Sermon + Bible Study Notes: A Woman Who Changed the World. (1 Samuel 1)

The book of 1 Samuel opens at a very low period in the history of the nation of Israel. But as we read and study the Bible and God's redemptive history of man, we are God (Irving L. Jensen, I & II Samuel, A Self-Study Guide, Moody Press, p. . Might it be prayer for someone's growth, change, salvation?.
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And do it believing that God gives good gifts to those who ask because He does.

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He is a rewarder of all who seek Him. We shall see later that God does exactly that for Hannah. Hannah kept wailing even when Eli the priest mistook her for a drunk and questioned her sincerity. She simply set the record straight by telling him, "I have been praying here out of my great anguish and grief" verses When was the last time you took your grief to the Lord?

Are you prone to run away? Are you prone to stay away from the temple of the Lord and quit worshipping Him because you have experienced a great disappointment? Or have you in your pain run to the Lord and even been so transparent with Him that you can tell the truth before others --"Hey, I am hurting here"?

Satan tries to stop us from worshipping the Lord. He tries to keep us away from God's presence like Peninnah did with Hannah. But the power of God is greater. God's purposes will prevail as they did with Hannah. Eli finally realized Hannah was a God-fearing woman after all and blessed her by saying, "May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him" verse And Hannah, satisfied with his response and finally at peace with herself and her Maker after wrestling in prayer, came out the other side, full of joy and renewed purpose verse Though Hannah didn't know when she would conceive, she reacted as if she was completely healed.

God healed not just her physical body so that she could bear children, but God also restored her spirit through renewed faith and her emotional state by giving her gladness. Isn't that just like God? He is concerned with the whole person -- body, mind, spirit, soul. And He is able to restore all parts of a person in due time. Speaking of in due time, Hannah did give birth.

She had a son she named Samuel. And with this birth, God kept His promise. But what about the promise Hannah made to God? In verse 11, Hannah made this vow to God: After a year of weaning the babe, Hannah fulfilled her vow by giving young Samuel to Eli's care. Hannah quickly learned how to hold onto God's provisions loosely, recognizing that all things are God's and are best when given back to Him.

She didn't argue with God or go back on her vow. She didn't tell God that she didn't mean what she said that day. No, she gave that life away, willingly. Hannah understood a principle that we as Christians must remember: We pour out what God has given us -- our talents, our gifts, our money, our joy, whatever it may be -- as a blessing to the nations. When we do this, we are not only following in Hannah's footsteps, but we are also following in the footsteps of the greatest New Testament figure ever to walk the earth: And Jesus is still blessing the nations as more and more are accepting His gift of life and grace.

Not only did He allow Hannah to conceive, thus reversing her shame and giving her a new position as a mother, but God blessed Hannah's legacy. Her faithfulness to God continued on in her son, Samuel, who became a priest. Samuel was the one who later set David apart as the next king and anointed him. Jesus came from the line of David. Hannah's faithfulness didn't just impact her life and family; her faithfulness affected an entire nation!

Two times Hannah got a double portion of God's blessing: She got a double portion of meat from her husband, Elkanah, every year at Shiloh verse 5 before Samuel's birth. She also got a double portion from God in the form of more children. God gave Hannah three sons and two daughters see 2 Samuel Hannah might not have ever experienced a large family had she not given Samuel directly to God. Let's not linger at the gate of God's presence, going through the motions of worshipping God and yet holding sadness and bitterness in our hearts.

Let us not be bystanders but enter into His inner courts of praise. My prayer is that we would come before the Lord, desperately falling on our faces before the One who can solve all of our problems and bless us with all that we lack in His perfect timing. Let's count ourselves as ones who have been brushed by His greatness and honored to extend His legacy however God wishes to fulfill that through us. We use God's mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments.

Skip to main content. The Christian Broadcasting Network CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. This tale has the name Hannah written all over it. Showing Up at Shiloh Who knows how long Hannah went through the annual routine. Making Worship Personal In verse 9 and verse 10, it notes that after supper Hannah went to the Tabernacle to pray and weep bitterly before the Lord.

Inner Healing Eli finally realized Hannah was a God-fearing woman after all and blessed her by saying, "May the God of Israel grant the request you have asked of him" verse Birth of a Promise Speaking of in due time, Hannah did give birth.

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"Hannah’s Dilemma" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

Email Updates Bible in a Year. Bible in a Year New Testament. Superbook Family Bible Plan. Daily Devotional Reading Plan. Email Updates 2 Foundations of the Faith. The Christian Broadcasting Network. Today's Scripture 2 Corinthians Fausset and David Brown. See also index to the Unabridged Version of this well done commentary.

Spurgeon on Blaikie's related life of David: Blaikie is a good writer. This Life of David has supplied a great lack. It takes up less space than the original fifty-volume set, and not everything in the original set is worth owning. A Basic Library for Bible Students. Barber - This set, originally published in , contains expositions by both conservative and liberal theologians.

You may be getting less than you thought. For example, a box of well-known detergent that once held 61 ounces now contains only Same size box, less soap. We can wrap ourselves up in the same packaging every day—nice clothes, big smile, friendly demeanor—yet still be less than what we appear to be.

Our Daily Bread, June 22, Always Sizes up the Opposition and makes sure he has adequate resources to Overcome. James Rosscup writes " Keil, C. Commentary on the Old Testament. This is the best older, overall treatment of a critical nature on the Old Testament Hebrew text verse by verse and is a good standard work to buy. The student can buy parts or the whole of this series.

Should I Ever Take an Action I Don’t ‘Have Peace’ About?

Sometimes it is evangelical, at other times liberal ideas enter. An Annotated Bibliography of Selected Works. Spurgeon's Comments on Lange's Series: The American translators have added considerably to the German work, and in some cases these additions are more valuable than the original matter. For homiletical purposes these volumes are so many hills of gold, but, alas, there is dross also, for Baptismal Regeneration and other grave errors occur Be a Berean - Acts Below are the "Contents" from Dale Ralph Davis' book which have interesting titles outlining 1Samuel You mean to take that goodly freight on board before you launch upon the sea of married life.

As you cannot visit the Holy Land, it is well for you that there is a work like the Pictorial Bible, in which the notes of the most observant travellers are arranged under the texts which they illustrate. For the geography, zoology, botany, and manners and customs of Palestine, this will be your counselor and guide A work of art as well as learning. Refer to it frequently They are not exactly a commentary, but what marvelous expositions you have there! You have reading more interesting than any novel that was ever written, and as instructive as the heaviest theology.

The matter is quite attractive and fascinating, and yet so weighty, that the man who shall study these volumes thoroughly, will not fail to read his Bible intelligently and with growing interest. Excellent , conservative, literal study Bible notes from a leading creationist commentator, Dr Henry Morris. See links to notes in right margin. Excerpt - What's the big idea? Several themes feature prominently. God repeatedly made everyday events work for His purposes.

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  7. A source for adult education, Bible Study, and conversation.

These are but a few examples. As the divine King, God designated a human vice-regent, David, to rule over His people. Reversal of human fortune: Normal human patterns were reversed by God so that His plan could be furthered, showing His sovereignty over all. How do I apply this? God is still sovereign in the twenty-first century. He will accomplish His purposes with or without our cooperation. Will we obey Him as Samuel and David did and live lives marked by blessing? Or will we, like Saul, try to live on our own terms? That truth still speaks to us today.

Joseph Parker - People's Bible - Rosscup: This work, later called Preaching Through the Bible Baker Book House , is rich in its applications and exhortations, though often not particularly helpful for the reader who is looking for exposition that stays right with the text. Treatment of the texts is sermonic. Commentaries for Biblical Expositors: An annotated bibliography of selected works. John Piper says that Horae Homileticae "is the best place to go for researching Simeon's theology.

You can find his views on almost every key text in the Bible.

He did not want to be labeled a Calvinist or an Arminian. He wanted to be Biblical through and through and give every text its due proportion, whether it sounded Arminian as it stands or Calvinistic. But he was known as an evangelical Calvinist, and rightly so. As I have read portions of his sermons on texts concerning election and effectual calling and perseverance he is uninhibited in his affirmation of what we would call the doctrines of grace What Simeon experienced in the word was remarkable. And it is so utterly different from the counsel that we receive today that it is worth looking at.

Before you "go to the commentaries" go to the Scriptures and study them inductively Click 3 part overview of how to do Inductive Bible Study in dependence on your Teacher, the Holy Spirit, Who Jesus promised would guide us into all the truth John Remember that Scripture is always the best commentary on Scripture. Therefore the inclusion of specific links does not indicate that we agree with every comment. We have made a sincere effort to select only the most conservative, " bibliocentric " commentaries.

Should you discover some commentary or sermon you feel may not be orthodox, please email your concern. I have removed several links in response to concerns by discerning readers. I recommend that your priority be a steady intake of solid Biblical food so that with practice you will have your spiritual senses trained to discern good from evil Heb 5: A Voice for God Lesson 2: From Ichabod to Ebenezer.

The Rising Star of David Lesson 6: Making God Our Refuge Lesson 7: Walking in the Integrity of God's Heart Lesson 8: A Wise Investor 1 Samuel Frequent Illustrations 1 Samuel 1 Samuel 3: The Way Back 1 Samuel The Truth About Consequences 2 Samuel Have You Heard--About Gossip?

Who was Eli in the Bible? What is the story of Hannah and Samuel? What should we learn from the life of Samuel? Why were the Philistines and the Israelites always at war? Who were Hophni and Phinehas? What were the emerods God afflicted the Philistines with in 1 Samuel 5? What does the term Ebenezer mean in the Bible? Was it wrong for the Israelites to ask for a king? What was the school of prophets? What should we learn from the life of King Saul? Who was Jonathan in the Bible? Was King Saul saved?

What does it mean that Saul is also among the prophets? Why was it wrong for Saul to offer a sacrifice? Why did God command the extermination of the Canaanites? Why is obedience better than sacrifice? Why did God send an evil spirit to torment King Saul?

Hannah's Hope

Did the witch of Endor really summon Samuel from the dead 1 Samuel What was the relationship between David and Jonathan? What should we learn from the life of David? What should we learn from the account of David and Goliath? How tall was Goliath? Why did David choose five smooth stones before going to fight Goliath? What is the story of David and Michal? Why was David so loyal to Saul after everything Saul had done to him? Who was Abigail in the Bible? What is the story of David and Nabal? How could David be considered a man after God's own heart? Why did people keep family idols?

Why are there contradictory accounts regarding the death of Saul in 1 and 2 Samuel? Fleeing Yet Singin 1 Samuel Cradle and Kingdom—1 Samuel 1: The King Thing—1 Samuel 8: Rejecting the Chosen—1 Samuel Pastor David Legge's Testimony 1 Samuel 9: Mistakes That Saul Made 1 Samuel Obedience 1 Samuel David as a Youth 1 Samuel 16, 17 2. His Anointing 1 Samuel 16, 17 3. Enter Saul's Service 1 Samuel 16, 17 4. Slaying Goliath 1 Samuel 17 5. His Earlier Experiences 1 Samuel 18 6. His Earlier Experiences, Continued 1 Samuel 18 7.

Fleeing From Saul 1 Samuel 19 8. His Wanderings 1 Samuel 20 9. His Flight to Ziklag 1 Samuel 21 In the Cave of Adullam 1 Samuel 22 His Return to Judea 1 Samuel 22 and 23 Delivering Keilah 1 Samuel 23 His Sojourn at Ziph 1 Samuel 23 Sparing Saul 1 Samuel 24 His Address to Saul 1 Samuel 24 His Victory Over Saul 1 Samuel 24 His Affront From Nabal 1 Samuel 25 His Check From Abigail 1 Samuel 25 His Marriage to Abigail 1 Samuel 25 His Chastening 1 Samuel 26 His Unbelief 1 Samuel 27 His Stay at Ziklag 1 Samuel 27 His Sore Dilemma 1 Samuel 28 His Sorrow at Ziklag 1 Samuel 29 and 30 His Recourse in Sorrow 1 Samuel 30 His Pursuit of the Amalekites 1 Samuel 30 His Recovery of His Wives 1 Samuel 30 His Lamentations for Saul 1 Samuel 31 and 2 Samuel 1.

The Life of David. God's Choice of King 1 Samuel Standing Tall, Falling Hard. Mother's Helper - Mother's Day. A Tribute To Mothers. A Fresh Look at Hannah's Gift. How Will The Church Survive: A Call To Christian Parenting.

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Here I Raise My Ebenezer. The Danger of Disobedience. Disobedience; Judgment; Pride; Repentance; Confession. In the Land of Giants. The Power of One. Staying By The Stuff. Argyll, Unity of Nature. The Folly of Polygamy. The Lord of Hosts.