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Flavour Science: Chapter Monitoring of Hop Aroma Compounds in an In vitro Digestion Model eBook: Anja Heinlein, Andrea Buettner: Kindle.
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The samples were poured into narrow vials 7 mL just large enough to fit the sensor. The sensor and vial were flushed with distilled water between each sample. Cary, NY. The rate of gas production was analyzed as a continuous variable 1 - 20 h, 5 min increments; linear, quadratic and cubic regression coefficients , and treatment as a discrete variable using backward elimination stepwise regression analysis.

Gas was produced from ground hay by caprine rumen microorganisms during an overnight incubation Figure 1. Table 1. Methane and soluble products from fructose by bovine rumen microorganisms. Figure 1. There was more variation in experiment 2 4 animals, 1 incubation each , than in experiment 1 1 animal, replicate incubations , which was expected.

Rumen microorganisms in both treatments produced acetate, propionate and butyrate. Table 2. Methane and soluble products from ground hay by caprine rumen microorganisms. Figure 2. Experiment 1 was conducted in replicate with microorganisms from a single animal and showed product formation from a highly fermentable model substrate, fructose.

Experiment 2 expanded by permitting animal variation and showing product formation from a natural substrate, the same hay in the donor animal diet.

Table of contents

Acetotrophic methanogens convert acetate to methane by cleaving the methyl group, following the general reaction [20] :. Another metabolic pathway for methanogenesis involves CO 2 reduction with H 2 , and it has long been recognized that membrane-active antimicrobials can impact these microorganisms [6] [7].

Experiments by Narvaez and colleagues [21] demonstrated that the addition of hops to rumen incubations decreased CH 4 production per unit of dry matter digested. Furthermore, hops extract and the ionophore monensin had an additive inhibitory effect on CH 4 production [25]. Rumen bacteria produced less acetate in the presence of hops beta-acids [18] , which could be partially responsible for the decrease in methane observed. In the current study, caprine rumen microorganisms also made less acetate from ground hay in the presence of CY than in the presence of BY.

However, it is important to note that Clostridia and many other Gram-positive Firmicutes produce H 2. Thus, a decrease in methane is consistent with the antimicrobial effects of hops acids on Gram-positive, H 2 -producing bacteria in general, and many hops acid-sensitive bacteria with a classical Gram-positive cell envelope have been identified in animal gastrointestinal tracts [15] [18] [25] - [28]. It is likely that the hops acids in the CY inhibited the bacteria that produce H 2 and acetate. It is unclear if hops acids inhibited the methanogens directly.

Thus, there are multiple potential benefits of spent craft yeast as a feed additive for ruminant livestock. First, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells are a source of supplemental protein. Spent yeast is a rich source of protein that can be used as a feed supplement for livestock. In vitro, supplemental craft yeast decreased the amount of methane produced by bovine and caprine rumen fermentation. Thus, there is now the potential for spent craft yeast, currently treated as waste, to become a value-added product that increases livestock efficiency.

We thank John W. Brock and Vivek Fellner for help with instrumentation and quantitative analysis of Methane. We thank Dana M. Emmert, Stephen F. Cartier, and Seth Cohen for helpful discussions. We thank Hollie Stephenson of Highland Brewing for spent craft yeast.

Publications, Department of Food Science, University of Otago, New Zealand

Proprietary or brand names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by the USDA implies no approval of the product, nor exclusion of others that may be suitable. USDA is an equal opportunity employer. Virginia L. Pszczolkowski,Robert W. Bryant,Brittany E. Harlow,Glen E. Aiken,Langdon J.

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Michael Qian, Flavor Chemist

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