and lipid metabolism.

Creech, Cody F Herbicide application technology impacts on herbicide spray characteristics and performance. Crespo, Roberto Javier Impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the physiology of maize genotypes under variable nitrogen and phosphorus levels. Dai, Ting Wind power trading in the competitive electricity market. Das, Anshuman Role of interferon stimulated genes in regulation of the innate antiviral response during vesicular stomatitis virus infection.

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Davidson, Charlie A Event-related potential correlates of social and nonsocial cognitive processes related to schizotypy. Davis, C. Bryan Strategic indicators at Assemblies of God colleges. Davis, Chelsi Klentz An evaluation of the impact of a couples enrichment program on relationship satisfaction, communication, conflict resolution, and forgiveness.

Dhoubhadel, Sunil P Three essays on biofuels, drought, livestock, and the environment. Diaz, Chandra C One foot in, one foot out: A qualitative study of frequently truant Latino high school graduates who nearly dropped out. Du, Zhe Applications of quantitative proteomics in environmental science and engineering. Dyer, S. W The strict higher Grothendieck integral. Eck, Adam Dewane Reflective, deliberative agent-based information gathering. Eckerson, Janet Marie Teacher perspectives on professional development needs for better serving Nebraska's Spanish heritage language learners.

Elshimi, Ghada Self-authorship in Egyptian first year students. Ewalt, Joshua P Rhetorical constellations: On the materiality and mobility of arrangement and invention. Fakhrazari, Amin Predictive analytics in smart power systems. Fakthongphan, Juthamas Potential of red wheats to donate genes influencing pre-harvest sprouting of white wheats, independent of grain color.

Fortune, Andre L Practical applications for student affairs: A phenomenological exploration of how black male undergraduate persisters describe retention and social integration at a midwestern PWI.


Frels, Katherine Anna Using canopy spectral reflectance to estimate nitrogen use traits in hard winter wheat. Gernhart, Zane Charles Synthesis and characterization of rare earth ceramic nanomaterials. Gilbert, Ashley Danielle An exploration of the use of and the attitudes toward technology in first-year instrumental music. Gill, Michele Value and contribution of the participation in intercollegiate athletics on the personal development of community college-aged students. Giri, Anil Kumar Relationships between weather variability, agricultural production variablilty and food security.

Gordon, Casey J Addressing security risks for mobile devices: What higher education leaders should know. Grunin, Elizabeth A A performance guide for the unaccompanied cello compositions by Mieczyslaw Weinberg. Haak, Danielle M Bioenergetics and habitat suitability models for the Chinese mystery snail Bellamya chinensis. Habrock, Bary A case study: Exploring the experiences of administrators and teacher leaders in a Midwestern turnaround school. Hall, Elisha An evaluation and exploration of nutrition education in elementary schools.

Harris, Jacqueline H The buried life of the facts of life: Female physical development in nineteenth-century British coming-of-age literature. Harshbarger, Dena K Exploring preservice teachers' perceptions of differentiated science instruction. Hart, Noelle M Resilience thinking and structured decision making in social-ecological systems. Hartwell, John F Methodology for assessing municipal solid waste using a large-diameter borehole.

Harvey, Elise J Bringing consumer socialization into the 21st century: A grounded theory approach to consumer socialization in multiracial families. Hauptman, Phillip H Mobile technology in college instruction: Faculty perceptions and barriers to adoption.

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Hillis, Sally Jean Spanhake How a healthy population acquires exercise and nutrition information: A mixed methods study. Hilton, Jacob Barely touch the blues: A novel. Hoff, Sarah M Self-protective behaviors and campus threat assessment. Hollister, Brandon A Exposure and responses to pre-incident behavior in a college student sample. Hong, Hyun Subjective perception of varying reflection densities in room impulse responses.

Houston, James A Coaching for change: Amount of instructional coaching support to transfer science inquiry skills from professional development to classroom practice. Hova, Mevi Redefining the African diaspora: Migration, identity, and gender narratives in diasporic West African women's fiction. Huang, Lei Followers' constructive voice and leaders' reactions to voice: A self-enhancement perspective. Hunt, EricDaniel Analyzing the relationship of soil moisture and biophysical variables in wet and dry seasons at a rainfed and irrigated field in eastern Nebraska.

Hurlbut, Sheri L Exploring foreign language classroom-based assessment through subject-specific professional development: A participatory action research case study. Hustad, Andrew W The cultural integration experience of chinese immigrant teachers in the United States: An interpretative phenomenological analysis.

Hwang, Soon Ye Classrooms as creative learning communities: A lived curricular expression. Jain, Kanika Influence of extremophily and parasitism on the evolutionary dynamics of plant mitochondrial genomes.

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Johnson Jorgensen, Jennifer Elizabeth Influence of parents, peers, internet product search and visual social media on college students' purchase behavior: A mixed methods study. Kalutskaya, Irina N Trajectories of anxious withdrawal in early childhood. Kammer, Sean M Land and law in the age of enterprise: A legal history of railroad land grants in the Pacific Northwest, Kang, Inhae Mechanisms by which dietary ellagic acid attenuates obesity and obesity-mediated metabolic complications.

Kasabian, Alian Serae Capturing the gendiverse: A test of the gender self-perception scale, with implications for survey data and labor market measures.