Be The Flow

Are you trying to live in the moment and go with the flow in your life? This article may help you understand what flow is and how to find it in your.
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He contends that happiness connects to our ability to feel flow in our lives and that it must be cultivated and practiced. At times, however, flow occurs by chance when certain experiences converge. For example, you might be at a dinner party and strike up a conversation with someone and find that you have a common interest, which leads you to get together for lunch, which turns into a joint business venture. This is a merging of action and a state of awareness.

The Flow State: How to Enter Your Brain’s Most Productive State

Being open-minded and being a good listener is an important aspect of being in the flow. The sense of flow is also connected to the release of endorphins that can lead to an intense state of concentration during writing. I have often experienced this state when working on long book projects. When my writing is going well, it seems as if I have entered a trance-like state. One symptom of being in the flow is losing track of time. September is National Suicide Prevention Month.

Here are some facts. There's a difference between loneliness and solitude. Research shows that being in touch with your inner child is healing. Take my life in the theater for example. Up until college, I never explored a life in the theater. Once in college, I thought perhaps I could go on to be an actress.

I tried out in plays, I took acting classes and I figured I could be just as great as the next person. I had no clue that I was an amazing stage manager. It never occurred to me. In order to discover the full extent of your potential, you have to move around and TRY. You can change courses. You can be adaptable.

  1. What Is Flow??
  2. Don’t Go with the Flow. Be the Flow.?
  3. Why Flow Matters.
  4. Flow (psychology).
  5. .
  6. .

You can be a liquid or solid. You can actually change your shape. You can fill whatever space you find yourself in. While this article is different that what I just wrote, I definitely enjoyed reading it.

Which I must say, the website Change Your Life is very interesting. Explore the site when you have time. I wanted to include a partial comment that was left on this post and my response because I think its helpful to understand more depth to what I mean. The flow is you. The flow is energy. Limitations, society…they are the things that get in the water. For example a rock being thrown in water.

It may displace some water but the water is still the water. So limitations are the rocks people throw in water but you are the water. You still move and flow no matter what.

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I like this version of the story better. Also, I love your input and your point of view. In the end, it is my decisions, my actions that determine my life and its outcome. Yes travel and flow, try, love, see, give, share, be, do. Kim, we need to dance all night.

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  • I saw some other images I wanted to use where there were dancers with streams of energy around them symbolizing the flow and I thought of you with those pictures. Will have to use them for something else.

    Don't Go with the Flow. Be the Flow. - Sheena LaShay

    I like it…travel and flow. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. I can feel the tension or looseness in a room. Once again, thank you. As Chris Bailey from A Life of Productivity puts it in his exploration of the effects of food on productivity:. Instead, you need high quality fuel that will release glucose slowly into your bloodstream. Certainly, there are circumstances in which distractions are unavoidable.

    But much of the time, you can work to minimize or eliminate distractions.

    Being in the flow of your life might be all about mind-set.

    Here are our favorite tactics for doing so:. The Pomodoro technique is setting a timer for 25 minutes or any reasonable length of time and working only on one task for that time. No checking your phone, browsing Twitter, or mentally going through DDR steps. So how does this relate to flow? The Pomodoro technique makes this possible by helping you jump the biggest mental barrier: For a free, easy way to get started with the Pomodoro technique, we recommend TomatoTimer. Multitasking sounds like a great idea in theory. Doing multiple things at once is more efficient, right? Essentially, every time you switch from one task to another, it takes your brain time to get back into the previous task you were doing.

    Sleep is a game changer for your health and general well-being. Spending nine hours in bed is no good if you spend most of it tossing and turning. Read how to get better sleep. Some fit the typical flow situations you hear about studying in particular , while others are less conventional how you spend your free time. The professor may not be the most inspired presenter Bueller, Bueller , anyone? Those are your only options, right?

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    • “Do not go with the flow. Be the flow.”.
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    • The Flow State: How to Enter Your Brain's Most Productive State | College Info Geek;
    • Here are a few ideas:. These are all activities that make boring lectures more like flow activities, while still allowing you to pay attention when a professor does mention important material. Creating and studying flashcards , on the other hand, can induce an intense state of flow.

      The same is true with common homework assignments. Instead of rushing to finish a homework assignment as quickly as possible, slow down and allow yourself to become immersed in the world of the assignment. This can work for every subject from math problem sets to assigned reading for history. The key is that you take an active role in the process.