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Programs have been canceled. With the exception of kitchen workers, none of the inmates can leave their dorms. CCA says Winn was never put on lockdown due to staffing shortages. The unit manager tells me to shadow one of the two floor officers, a burly white Marine veteran. His name is Jefferson, and as we walk the floor an inmate asks him what the lockdown is about. The first two words out of my mouth: pay raise. If the captain rejects it, they can appeal to the warden.

If the warden rejects it, they can appeal to the Department of Corrections. I do a couple of laps around the unit floor and then see Jefferson leaning against the threshold of an open tier door, chatting with a prisoner. I walk over to them. You seen what the sign say when you first come in the gate?

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There is a pause. Jefferson titters. What they do after the lights are out? The unit manager is a black woman who is so large she has trouble walking. She is brought in every morning in a wheelchair pushed by an inmate. Her name is Miss Price, but inmates call her The Dragon. Prisoners relate to her like an overbearing mother, afraid to anger her and eager to win her affection. She got out of her wheelchair, grabbed him by the neck, threw him up against the wall.

In the middle of the morning, Miss Price tells us to shake down the common areas. I follow one of the two COs into a tier and we do perfunctory searches of the TV room and tables, feeling under the ledges, flipping through a few books. I bend over and feel around under a water fountain.

My hand lands on something loose. I get on my knees to look. My job, of course, is to take it, but by now I know that being a guard is only partially about enforcing the rules. A prisoner is watching me. If I leave the phone, everyone on the tier will know. But if I take it, I will show my superiors I am doing my job. I will alleviate some of the suspicion they have of every new hire.

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Two and a half are gonna be dirty. Miss Price is thrilled. The captain calls the unit to congratulate me. When I do count later, each inmate on that tier stares at me with his meanest look. Some step toward me threateningly as I pass. He smiles. When you start working those hour shifts, you will see. He racks the balls on the pool table and tells me about a nurse who gave a penicillin shot to an inmate who was allergic to the medicine and died.

They had to airlift him out of there. He breaks and sinks a stripe. On my first official day as a CO, I am stationed on suicide watch in Cypress.

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In the entire prison of more than 1, inmates, there are no full-time psychiatrists and just one full-time social worker: Miss Carter. In class, she told us that a third of the inmates have mental health problems, 10 percent have severe mental health issues, and roughly a quarter have IQs under She said most prison mental health departments in Louisiana have at least three full-time social workers.

Angola has at least Here, there are few options for inmates with mental health needs.

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They can try to get an appointment with the part-time psychiatrist or the part-time psychologist, who are spread even thinner. Another option is to ask for suicide watch. A CO sits across from the two official suicide watch cells, which are small and dimly lit and have plexiglass over the front.

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My job is to sit across from two regular segregation cells being used for suicide watch overflow, observe the two inmates inside, and log their behavior every 15 minutes. And truth be known, we do pencil-whip it. Add by That looks pretty come audit time. Other than the blanket, he is naked, his bare feet on the concrete. There is nothing else allowed in his cell other than some toilet paper. No books. Nothing to occupy his mind.

They also get worse food. Nowhere else does a single guard oversee one or two inmates. If more than two inmates are on constant watch for more than 48 hours, the prison has to ask the regional corporate office for permission to continue, Miss Carter tells us. CCA says this is inaccurate. Sometimes the regional office says no, she says, and the prisoners are put back on the tiers or in seg. I look over to the cell to the right and see Skeen sitting on his metal bed, staring at me and masturbating under his suicide blanket. He starts singing and dancing in his cell.

I have about a hundred write-ups. Someone down the tier calls for me. He has a wild look in his eyes and he speaks intensely, but quietly.

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With four inmates on suicide watch, we are already over capacity. I get off the bed, jump off that mothafucker headfirst. When I tell the key officer, she rolls her eyes. The CO sitting directly across from him twiddles his thumbs and gazes ahead blankly. In the neighboring cell, Skeen is staring at me, completely naked, masturbating vigorously. I tell him to stop. He gets up, comes to the bars, and strokes himself five feet in front of me. For an hour, I stare at a cup on the floor and study the blotches in the concrete. A few hours later, a SORT officer walks a cuffed man onto the tier.

He was pepper-sprayed after punching my old instructor Kenny in the face as Kenny sat in his office doing paperwork. Kenny is gone for days, recovering from his busted nose. The message his assailant sent was clear: Keep your hands off our phones. Now I work there, on the floor, almost every day. I immediately try to smooth over the phone thing with the inmates.

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In some units and on some shifts, the pairing of floor officers changes day to day, but for whatever reason Bacle and I become a regular pair. He has allowed me to use his real name.

One inmate asks him for his Social Security number every day just to set him off. But he hates the company too. He counts the days until his Social Security kicks in and he no longer needs to work here to supplement his retirement checks from the Coast Guard. Every day, I come to know him more and more.