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The first three books focus on night weaning, and the rest address weaning in general. I'm a Weaned Kid Now by Kristi Patrice Carter.
Table of contents

Gradually reduce the time at the breast to just enough to relax him, placing the emphasis on the story, song etc rather than on the breastfeed. If your toddler wakes during the night and wants a feed to get back to sleep see if your partner can settle him, perhaps with a cuddle and a drink of water.

Epi 110 Weaning

Sometimes toddlers will accept this, as your partner does not remind them of breastfeeds. Even if you still take your toddler into bed with you during the night, try comforting them in other ways before offering a breastfeed. You will see a gradual change from feeding for comfort to being comforted in other ways.

Wear different clothes. When you go out with your toddler avoid wearing clothes that allow easy access to the breasts. Avoid undressing in front of your child, as this may remind him to ask for a feed. Change the routine. Having friends or relatives look after a toddler during the day may help change the routine. You can stay close by at first, in case you are needed. A child usually reacts differently with people he knows well and will take other drinks and food and forget a favourite breastfeed.

Consider your child's sucking need. If your child really seems to need to suck, weaning on to a bottle may be better than going directly to a cup. Give a short breastfeed, then the bottle. Take it slowly, at the child's pace. In conclusion. If you are weaning because you have had enough, but your toddler is unwilling, you are likely to have times when you feel very tense and even angry about feeding him.

Your toddler may sense this and his anxiety may make him ask for more feeds. This can become an unpleasant cycle; he becomes more anxious and more demanding and you become more upset and irritable. Have a good look at the situation. What is it about feeding him that is really difficult for you?

Are there specific times and places when you really resent it? Perhaps you can't sit down at the phone or with a book without him helping himself. Perhaps family or friends are pressuring you to wean.

How and When to Stop Breastfeeding Your Toddler

Or is your sleep being disturbed by constant night-feeding? These are the things to tackle first. You might find it easier if you talk to someone else for example, an Australian Breastfeeding Association counsellor about what is happening. Often it helps to share your feelings with a partner or an understanding friend.

Together you may be able to think of ways to overcome these problem situations. Your feelings about weaning. You may feel sad, weepy, or even depressed after the last feed, even if you really wanted to wean and it went smoothly and calmly. These are very natural feelings.

Your hormones take time to get back to normal, especially if you have had to wean quickly. Some women do not begin to menstruate immediately and some even find the return of their ovulation and menstruation is delayed for some months. Some find that they still have a little milk weeks, or even months after they wean. Talking to other mums can be helpful, as all of us have to wean our children.

You may be surprised to find that your newly-weaned baby or toddler behaves differently for a while. Even if he has taken the initiative and weaned himself, he still may take a little time to get used to the idea. Occasionally, he may be clingy or cross, or he may push you away for a short time as he swings between wanting to be a baby again and trying to be independent.

Breastfeeding: Weaning is a helpful guide to weaning your baby or toddler, covering such topics as mutual weaning, baby-led weaning and mother-led weaning. Skip to main content. How to start weaning toddlers When you are breastfeeding a toddler or older child it is okay to set limits on feeding that are realistic for you and your child. Allow time Weaning gradually can help both you and your child adjust to the change. Talk to your toddler Toddlers can often understand more than they can say. Morning feeds If you share your bed with your toddler and he usually has an early morning feed, you could try getting up before he wakes.

Daytime feeds Try to get your child to do something else instead. Discourage long feeds If you have always left your baby at the breast until he has finished or falls asleep, it may take a while for him to accept that you're taking control of his feeds. And Miles can hold Fred. And Mama will always be here to hold Fred and love him. It also gave us time to pick his weaning kitty and put a picture of it in the space I had left under the caption:. And it gave me time to know that Fred may never want me to hold him at night again.

And Fred may start to prefer my husband over me.

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And Fred is that much closer to not nursing in the day. And he is that much closer to not needing me. And I am that much closer to not being his everything. And it gave me time to know that it was going to be ok. Fred was going to be ok. And most importantly, I was going to be ok. The first time Fred awoke to nurse that first night of nightweaning was — like clockwork — 2 hours after he went to sleep. That was our first nursing every night for 3 years, so why should it be different tonight? No nummies at night. He kicked the covers off and readjusted his position in my arms dozens of times.

And then, to my amazement, he slept in my arms. Same drill.

I Guess I Forgot to Wean My Baby

And he slept. And again at 3 am. And again at 5 am. And then we woke up and started the day. And so it went. The first week was miraculously smooth. There were a few times I let my husband rock him, but Fred, sweet Fred, blessing upon blessings Fred; he let me hold him through it. Fred repaired me and redeemed me from my fear. Just as Fred was born in under 3 hours, needing no one but me to birth him after my first labor 3 years before took start to finish 4 miserable traumatic days , Fred made it ok.

He made me ok. Now he wakes only once or twice to be rocked back to sleep after he uses the potty. He lets me hold him close. He twirls my hair to fall asleep.

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He cuddles with me in bed in the morning without even asking for nummies ok, sometimes he asks but we wait until we get out of bed.