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Today is a very busy day. Mommy Hippo has many chores to complete. However, her biggest task is to teach Baby Hippo that learning is a.
Table of contents

As your baby begins to grow, you will notice new and exciting abilities that develop. Babies at this age begin to relax the tight muscle tone of newborns and begin extending their arms and legs more. While babies may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones your baby may reach in this age group:.

It is very exciting for parents to watch their babies become social beings that can interact with others. While every baby develops speech at his or her own rate, the following are some of the common milestones in this age group:. While babies may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones in this age group:. Consider the following as ways to foster emotional security of your newborn:. While all babies may grow at a different rate, the following indicates the average for boys and girls 4 to 6 months of age:.

This age is very social and babies begin moving in much more purposeful ways. While all babies may grow at a different rate, the following indicates the average for boys and girls 7 to 9 months of age:. Babies are rapidly developing their physical abilities at this age. They become mobile for the first time and safety in the home becomes an important issue. While all babies may grow at a different rate, the following indicates the average for boys and girls 10 to 12 months of age:. As your baby continues to grow, you will notice new and exciting abilities that develop.

While babies may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones your child may reach in this age group:. Speech development is very exciting for parents as they watch their babies become social beings that can interact with others. Babies at this age become much more aware of others as well as themselves. They are not yet confident that mother will return when she leaves. While children may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:. Separation anxiety and fear of strangers are common at this age.

Separation anxiety is anxiousness and fearfulness of being separated from a parent, whether or not the parent is actually leaving the presence of the child. However, this is an important part of the relationship with the parent. While every child is unique and will develop different personalities, the following are some of the common behavioral traits that may be present in your child:. Do not worry if your baby makes a mess, as experimentation is important. Limit your interactions to soothing talk and patting, telling your baby it is time for sleep.

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The baby is now a toddler and is very active. By about 18 months of age, children begin to understand symbols — the relationship of objects and their meanings. As children begin to walk, they may begin to show independence and will try to walk further away from the parent, but will return.

Separation anxiety and fear of strangers may lessen, then return at about 18 months. Two-year-olds are very active and begin to lose the appearance of a baby. While all children may grow at a different rate, the following indicates the average for 2-year-old boys and girls:. As your child continues to grow, you will notice new and exciting abilities that develop.

While children may progress at different rates, the following are some of the common milestones your child may reach in this age group:. Speech development is very exciting for parents as they watch their children become social beings that can interact with others. Speech at this age is becoming clearer and the child begins to form sentences. While every child develops speech at his or her own rate, the following are some of the common milestones in this age group:. Supervise play so that your child does not put objects in his or her mouth, ears, etc.

In 3-year-olds, growth is still slow compared to the first year. Most children have become slimmer and lost the rounded tummy of a toddler.

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While all children may grow at a different rate, the following indicate the average for 3-year-old boys and girls:. After age 2, children of the same age can noticeably vary in height and weight.

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As long as the child is maintaining his or her own rate of growth, there should be no reason to worry. Speech development is very exciting for parents as they watch their children begin to speak clearly and interact with others. Even old sheets or towels can become skirts, capes or turbans. You can also pretend you are an elephant, butterfly, robot or other characters and play with your child.

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Make figure faces that are happy, sad, or surprised, and talk about the different feeling shown in each picture. Play different games with the ball, such as tossing a ball into a box or rolling the ball up and down an incline.

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As your child continues to grow, you will notice new and exciting abilities that your child develops. Speech development in children is very exciting for parents as they watch their children become social beings that can interact with others.

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While every child develops speech at his or her own rate, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:. Children at this age begin to understand concepts and can compare abstract ideas. A very important part of growing up is the ability to interact and socialize with others. This can be a frustrating transition for the parent as children go through different stages, some of which are not always easy to handle.

Use free time for other, more productive, activities. While children may progress at different rates and have diverse interests, the following are some of the common milestones children may reach in this age group:. As children enter into school-age, their abilities and understanding of concepts and the world around them continue to grow.

During the school-age years, parents will see a transition in their child as he or she moves from playing alone to having multiple friends and social groups. While friendships become more important, the child is still fond of his or her parents and likes being part of a family.

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The teenage years are also called adolescence. Adolescence is a time for growth spurts and puberty changes.

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An adolescent may grow several inches in several months followed by a period of very slow growth, then have another growth spurt. Changes with puberty sexual maturation may occur gradually or several signs may become visible at the same time. There is a great amount of variation in the rate of changes that may occur. Some teenagers may experience these signs of maturity sooner or later than others. Follow my Counting Pinterest Board for more great ideas! Privacy Policy. I'm Vanessa, a Pre-K teacher with more than 20 years of classroom teaching experience.

Here at Pre-K Pages, I'm committed to helping teachers just like you teach better, save time, and live more by providing you with everything you need to create a fun and engaging learning environment, lesson plans, and activities for your little learners. As an early childhood trainer, I have spoken to thousands of teachers in person at popular early childhood conferences such as Frog Street Splash, I Teach K! My work has been featured in Scholastic Teacher magazine and on popular websites like BuzzFeed.

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