Guide Fudged ! : How sex changed my live at age 5

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Age change should never be undertaken lightly, Räsänen stresses. (“We live in a time when you can change your name and change your gender Räsänen isn'​t arguing from the analogy that because sex change is that would require more than a fudged birth certificate, Caplan says. Feels like -5°C.
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Well, in the Netherlands this is somewhere between 15 and 16, so this differs per country. That is also the core problem, should we make this a European rule or not? In my opinion, it should be 15 with a range of 1 year. Then facing some hard choices that someone will most probably make for you with physical and psychological consequences for a life time. Is there a law which defines how old you should have for having sex?

If a couple with 13 years old want to have sex, let them have sex. This is worse than the Soviet dictatorship. Da cana bro… Aqui na ja foram uns quantos de saco por se relacionarem com miudas de 15 que realmente ja sabiam a escola toda…. Yes too micro-managing, governments should respect individuality. Adults by the physical age definition not adults as in being responsible often underestimate youths intelligence to boost their own ego. I grow up under a communist dictatorship, where many young boys life was destroyed because they were jailed for having sex with their age group at 15!

The age consent should be How about treating sex like a healthy, natural part of existence and not making girls feel so ashamed and leaving them open to pressure and scorn about it? Teaching kids what sexual relations do to your mind and body, what to expect in terms of coping mentally hormones, oxytocin, etc. I agree with statutory limitations a year old dating a teenager?

This is exactly what needs to be done! Will l be that different in 6 months?

In Portugal girls can marry at the age of 14,boys at the age of Both can be arrested in jail at And I still have my doubts about the maturity of a person of that age in order to use those organs responsibly. You re still a child and this means creating a real possibility of getting pregnant at that age. I think the system is good but the ages a bit young. The europian or white people are considering the sex organ as just organ of the body but in india hindus consider it as a sacred or respectable organ of the body in a purest sense.

The 16 year limit is to protect vulnerable children from being preyed upon by much older men….. This is the wrong question. Teenagers have been having sex above and below the current age of consent for millennia. The question you should be asking is at what age can some one consent with a person of similar age. The problem with fixed ages is it can criminalise people who should not be criminalised. It is a field littered with mines that can be touched off by badly thought out laws and overly strict enforcement for all the wrong reasons.

The same problems have occurred with changes for all the wrong reasons to the rape laws.

If 50 is the new 40, should we be allowed to change our birth certificates?

Trying to drive a political agenda in the area of personal relationships is not just bad politics but very bad law. In what age is person capable to bear the conseqeunces of sex??? I mean it is the full age and sometimes even this age is too soon!!! I think an exact number is unrealistic since everyone matures very differently. But 14 seems a good age. At least for me.. How about we establish an early age for consent as honestly… 16, really? That would also include telling them their rights so as to avoid abuses. Education is always the answer, not prohibitions.

Kids need sexual experiments to mature. They all start at different ages. The age for drinking in Portugal was raised to 18 y.

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However, there is no minimal age for listening to boys bands, eating junk food or watching television, all of which are far worse than some good drinks…. At its nature, everybody has different puberty age.

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So base on Natural Law, it should be considered by Government, to issue three times the national I. First one at birth, second one after age of maturity confirmed by doctor, third one when somebody is old and unfunctional to do anything! It should not exist a specific age by the law in order to have sex..

I think BUT IT shall exist the correct education so that to have sex when people are 18 at least. The system for this should be graduated, taking into account maturity and school age range at time of sexual maturity. Example: Set the age for legal consent as an adult at 18 years of age; Juveniles may consent to sex with other juveniles as long as they are over 12 years of age and there is no more then 4 years difference in their ages. I remember when I was 18 years old.

I always had some degree of political awareness…. The fact is, very, very few people have an adequate political awareness at age At age 16……yes…you guessed it.

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Females are matruijng earlier with raised health levels and of course genetic probability. Many beginning menstruation at the age of eight. I do realise this can often be created by eating hormone stuffed animals from intensive farming and to expect them to withstain for eight years is absurd. Especially as you are forcing sex education on children as young as 5 years. However, the exploitation of people over the age of eighteen on children up to their sixteenth year must be seen as a far more serious crime than of present and the incarceration of those who take this chance must be increased to at least ten years.

A female teacher who had sex with boys of fourteen was sent to prison in the UK for eight years last week. You see, a mature conversation is needed about just how effective the age of consent is as a means of child protection. The effectiveness of this law at deterring those bent on abuse, has to be in doubt. A different approach is needed. Age appropriate sex education is a key tool in equipping kids with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage unwanted and wanted attention. Law reform is another area which should be examined.

Careful thought should be given about how to accomplish this. This might mean scrapping the age of consent, and replacing it with a new set of child and youth-centred legal proposals. Should the law serve the function of simple preservation of received social norms? Or should it be about ensuring young people live safe happy and fulfilling lives? Just what do we mean by sex anyway? We as adults are all hyper-aware of this ever-expanding agenda, to the point of paranoia. But the negative and inflexible nature of it all takes no account of children and young people developmentally or socially — as Peter says; in their lived experience.

Lived experience varies according to socio-economic background and a variety of factors including biology, but the law takes no account of this reality. Not in the interest of the state, the guardian, the abuser, but in the interest of young people. It is their temple after all. If kids are kept in ignorance it has the opposite effect. The Catholic Church has always been about a secretive guilt-ridden attitude to sex and sensuality — it is no accident therefore that it is a body singularly responsible for the abuse of children on an industrial scale.

The power dynamics thoroughly stacked in favour of a patriarchal hierarchy. It was innovative stuff, and this is one reason why average age of full sex in Holland was higher than in the UK, by informed choice instead of legal prohibition. Then came crusading American pressure, and a wave of immigration from patriarchal Islamic Christian and Roma origins.

Just that these things have to be factored.. Yes, the age of consent had no effect in Rotherham and Oxford. But, what you are missing is, all those around those children refused to give them any credibility when they tried to find help in their situation of abuse.

And the reason for that most dreadful of all crimes, ignoring their please, was because of political correctness.

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Look at what goes on with very young girls in their own countries on a daily basis. Rape by adult men on girls in broad daylight on a bus and not one adult steps in. However, what the true underlying issue here is, why did our politicians feel opening European borders to millions of immigrants with cultural practices considered barbaric would be good for our social cohesion? Why were these men brought into our countries in such numbers when they new full well what the cultural practices were in their homeland?