PDF How To Build Self Confidence During Exams

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Have a Positive Approach.
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However, there are measures you can take both before and during your exam to help keep your nerves calm and your mind confident. Prepare as thoroughly as possible well in advance of your test date. Cramming at the last minute will never make you feel as though you are as prepared as you could be, making it inevitable for you to feel some degree of doubt about your performance.

The more intricately you know your material in advance, the less anxiety you will feel on test day, so stick to a diligent study schedule that allows you to cover and review all concepts by at least two days prior to your test. The night before the test should be fun or relaxing to help steady your emotions leading up to test time. Sleep for eight to ten hours the night before your test to provide yourself with assurance that your mind will be alert and energetic enough for the extended periods of focus that your test will require. Stick to brain foods rich in protein and complex carbohydrates for breakfast and snacks -- rather than junk food rich in sugar that will only provide short energy boosts and subsequent crashes -- to help keep your brain alert and focused throughout your test.

Consider the worst that could happen if you do not do well on your test. Realize that no potential outcome warrants extreme fear in the grand scheme of things. A failing score will not mean that you are a failure, that you will have no further opportunity for success, that your parents will stop loving you and so on.

How Self-Confident Are You? - Stress Management from leondumoulin.nl

Understand that you cannot do anything more than put your best foot forward. Think no more about worst case scenarios, and focus on doing everything in your power to ensure they do not come to fruition. Visualize success rather than failure. Whatever you have to gain by doing well, picture it mentally in the days leading up to your test.

See yourself getting your test back with a top score on it or receiving a letter of acceptance from your dream school. You can generally increase your motivation by doing the following:. To examine your motivation level, and learn specific ways to improve your self-motivation, take our quiz How Self-Motivated Are You?

Another area to examine is your locus, or central point, of control.

Why confidence is so important for students

To develop mastery, you must believe that your effort led to your success. Learn more about your locus of control. An interesting part of Bandura's theory is the idea that seeing other people's success improves your belief in yourself. If you view yourself as similar to someone else, and you see his or her accomplishments, you're likely to apply that to yourself, and believe that you can achieve similar success. The more alike you think you are, the greater the influence. So, if your boss has a similar education and work background, it can improve your confidence.

If you see others working hard and succeeding, that can also motivate you and build your confidence.

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The opposite may also be true. If you see people make great efforts and not achieve anything, that can hurt your confidence — especially if you think your talents and abilities are similar to theirs. When stress takes over your life, the results can be harmful.

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  • Being good at managing stress, however, can be a source of confidence: if you believe you can handle anything you might reasonably face, this can give you energy and a feeling of power. You can build this kind of positive emotion when you learn how to control the sources of stress in your life. If you let stress control you, chances are you'll feel very negative.

    You may interpret the stress as failure, which can lead to more stress and negative thinking. To be confident, you must be positive. Face stressful situations directly, and learn strategies for managing them. Self-efficacy is an important part of self-confidence. The theory of self-efficacy says that high levels of it lead, by way of improved effectiveness, to greater success and personal satisfaction.

    Some people seem to be naturally confident, but most of us need to improve our confidence — and we have the power to do so. Focus on the experiences in your life where you were successful. This can give you the ability to see the positive side of your mistakes and setbacks. Choose to believe in yourself, and surround yourself with other positive and confident people. The more you see the success of others whose skills and abilities are similar to yours, the more likely you are to believe that you can also achieve that success. This site teaches you the skills you need for a happy and successful career; and this is just one of many tools and resources that you'll find here at Mind Tools.

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    Improving Self-Confidence by Building Self-Efficacy

    For Your Organization. By the Mind Tools Content Team. Your last quiz results are shown. You last completed this quiz on , at. Reset Your Score. To enjoy these types of experiences, work on motivation, toughness, and determination. You can generally increase your motivation by doing the following: Thinking positively. Developing effective goals.

    Creating a motivating environment. To begin to develop mastery experiences, do the following: Ask for assignments that will be challenging, but that you can succeed in. Assess your skills and abilities. Improve your problem solving and decision making skills. This will help create a general feeling of confidence in the choices you make.

    Commit to personal and professional development to stay current and informed. Learn from those around you. Note what they do that's successful.

    Why Confidence Is Important For Students During Exam

    Choose to work for companies and industries with growth potential. To manage stress better, try these ideas: Learn to be optimistic. Then make the changes you need. Learn key stress management techniques to understand stress, and protect yourself against it. Key Points Self-efficacy is an important part of self-confidence.

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