PDF Take the Confusion out of Writing for the Baby Bar

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I can barely work hrs per week as the majority of my job is computer related. I will get to see a Neurologist on Dec 2nd. I just read about what your goin through I was wondering how your appointment went. Last year I was also in an accident and had a brain aneurysm and I hit my head really hard which caused me to have very severe migraines where I would even say to people that my head was hurting so bad it felt like my brain was bleeding and I would just fall asleep out of nowhere for almost a whole day then I kept losing things after that I started to become really confused and completely out of it and suffered a stroke then hit my head in a dark room passed out and woke up in the ambulance but the stroke is what saved my life because I got taking to the emergency room and that's where they noticed I would need brain surgery.

This was a little over a year ago now I'm doing good. Hope your doing alright and everything goes ok with the neurologist. Taken to the ER.

CT was done, and, laceration above eye took 8 stitches. After BP came down a bit I was sent home. Since the I have had some blood out of the nose nostril on that side of the injury. Consulted my doctor who said it was probably a sinus problem, not, related to the injury. Today when I blew my nose even more blood came out of that nostral. Should I be concerned? Hi, I got a very bad hit on the back of my head by the hand-held steel shower while showering last Sunday.

I started feeling headache and nausea after an hour and the headache continued till next day night. But the swelling on head is still there even after 5 days of hit. After reading this article I am getting a strong feeling that concussion happened to me. I facing difficulty in work. In last 2 days I did the easiest work thrice by repeatedly doing the silly mistakes. I am feeling that am losing concentration on things, Need your suggestion on this.

Hope i will get a reply for this. Thank you for the useful information. PS: I am suffering from Headache not confirmed whether it is migraine or something else from last few years. I had a mild concussion that was not complicated by anything per the CT scan.

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I had no problem with the physical rest but the mental rest was creating horrible boredom. The idea physicians have is that they will send a patient home because family members are more likely to know than the head injury patient that something is wrong. However, in my case I was on the computer blogging until 3 a. The next day, weakness set in to my right arm and wrist. The blow to my head was near the left side eye orbit. I had NOT been counseled in any way by the Urgent Care or the doctor appointment I had with my primary care about weakness and what to make of that, so I just went with the fact that my CT was okay and ignored it.

Now I have horrible eyestrain.

I have light sensitivity. I have disrupted sleep. And I feel like my right hand — I'm right handed — is so clumsy and weak that if I didn't know any better I would suspect a stroke. Now get this: Everyone these days is addicted to their screens. When I asked them to stop after a week of being bothered with daily text messages, they got mad at me. I'm the one with the head injury but in my family THEY are the ones who need to be accommodated. My message to doctors and health professionals is not to assume the patient is better off at home.

I didn't rest my brain at all possibly because of the judgment-impairing effects of the head injury and possibly because I got the false impression in the first 72 hours of my concussion that it was so mild. In summary, I'm the worse for what was diagnosed as a "mild concussion" wherein I didn't take the "rest your brain" advice seriously. As a result, I have pins and needles going down my right arm and weakness in my right wrist and hand. I was in a lot of pain from the fall after the concussion and simply went to a chiropractor for help.

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I was certain at the time that I didn't seriously injure anything but in hindsight I think the people who evaluated me should have taken my account with a grain of salt since that was possibly the "head injury" talking. I very well may have inured my neck falling sideways onto my left side, at which point my head hit a metal security door, and that may accounts for my neuropathy and weakness.

Unfortunately, I will never know for sure because nobody ordered any X-rays that's three medical appointments if you count the chiropractor. Meanwhile, my spouse who took time off work to watch over me per the instructions is now back at work and I do NOT feel safe to drive.

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Beyond being tired, I feel like I am drugged in some way ever since the fall. In closing, when I read comments above that some people went to the hospital with memory loss and other more severe symptoms than I had and weren't even given a CT scan — or in my case no evaluation for spinal injury — I cringe at the lack of judgment medical providers had for people who weren't in their "right mind" to advocate for themselves in their post-head injury condition.

So here's my message: If you find yourself in this situation, no matter if it's two days or two years, ask for an MRI or CT scan in the event you suspect there are problems or even if you don't. Second if you have an addiction to your computer and smartphone or you know your family and friends can't pick up a phone and TALK vs.

At least that way your brain might actually have some time to heal. Mine didn't and my symptoms have become worse as a result of not giving my mind a break I was too bored to rest in bed and watched too much TV, looked at my tablet too much, wrote a blog to the wee hours of the morning and kept receiving and responding to texts on my phone.

The daily eyestrain is horrible and, in addition to the weakness I now feel on the right side of my body, I feel like someone stuffed a sock up the left side of nose pain down the septum. The worst of it is, everyone thinks they can continue attaching me to the electronic leash that is my smarthphone — and I'm not allowed, apparently, to tell them "No". Ok, so the first thing I'm going to tell you is that every concussion is different. There are a lot of variables that determine how bad a person's injury is and when they will heal.

Some of those variables include how hard you hit your head, where you hit your head, and your individual brain and genetics. Doctors cannot give a specific date when you should be healed because the brain is so complex and unique. I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Brain injuries, even the mildest concussion, can affect someone greatly. Seeing how you passed out and a car fell on your head, I think that your concussion is not very mild.

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I'm not a professional so I can't tell you exactly what to do or when you will be better, but I can tell you that you are not alone. A lot of doctors are so frustrating and they usually don't know what they are doing, unfortunately. I recommend either going back to that doctor or another one if you can, and see if there are other ways to get help, such as concussion therapy.

I can't tell you that this will be easy or that you will get better soon, although I wish it were that easy. I wish the best of luck to you! Last year I got a really bad concussion. I was climbing on my sink in my bathroom to get something from above the mirror and I slipped and fell across the bathroom and hit my head on the tub.

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My mom took me to the hospital because I couldn't remember anything at the time and I couldn't feel my head. My mom told them what she thought had happened and that I couldn't remember anything or feel my head or my neck. After she told them, they left me in a hospital room for 4 hours and sent us home without ANY scans. They told my mom to wake me up a few times during the night to make sure I was okay. I still didn't remember anything from the last week, but I started to remember important stuff.

I ended up not being able to read or write for 9 months. I couldn't feel my head or neck for 7 months. I couldn't do anything for 8 months. I couldn't look at any screens for 8 months. It has been 18 months and I can function normally again! After 97 therapy appointments vision therapy, vestibular therapy, and Cervical therapy I am back to almost normal!

I still can't do math like I used to be able to, but I got really lucky! The doctors ended up 5 months into having a concussion doing x-rays and scans. I could have easily died and I am so grateful to be here today! I hope my story helped someone! Okay so around I fell out of a moving car on the back of my head and while I was trying to grab onto the car I landed head first And 2 weeks ago I felt my head where I hurt and there is a lot of loose skin there that was never there Usually sleeping it off always works nowadays I still wake up with them there and pounding out my ears.

What do you guys think I should do?! Do you not have accident compensation? NZ accidents get free treatment including MRIs There are forms you can fill out at the hospital if you cannot afford your have this done. There should be some kind of fund to help pay for your treatment. Otherwise, go to your local human services office and apply for Title 19 or Medicaid.

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Good luck! The obvious answer would be to go see a doctor. Don't be scared to have yourself checked. It's more frightening to have unknown health issues that you think could be linked to a critical injury. It's very important to seek medical attention to clarify what's going on. The first was falling down on a flight of stairs.