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When I grow up I'd like to be A brave, strong rover out at sea, A whizzing jet plane in the sky; When I've become a full-grown leondumoulin.nlg: Stirling: ‎Hope.
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People liked what we were doing.

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Stirling Moss and his contemporaries ordered our steering wheels and manufacturers such as AC Cobra, Aston Martin, Jaguar and almost all of the top marque car makers have, at some time, specified our steering wheels as original equipment. We have enjoyed, and are still enjoying, great success. The same thing seems to have happened with Aviation Leathercraft So, I did my research and made one you can read more about that in The Irvin story.

I loved it. It was warm, comfortable, ideal for flying and I must admit; wearing it felt rather good. We began to accept orders and Aviation Leathercraft was born. Republicanism and human rights: a plausible combination? Hope S Republicanism and human rights: a plausible combination?. Cambridge Review of International Affairs , 21 2 , pp. Self-determination and cultural difference.

Hope S Self-determination and cultural difference. Political Science , 58 1 , pp. The roots and reach of rangatiratanga. Hope S The roots and reach of rangatiratanga. Political Science , 56 1 , pp. Contact details Email simonjames. About me Research Outputs About me I lecture in moral and political philosophy. Research Political philosophy Moral philosophy Kant's practical philosophy Aristotle's practical philosophy Maori political argument. The obtuse song "Madame Merry-Go-Round" in the Evillious Chronicles by Vocaloid produce mothy is explained to be Gammon Octo's probably prophetic dream about what will happen when the Clockworker's Doll achieves her utopia.

The video for Unearth 's "Zombie Autopilot" reveals that large chunks of it, most notably the Office Drone protagonist chucking a file folder at his boss and quitting, were just a dream he had after falling asleep on the subway early in the vid. Certain branches of Hindu philosophy hold that because truth is unchanging, and the world is constantly changing, then the world is not real.

Hence, Real Life is just a sort of dream state. Some forms of Buddhism do also, and Gnosticism. In Critical Hit , a Dungeons and Dragons live play podcast, GM Rodrigo uses this to devastating effect when the characters are in deep in the mire of the Demonweb compounded by the reaction of the players. Puppet Shows. Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons has an episode where The Mysterons actually come to Cloudbase to attack it, leading to Captain Scarlet's death and the destruction of Cloudbase.

We then find out this was all a dream one of the Angels was having after she'd been shot down over the desert earlier in the episode. When repackaged in a Compilation Movie for the American market, the episode ended up with the Reset Button treatment.

Gerry Anderson is all over this one he was once quoted as saying "I wish somebody would make a film of my dreams". There's one episode of Four Feather Falls , one of Supercar , three of Stingray , two of Joe 90 , one of Terrahawks , two of UFO as noted under Live-Action TV, and one of Space: where the events of the episode turn out to be dreams, hallucinations or implanted visions. The Thunderbirds episode "Security Hazard" manages to invert this by having International Rescue convince a boy that his real-life trip to Tracy Island has only been a dream.

There's an episode of Adventures in Odyssey in which one of the children characters goes on an adventure in the Imagination Station a virtual reality machine that seems to be the same story over and over again, just set in different genres. At the end of the episode it's revealed the character is actually in a coma, reliving the events that put him in a coma, with the "bad guy" being Death coming for him and the friendly helper in his dream actually being a guardian angel trying to prevent an early death for him.

After a series of increasingly improbable events Wooton: And that was my dream! Connie: Really? You dreamt all that? Wooton: I sure did! Then I dreamt that it was all a dream and that we were talking about it like we are now!


Isn't that weird? More than once this has been used for Survival of the Fittest characters, usually in imagining a rescue. However, on one occasion it was used to make it appear as if a particular character had died, only for it to be revealed that it had been a dream.

Tabletop Games. Fans have adapted it to create a save point system. The traitor thinks they're dreaming, believes they can do whatever they want because it won't matter, and orders a dragon to kill all their friends, because why not? It's not like there are any consequences. Played with in Angels in America , with regards to Prior's visions and Harper's hallucinations. The work as a whole, for what it's worth, is not.

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In Nerds , Steve Jobs hallucinates Oracle dancing with him and teaching him to 'Think Different' after he is infected with the Microsoft virus. The famous ballet The Nutcracker usually ends with the curtain closing on Clara awakening in her home with the eponymous Nutcracker in her arms, and realizing that all of her adventures were a dream.

Some productions stick a little closer to the source material and subvert this trope instead when the Prince turns out to be Drosselmeyer's nephew, whose uncle had orchestrated the entire series of events in order to break the curse on him. Toyed with in the Red Shift: Interplanetry Do-Gooder radioplay episode "Havoc Over Holowood" available here , where the entire episode turns out to have been a story Lumpy wrote about his friends and was reading to them.

At the finale, it is revealed that much of the story is the dream of the protagonist Paul. However, this experience allows Paul to realize how destructive his obsession over his dead wife can be, thus compelling him to let go of his past, leaving the eponymous "Dead City" and starting anew. In Avenue Q , Rod overhears Nicky talking in his sleep, but at the end of the song "Fantasies come true" we find out that Rod was talking in his sleep.

Shakespeare played with this. Most of the main characters in A Midsummer Night's Dream believe this to be the case or they just decide to pretend it is.

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Then, in the final lines, Puck advises the audience to do the same if they disliked the play. And this weak and idle theme, No more yielding but a dream. Visual Novels. In the fourth arc of Umineko: When They Cry , there is a very memorable scene in which Maria kills her mother Rosa repeatedly and grotesquely. From the context, it is to be inferred that the entire scene is a dream. However, it's never stated explicitly, just like a lot in this series. Makes one wonder what it was that Kotomi put in the pie he ate before he passed out.

Played with in 11eyes. The second-to-last episode of the anime shows everything going downright awful for the protagonists, with several characters dying, the hero and heroine having sex, and the Big Bad claiming a rather unsettling victory. It ends with a little foreshadowing that all is not as it seems.

Start the next episode, and it turns out the whole thing was a vision of the future by the main character, who then averts it.

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Tsukihime : The whole point to Kagetsu Tohya. Shiki figures out more and more often than he's living in a dream right now where days repeat instantly. Yesterday is the same as today and today is the same as tomorrow. Everyone inside is actually apparently the same people he knows and have their own versions of a nightmare i. Dark Elesia for Ciel. Also, Len, who is making the dream. It's just a dream, but Shiki can't leave until Len dies he doesn't want that or he can make a contract with her so she doesn't feel the need to maintain the dream.

In the original game, Shiki has dreams of himself killing people yet wakes up in the morning right where he was without having left his bed. Only the people he saw die are really dead. Even worse, the one time he doesn't remember his "dream" he wakes up with his hands and arms absolutely covered with blood, because he really did go out and kill people that night. The Forgotten Dream endings of Yo-Jin-Bo have Sayori waking up at home, alone, in her own bed, and barely able to remember the guy she fell in love with, assuming the entire adventure to have been a dream.