On Speaking Well

Start by marking “On Speaking Well” as Want to Read: I can’t really say that I found Peggy Noonan’s “On Speaking Well” particularly useful — I grabbed a copy because she was a former speechwriter for Presidents Reagan and Bush (the first). Peggy Noonan is an author of.
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The book covers lot of advices, and even provides a structured way to write a speech talking about that will just take away the selling point of the book. However, it spends a good chunk of the book on writing speeches for someone else. Something applicable to speech writers only. More than just a dry textbook on writing and delivering speeches. Noonan delivers an excellent blend of humor, information, and practicality. I am already looking forward to reading more of Peggy Noonan's work!

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If you make your case we Excellent book! But never try to make them cry, try to help them think. Normally I don't read books by more conservative types, so the style of this book was somewhat refreshing. This isn't the On Writing Well of speeches, but the author clearly had a passion for speech writting and has the experience and the anecdotes to make a book on the subject work. It is a bit uneven. I particularly hated the ending part. It was supposed to be abou Normally I don't read books by more conservative types, so the style of this book was somewhat refreshing.

It was supposed to be about how you can break every rule exposed before a necessary cliche , and it started with Mother Theresa. It mentioned a story about how once they were filming her in a dimly lit room, the footage was much brighter than expected, so obviously it was a message from god. My eyes rolled so hard that I think I hurt my brain. Then the author told a story about how Mother Theresa gave a speech in Washington DC and spoke against abortion and contraceptives in a room filled with politicians from all stripes.

Obviously the Democrats were embarassed. Would she had retold this story if it was Republicans in an uncomfortable position? What bothers me is not the partisanship but the fact that this chapter was not about rule-breaking at all. Mother Theresa made a controversial speech that offended some people with different sensitivities, but she did not talk ambiguities, or spoke long unpronouncable sentences, as the book previously thought.

And the conclusion was that she could get away with thi because she was a saint? I mean, what was the point of this book again? Other than the last part, this book was fine. Yes, Peg Noonan is associated with The Right and has worked her way through the administrations of Reagan and both Bushes. She traces her development as a speechwriter. There is a slight hint of partisan bias in her assessments of various speakers. Bill Clinton comes under mild but justifiable criticism for his speaking skills.

Nevertheless, if you can look past the Republican tint, this is a very useful, practical book. It identifies best practices for both speechwriters and speakers and emph Yes, Peg Noonan is associated with The Right and has worked her way through the administrations of Reagan and both Bushes. It identifies best practices for both speechwriters and speakers and emphasizes the need for cooperation between the two. You get unique insights into the politicking and internal bickering that goes on behind the scenes. She describes her highs and lows as both a writer and speaker and cites many engaging historical examples.

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The book may even deserve a "5" rating but her closing chapter on a Mother Theresa speech rubbed me the wrong way. This book was written pre-Trump. Sadly, the art of public speaking is in steep, accelerated decline, lost in the fog of pseduo-facts, political correctness and divisive rhetoric.

Today's "effective" speaker shocks and shouts in protracted rants liberally peppered with f bombs and slander. Both Left and Right are culpable. Time for an update, Peg. Feb 23, Joshua Johnson rated it really liked it. Well written in the way that few books are: Jun 30, Gean Ockels rated it liked it. A must-read for speech writers. Jul 01, Kris Hilburn Williams rated it really liked it. This book is mostly memoir, with tips for how to speak thrown in. I picked up the book after hearing Noonan speak earlier in the year. Aug 30, Nick Lofthouse rated it liked it. Noonan offers more than the title suggests-- she includes historical anecdotes to accompany her keen advice.

An excellent manual for anyone who may be asked to speak before a group.

On Speaking Well by Peggy Noonan

Covers tributes, toasts and eulogies as well. Noonan gives some excellent examples from politics and elsewhere. Sep 19, Sarah Beth Aubrey added it. Great speechwriters are savants. They play the role of intermediary-walking a tight rope between the mind and ego of the speaker who will deliver the words and the audience members who will hear them. Speechwriters are charged with transcribing another person's thoughts into a vocal presentation that will positively impact those listening.

It must be an exhausting! While not a new book it was first released in , I came across it recently and gave it a read. Write out and practice the text.

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  • On Speaking Well - Peggy Noonan - Paperback.
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  • 5 editions of this work.

She says the best speakers are always practiced, though not plastic. Her take on humor I liked and found different. It shows the audience you think enough of them to want to entertain them. As always, we welcome your comments and suggestions for our next Midweek Motivation. Sep 11, Jarrodtrainque added it. From there you can navigate to the title you are interested in.

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Interest-specific online venues will often provide a book buying opportunity. Click here for a list of interest-specific sites grouped by category. If you are located outside the U. Complete with lessons, tips and memorable examples, On Speaking Well shows us how to create forceful, persuasive, relevant speeches that will resonate with our audiences.

Engaging, informative, and always entertaining, this is undoubtedly the authoritative how-to guide for anyone writing or giving a speech. Thanks for signing up! We've emailed you instructions for claiming your free e-book. Tell us more about what you like to read so we can send you the best offers and opportunities. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bookperk and other HarperCollins services.

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