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Master Kane. Scene one.: A bdsm short story eBook: Amanda Smyth:​uk: Kindle Store.
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Cleansed 16 Despite the many acts of cruelty throughout the play, one can find tenderness in his conversation with the dancer. Tinker is a torturer for the other characters; nevertheless, he promises the woman that he will be anything she asks for.

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Sarah Kane shows some of the possible conditions which encounter the people who are in love. Occasionally, love may lead to death as happens with Robin. Other times, it has the ability of revealing the deep hidden desires of a person as it is shown in the character of Tinker. All things considered, the durability of love and its sustainable nature is focused on in the play. Being an instinct, Eros strives to survive and continue its struggle against Thanatos.

It is common to see various and different types of death in her works. Specifically, Aleks Sierz believes that Cleansed is about facing death The play closes its first scene with the death of Graham. The reason of his death is syringe of heroin which Tinker injects into the corner of his eyes. Graham: More. Tinker: No. His destructive side, triggered by his destructive instincts, leads him as he decides to let Graham die due to his drugs.

It is known that in spite of the existence of both Eros and Thanatos, human beings normally prefer life over death. They try hard to survive as long as possible. Before studying the motivation or the reason, the lines which show the moment after which Graham takes the heroin and he is about to reach his destiny is to be mentioned.

Graham: smiles Tinker: looks away Graham: Thank you, Doctor. He slumps. He is suffering and living in adversity. Consequently, he seeks a way to escape that situation although he realizes that there is no way out of that building. Accordingly, it can be stated that Graham finds death as the best way of ending the agony he suffers from. Being hopeless, he considers it better than his contemporary state. Hope makes life continuous in that treacherous institution. Robin is another character who dies in the play. From the beginning of the play till scene seventeen, he stays alive due to the hope of leaving that place very soon.

He thinks about meeting again with his mother soon which can be noted in the following lines. Robin: Leaving soon. Apparently, his life instincts are more powerful than the death instincts at that period. Despite the power of Eros, in a conversation with Grace, he reveals that the idea of committing suicide has occurred to him; nevertheless, he does not want to die, for he can meet his mom soon. Robin: Voice told me to kill myself. Grace: stares Robin: Safe now. Nobody kills themselves here. Grace: stares Robin: Nobody wants to die.

Grace: stares Robin: Could be pretty soon, me leaving. Could be in thirty, Tinker said.

Master Kane. Scene One

Cleansed 9 Apparently, Robin states that he could leave in thirty. Accordingly, Grace realizes that Robin cannot read or write because leaving after eleven years is not a short period of time. She decides to teach him reading and writing. Nevertheless, Robin wishes for two things in the play. First, he loves Grace and wants her to love him in return.

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His passion for her is revealed more than one time. Later and whenever they speak together, Robin begs her to love him. Grace cannot love him as she betrays Graham by doing so. Subsequently, Robin realizes that the relationship is impossible. Grace spends a lot of time with Robin teaching him; consequently, Robin learns how to count, and starts to count his days left in that place with an abacus.

After calculating, he becomes aware of the length of the time that he should wait till he is thirty.

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Subsequently, he loses the hope that keeps him alive and decides to commit suicide. Accordingly, Thanatos overcomes Eros and leads Robin towards his downfall.

Romantic BDSM - Scenes

Arguably, losing hope is not the only reason for Robin to commit suicide. It is obvious that the victims are not free and they do not have control over anything in that place. Tinker decides the way they should live or whether they stay in life or not. The only thing that Robin can do, before his natural death, is how to end his life. Tinker: drops his arm. The beating continues methodically until Carl is unconscious. Tinker: holds up his arm.

The beating stops. Save him. Cleansed 10 Thus, it is Tinker who has full authority over them; by taking his own life, Robin does not let Tinker to control his death as he is controlling his life. He also realizes that Grace does not love him. In the case of Robin, Thanatos wins its everlasting battle against Eros. Yet, audiences witness the existence of a similar case. The characters are suffering due to their passion. Besides, they should endure the hardest type of torture and cruelty in order to continue loving. Accordingly, love is their biggest problem working as a trap while death is the only release.

The characters of the play do not look upon death as the cruelest thing. Likewise, Robin commits suicide as he is convinced that there is no hope for him in that place.

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It is obvious that Tinker, the torturer, does not want to kill his victims in a normal way. He wants to prevent them from having a normal death. In the fourth scene of the play, a group of men beat Carl violently while Tinker is watching. This sadistic behavior of Tinker could be understood by investigating his goals. It is perceived that torturing is his aim, so he wants them to live as long as possible. Death due to suffering is his best choice. He threatens Carl by telling him how he is going to feel after entering a long pole into his body.

Die eventually of course. From starvation if nothing else gets you first.

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It means that he does not want to kill him instantly. Freud believes that the death drive may cause the person destroy himself or others around him. Hence, Tinker is a palpable example of such an individual.