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And don't try to stop me- when I'm done with this list I'm going to go back and read this series again. Prakriti Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you. It's a genuinely good fantasy book. It also converted me from a lifelong Drow-hater to a Drow-lover. That's how good it is. Homeland is, to date, the only Forgotten Realms novel I've read. I'm not opposed to reading more, just have had too much else on my reading list. I definitely enjoyed it, though.

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Hoping this thread can give me recommendations on which of the other novels are worthwhile. Exile is as good as Homeland, while Sojourn is a different thing- lack of underdark and Menzo, but equally worthy- if only to finish the story the blind Ranger is way too cool. Exile brought a tear to my eye, and none of the other novels on this list have managed that so far.

Cheers goonalan. I know let's dig up his dead Sword Master Dad and send him after the lad. As I say- bloody hell, of course it ends badly for Matron Malice but the flavour of treachery I'll leave for you to discover. Murder- keep it in the family, that's the Drow way. So, Drizzt in the Underdark trying to survive, to find a place and a way of living- someone to accept him for who he is rather than the way he looks a familiar tale some would say- particularly in these most modern of times.

Then we get to Blingdenstone, and I'll admit it I'm a big lad but even get choked up once or twice as I'm reading the novel, Belwar Dissengulp- you are a giant amongst Deep Gnomes.

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I think it's because while Drizzt has kept on going- no matter what flavour of terror besets him, you just want the poor lad to catch a break. Belwar is the break, a break from the terror but better still Belwar gets closer to being a father figure perhaps to Drizzt than Zaknafein ever could again, mainly due to the Drow way of doing things- living the lie.

Magga cammara! The two broken loners find a way to fix each other- a fair swap. Then of course dead-Zak catches up with Drizzt and Belwar and thereafter full-speed ahead, the pair get the hell out of dodge Blingdenstone and the chase is on. There follows some daft bits- Clacker and the Wizard, some crazy good bits- the Dire Corbies, and most especially the Mind Flayers they sit in comfortable armchairs, I love that- I'm now picturing an Illithid version of my Nan- with a used tissue hanging out of her sleeve and knitting with her face-tentacles.

Then there's pretty much just the finale to work through, and then the consequences of Malice's defeat. You should too, it's as good as Homeland. Last edited: Oct 23, Salthorae Imperial Mountain Dew Taster. One of my favorite books in all of FR Novel-dom. Man, I wish I had more time to read. Oofta Title? I don't need no stinkin' title.

Making me want to dig through my old books and see if I can find this trilogy. Because I don't have enough to do! Man, if only I had the time. I still have those books Drizzt hits the surface, and of course he doesn't know his place, or how to find a place for himself no matter how small in society. So, he survives, and that's enough for a while- then after watching a farming family, and all the while wanting to do the right thing, to say something Something bad involving a pair of Barghest whelps, a handful of Gnolls, a Hill Giant, a pesky Quickling and a nasty human hunter, which is plenty of bad things to be going on with.

Of course it all goes very wrong, and the Drow is to blame Drizzt flees the scene. Then, at last, the good guy- Montolio the blind-ninja-Ranger , although the watching Elves are pretty up there too, and Drizzt does something more than survive for a while- he finds a place for himself, a role. He can't see too far in to the future, which is odd- because his new found boon companion the aged and blind Montolio can. We get some nice Orc, Worg and Stone Giant action- and still the nasty bastard human hunter in the background, stirring the pot.

A Brief History of Santa. I am no expert in the evolution theory of genetics, nor have I studied biology beyond matriculation, nor I want to challenge the British expert because I am not qualified enough, but I cant suppress something in me which tend to disagree. This seems to be a loose statement and I differ and would like to raise some points He says that humans in developing countries stopped evolving because they need to struggle for survival.

Or can anyone say it for sure that all people in developed countries need not struggle for survival. Humans Change the World. Modern humans evolve in Africa. Image courtesy of Karen Carr Studio. For millions of years all humans, early and modern alike, had to find their own food. They spent a large part of each day gathering plants and hunting or scavenging animals. Then, within just the past 12, years, our species, Homo sapiens, made the transition to producing food and changing our surroundings. We have been so successful that we have inadvertently created a turning point in the history of life on Earth.

This Day in History — History. Slavery has been a part of human society since its beginning — and it continues to thrive today. This list looks at some facts about slavery that should for the most part be unknown to most of our readers. This is a look through history at how slavery has existed and survived through time. Established In Virginia Slavery was officially established in Virginia in , when Anthony Johnson, a black man, convinced a court that his servant also black John Casor was his for life.

Sultan wants a wife This is the website of travel writer, Michael Turtle. After working in broadcast journalism for a decade in Australia, Michael left Sydney to travel the world indefinitely and write about his discoveries. Taman Sari Water Palace, Yogyakarta. Ancient Rome. History: British History in-depth. Liz Gets Around at Kontraband. Imperialism: Crash Course World History Other websites like to tiptoe around the issue, but we've never hesitated to come out and just say it: The Nazis were bad.

And the thing is, the Nazis weren't strictly about tearing Europe down brick by brick and the Holocaust. They actually had tons of other horrible and, quite frankly, stupid ideas. Not all of them were brought to fruition, fortunately, but at one time or another, Hitler was all about History Of Balloons Dr. The rocket, which North Korea says put a weather satellite into orbit, has been labelled by the United States, South Korea and Japan as a test of technology that could one day deliver a nuclear warhead capable of hitting targets as far as the continental United States.

The rocket was launched just before 10 a. Korea time GMT , according to defence officials in South Korea and Japan, and easily surpassed a failed April launch that flew for less than two minutes.

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South Korea is preparing to evacuate more than residents along the demilitarized zone after North Korea threatened to fire on activists planning to send balloons across the border carrying leaflets critical of its regime. While no orders to leave are currently in place, authorities have been preparing citizens residing within the civilian control line to evacuate if any signs of a possible attack emerge, Park Kwang Hae, an official at Paju City Council, said by telephone today. Hidden by Commenter. Devious Comments Load All Images.

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