Manual Illustrated handbook of hummingbirds

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Editorial Reviews. Review. The hummingbird is one of the most readily identifiable family of This concise, illustrated handbook presents an accurate.
Table of contents

Lindsay, C. The book opens with a look at the many manifestations of the human attraction to these flying jewels. The authors then showcase the nineteen different hummingbird species that have appeared in the region covered the book. Magnificent color photographs and original artwork aid in identification and accompany descriptions, range maps, and abundance graphs for each species.

Handbook of the Birds of the World – Volume 5

This stunning monograph combines the best in bird photography with the most complete and informative text ever available on the hummingbirds of the Caribbean region. Also features the Bee Hummingbird at under 2g, and just 2 inches in length the smallest bird in the world. Describes and illustrates all the species, with chapters on biology, behavior, ecology, pollination of flowers along with a full list of the hummingbirds of the world.

Wonderful work. In German Language. This book contains illustrations of 57 species of hummingbirds found in Mexico along with that of United States and Canada. Illustrations of both males and females are included along with geographical distribution of all species and maps. Also included basic information about natural history, reproduction and the feeding behavior. The Hummingbirds of Mexico : A journey in their search. The authors of this book have traveled all over the country to capture the beauty of hummingbirds with their cameras. Features 44 species of hummers that inhabit Costa Rica.

Each bird is depicted in its natural habitat and with the flower with which it naturally associates. More than 90 plant species, belonging to 34 families and over 60 genera, are also featured along with the hummers, so Hummingbirds of Costa Rica is also a useful guide to an astonishing diversity of Costa Rican flora. Beautifully detailed photographs bring the exquisite creatures to life, and scientifically accurate and accessible text provides a comprehensive reference to Costa Rica, its hummingbirds and their ecosystem.

Book Sample

Kimberli A. A photographic collection of the hummingbirds of Costa Rica. Hummingbirds are shown in their natural environments, feeding, flying and interacting with one another. Joyas Aladas de Colombia. Mazariegos H. Outstanding work. Simply brilliant. Over species plus many additional subspecies and both sexes are featured in wonderful photography.

Hummingbirds in Colombia covers many aspects of these fascinating birds: their habits, biology, ecology, distribution and the legends they have inspired. It offers a unique and compelling combination of science and the art of photography. Mirada tan cautivadora como el objeto mismo de su estudio. Compiled Robert S. In Spanish and English: Featuring over 80 species of hummingbirds of Ecuador in good color photographs.

It's SPRING and if you live above the equator that means that the weather should be getting warmer and the dumb birds are hopping around and making their usual incessant noise and pooping on your cars and waking you at ungodly hours. I say "should' because it is supposed to snow across most of North America this week and dumb because, hello?

Who wakes up before the sun rises on purpose!?! I adore them. I feed them and attract them and I really do have a backyard wildlife It's SPRING and if you live above the equator that means that the weather should be getting warmer and the dumb birds are hopping around and making their usual incessant noise and pooping on your cars and waking you at ungodly hours. I feed them and attract them and I really do have a backyard wildlife habitat.

Matt Kracht has written a very funny, tongue in cheek guide to some of the most common birds found in North America. He has humorously renamed them so that we might easily remember them.


He tends to feel about crows the same way I do. Yes, that really is all that you need to know about the damn crow, isn't it? Kracht also accompanies each delightful paragraph of information with his own personal illustrations.

Birds From Shamrock Books

Okay, some are better than others depending on how well he likes the bird. I won't even show you the illustration of the crow which resembles something a two year old with a black marker might draw in a fit of rage. Again, very aptly done when considering the caw-caw-caw of the crow. Most, however, are beautifully rendered. Despite the irreverence, the information throughout the book, the details, the drawings - with a few noted exceptions - the maps, and the highlights are very informative.

If I were teaching children about birds I know that I will! It also makes for a terrific coffee table book and conversation piece. Guests have adored it! I adore it! I haven't laughed this hard or this much in a very long time!!

Handbook of the Birds of the World - Wikipedia

View 2 comments. Jan 11, Laura rated it it was amazing Shelves: bird-count , birding , netgalley , birds , biology , ornithology , humour , humor , bird-watching , field-guide.

FAST EASY Hummingbird Recipe Nectar feeding Hundreds of Birds

I have been bird watching for as long as I can remember. But, even if you have all of those and more, you will want this book. This book is both snarky, and serious. Funny and fun. It gives you true facts, mixed in with bizaar thoughts. He has also renamed birds, mentioned in here, for his humor and amusement. The Dork-eyed Junko, instead of I have been bird watching for as long as I can remember. The Dork-eyed Junko, instead of Dark-eyed Junko.

He gives little sort of true, sort of snarky comments about each bird. Until he gets to the crows, whom he refers to as the Damn Crows. That's pretty much it with these jerks. About the rock pigeon he writes "Oh my god, do I even need to talk about this bird? You can blindfold these birds, and they can find their way home. What's even the point? Save your tiny blindfolds for some other bird, I guess.

It would also make a good gift to your birding friends. Lots of fun.


Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review. View all 5 comments. Mar 30, Peter Tillman rated it it was ok Shelves: not-for-me , at-bg-pa , humor , lost-interest , did-not-finish , skimmed-only , guidebooks. Well, you just never know about humor. Or alleged humor.