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No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State is a non-fiction book by American investigative journalist Glenn leondumoulin.nlhed‎: ‎, ‎Metropolitan Books.
Table of contents

No Place to Hide is also a morality tale about the personal courage required of Snowden and Greenwald and his colleagues to expose government wrongdoing and the risk to their lives, liberties, and properties in doing so. Napolitano, Fox News. Acclaimed as one of the 25 most influential political commentators by The Atlantic and one of the Top Global Thinkers by Foreign Policy for , Greenwald is a former constitutional law and civil rights attorney.


He was a columnist for The Guardian until October, , and is now building a new media organization. He is also the recipient of the first annual I. Stone Award for Independent Journalism in and the Online Journalism Association Award for his investigative work on the arrest and detention of Bradley Manning. He is a frequent guest lecturer on college campuses and his work has appeared in many newspapers and political news magazines, including The New York Times , The Los Angeles Times and The American Conservative.

Finally, Greenwald focuses on the media, and the role they can but rarely do perform to challenge the government. The book is focused, angry, and uncompromising, painting a disturbing portrait of the NSA and the intelligence community, and the world they have created.

This is my first time reading Greenwald, but I was impressed by his style - similar to Jeremy Scahill who is thanked in the acknowledgements , but with less ego. Looking at top secret PowerPoint slides detailing Orwellian technologies but with cute clip art in the corners is a disorienting experience. The motto of the civilian population is just to go on as if nothing had happened.

Please note that I put the original German text at the end of this review. Just if you might be interested. I have read the book a few years later. As a result, the lack of consequences and improvements has become all the more obvious. There is not much to add to the story because of its fame. Except that the Nobel Peace Prize should perhaps not have been handed over to the President, but to the public enemy. The The motto of the civilian population is just to go on as if nothing had happened. The fact that the scandal has no consequences implies a different story than the initial indignation.

From politics and economy, nothing else was to be expected. Too many negative associations and implications. But nobody would have expected that all of civil society would be impassive to the hustle and bustle. It is reminiscent of industrial scandals, war crimes, corruption scandals, etc. Just that these are limited to one act.

Such a severe and irreversible intervention in the lives of all human beings is a border crossing of unprecedented dimensions. Concerning the media, it is a prime example of the messenger being made a scapegoat. Instead of finding and punishing those responsible for the worst threat of Western democracies for decades, the bearer is stigmatized. Even if he is, rarely, glorified, it is counterproductive. The facts he has revealed are explosive, not the person himself. The same mechanism can be found with politicians and wars. It is not reported on the politics, the party, the system and the intricate and complex interdependencies.

But about what dress his wife wore at a state reception and what kind of pet he held himself. It is not reported about the warring parties, the alliances or the geo strategic motivations, but a war diary led. So and so many deads, attacks, material losses and, of course, victories! What would we be without victories? However, people love simple, emotional stories about a demonized or martyred intelligence worker, a charismatic statesman, or a massive battle with sleek killing machines and thrilling firefights.

It is a bit like sports, except that they are all for the same team. Woe, the home team once does not win. Then there are economic sanctions. Also, while one is well entertained, an out-of-control intelligence apparatus creates a state in the state. Without any legitimacy constraints, monitoring instances or legal barriers. The early admonishers were long given a prize to the ridicule or condemned as dangerous conspiracy theorists. After showing that they were right, there was fire on the roof for a few weeks or months. As with all news, this undermining, erosion, and destruction of democracy lost its charm and people became tired of it.

Book Review: The surveillance state: No place to hide, really

Constitutionalists were good enough to promote the hype. It looked entertaining when activists were serious about their years of initiatives and civil rights movements. Now the public listened to them. However, they always talked the same thing, demanding strenuous initiative and, worse, thinking and commitment. Therefore one forgot them again fast. Besides, critics and activists could hear something new.

Everyone said that he or she already knew it. Can not do anything about it. It is so. Into that, one can place different stultification devices which wash brains with system propaganda. It would be excusable if already drastic restrictive measures would threaten. Prison, torture and disappear.

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The justification for wanting to protect one's own life. But not an ethical, but profound reason prevents commitment.

No Place To Hide--Lloyd Snow

Simple apathy. One can try so many metaphors in this context. The frog in the slowly hotter getting water. The three monkeys. Anyway primates in general. It seems that with the end of media attention, the fact has either disappeared from people's perceptions.

Or they would be completely indifferent. The rulers do not even have to hide it, which also saves costs. They oversee all people, run networks of secret prisons, build private armies, etc. It's not a big deal. All these admonishing writers in the past always have exaggerated scenarios so that they have a hanger. It is the sheer coincidence of the place of one's birth that we still live in a happier version of "Brave New World. Too much commitment to nature conservation, animal rights, alternative forms of economy, etc.

No Place to Hide () - IMDb

If instead, we had seen the light of day in the Orient instead of in the Occident Big Brother had already often laughed in the cradle. Too often people have slept peacefully in an enlightened democracy and have woken up in a dictatorship again. By the sound of breaking the door at the most psychologically favorable time of the early morning hours. By agents of the former constitutional state. Dadurch ist der Mangel an gezogenen Konsequenzen und Verbesserungen noch umso augenscheinlicher zu Tage getreten. Zur Geschichte selbst bleibt aufgrund ihrer Bekanntheit nicht viel zu sagen.