Hired for Her Pleasure

Editorial Reviews. Review. "Ryan and Monica are two people trying to make it through life the Hired for Her Pleasure - Kindle edition by Bonnie Dee.
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The Vixen and the Vet. A Little Too Far. Screaming in the Silence. Until the Sun Falls from the Sky. Don't Make Me Beautiful.

The Psychic and the Sleuth. Sin and the Preacher's Son. The Gentleman and The Rogue. The Bohemian and the Banker. The Shepherd and the Solicitor. The Au Pair Affair. The Countess Lends a Hand. Delaney and the Autumn Masque. Terran Realm Vol 1. The Eyes of a Soldier. Snow Angels with Bear. New Life Two Volume Set. The Mighty Have Fallen. The Countess Takes a Lover. The New Leaf Pledge. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

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Hired for Her Pleasure by Bonnie Dee. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! She's had panic attacks since her teen years that escalated in her twenties until she could no longer leave her house.

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Longing for some male companionship, she goes online looking into male escorts. I like that she had reservations about hiring someone for a date and possibly sex, but I also understood when she finally did it that her actions were born out of loneliness. She has her family, but she desperately wants a man in her life, someone to hold and kiss and talk to, as well as with whom she can have mind-blowing sex. She finds all that and more with Ryan.

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He's definitely someone Monica could see herself dating for real, so she feels rather guilty about paying for his services. Still, she likes him so much, she can barely stand the idea of never seeing him again, so she calls him to come back a few more times. Once Monica realizes that Ryan cares for her as much as she cares for him but has disappeared from her life, I really liked how she tried to move heaven and earth to find him again and faced her fears to search for him. Ryan is a sympathetic character who has very good reasons for becoming a male escort.

He's juggling a busy life of college classes and working multiple jobs to pay the rent and more importantly to pay for a decent nursing home for his elderly grandmother who suffers from Alzheimer's. She raised him, and he feels he owes her the best care he can possibly provide.

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On the suggestion of a friend, he starts out working a phone sex job, then later transitions into the male escort position. Ryan is worried about who his first client is going to be and can't believe his luck when such a cute, sweet woman answers the door. He likes Monica from the moment they meet and no client he services after her measures up to the high standard she set. He soon realizes that each client is siphoning off a little piece of his soul and leaving him feeling dirtier each time, but with Monica it's totally different.

Even though he quits the job, he still sees her a couple more times, leading her to believe he's still in the business. Bonnie Dee is really good at conveying the characters' emotions. I truly felt a connection between Monica and Ryan from their first meeting. I liked how they were both a little nervous, but were able to put each other at ease. They spend a little time just talking, sharing dinner, and getting to know one another before things heat up in the bedroom. Both of them also genuinely want to get to know the other one on a deeper level, and are eager to see each other again when their "dates" end.

Their love scenes are laced with emotion as each of them are very loving and giving toward the other. Monica and Ryan both desperately wish that theirs was a "normal" relationship but are too afraid to reveal their true feelings. He believes that she hired him for no-strings sex, and she believes that he views their time together as a business arrangement. I really like how the author handled the prostitution issue.

Hired for Her Pleasure by Bonnie Dee

I don't want to give too much away, but she brought everything full-circle, so that while it was an unconventional way for them to meet, it didn't necessarily cloud their future together. The only thing that really bothered me about the story was a scene in which Monica and a secondary character take Ecstasy combined with alcohol.

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  • I initially thought that something bad was going to happen which Ryan would then rescue her from, but it didn't play out that way at all, which was a little disappointing. Although the scene is written from Monica's POV and she still seemed coherent enough to make decisions, she was pretty inebriated. This made me a little uncomfortable about potentially dubious consent.

    Even if she wasn't high enough to be completely impaired, it seemed like it wouldn't have been as enjoyable or that she wouldn't have been able to remember the experience clearly afterward, which was kind of the point of doing it in the first place. I honestly didn't know what the author was trying to accomplish by including the use of an illegal drug in such a casual way. IMHO, it didn't really add anything to the story, and in fact, to my way of thinking, detracted from it. If it was meant only to relax Monica, I think the same thing could have been accomplished with a couple of drinks and would have been more socially acceptable.

    Other than the casual drug use, the only other thing that kind of bugged me a bit were the typos.