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We want to hear your true-life tales of office awkwardness.
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All Rights Reserved. See Chapter 6 for more information on confession. Download Chapter 1 for free at this link. Confession Brings Freedom Many people have never experienced the freedom of repentance and forgiveness. A ddress everyone involved All those whom you affected A void if, but, and maybe Do not try to excuse your wrongs A dmit specifically Both attitudes and actions A cknowledge the hurt Express sorrow for hurting someone A ccept the consequences Such as making restitution A lter your behavior Change your attitudes and actions A sk for forgiveness An eighth A could be added to this list: Allow time.

No Widgets "Secondary" needs some widgets. All the staff quit, and the business closed down within a month. The general manager of the store, who had denied everybody their raise after the yearly review, started telling us that it was against store policy when we found ways to work around the heat, like bringing in fans, frozen towels, etc. Twenty-nine of us turned in our two weeks notices a few days later, all at once including department managers, crew trainers, and crew. After we left, she had a bunch of new hires who only stuck around for about two weeks to a month before they quit.

I worked as a driver for a party rental company where we provided party items like tents, dishware, etc. As such, lots of cheap labor was needed, and the vast majority of our employees were illegal immigrants. One day, one of our trucks got pulled over because it accidentally missed a weigh station, something which happens every now and again. The next day, I walked into a virtually empty building.

The truck that got pulled over was bringing back 5 of our employees and when they got pulled over, they were asked for proof of immigration and every single one of those employees, except the driver, were subsequently jailed for being illegal immigrants.

Always Check Your “To” Box.

While working for an agency during the Christmas season, a company hired 20 workers for the busy month, including me. Closer to the end, the company was having a Christmas feast party during working hours. This one person from the party grabbed two boxes of pizza to bring us because he probably felt bad. It turned into a big argument, and people were leaving as the scene became chaotic and cops were called.

No one was arrested, but all of us quit on the spot, including some warehouse employees. The agency representative told us that the manager was fired not only because of how the situation was handled but also because they lost out on a huge contract. Every one of the agency workers got a bonus, just in time for Christmas. I once worked for a small, country veterinarian who always tiptoed on the line of ethical conduct.

But one day, he pushed us all over the edge. A client brought a horse in for a West Nile vaccine because the horse was being moved to a place with a high number of cases and the owners wanted to make sure everything was good to go before the move. Instead of referring the clients to another clinic or ordering the correct vaccine, he gave the horse shot of antibiotic, falsified the documentation, and sent them on their way.

We were all ordered to keep our mouths shut.

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I tossed my clinic key on the desk and walked out, followed by every single employee in the building that day. We then reached out to the client to make them aware of the situation. When we were done, we called the state board to file an official complaint. I had my first job as a dishwasher at a Polish restaurant when I was 14 years old.

Living Well: Confessions of a 72-year-old worker

One day, the owner and his wife asked me to work a double shift because the night washer called in sick. It was illegal seeing as I was only years-old, but I agreed to do so and in between shifts they let me pick whatever I wanted off the menu to eat. I had worked there for six months and had never eaten anything more than a crouton. A couple of weeks later, I got my paycheck and saw that they had subtracted the full price of the meal from my check.

15 Honest Work Confessions That Are Just Totally Wrong

I told some of the other members of the kitchen staff, and they were so pissed that three of us waited for the dinner rush that night and walked out at the same time. I later found out that both the owner and his wife spent the night bussing tables and doing dishes.

Hearing that made me extremely happy. We all worked in an upscale supermarket, along the lines of a smaller-end Whole Foods. The produce manager was an open misogynist and enjoyed upsetting the mostly young female staff 17 to year-olds. He denied holidays, messed up shifts, assigned brutal work tasks far exceeding any other department, and verbally harassed and demeaned his female employees. The turnover in his department was incredible, but he got a free pass because he was golf buddies with the owner.

Complaints never got anywhere. Seven of us took off our aprons, left our shirts in a pile, and quit.

We all got a nice compensation. The drinks were flowing, even for the crew members who were under Party favors in the form of joints were passed around. Everyone on that shift failed and lost their jobs. In solidarity, the rest of us all quit the next day. A couple of employees and I were transferred to a different branch after ours was closed, and unfortunately, the manager of the new branch was utterly incompetent.

Living Well: Confessions of a 72-year-old worker

After this attempt, I stopped, but instead of forgetting it, he fired me. The day after, one of the new employees quit after the manager made several comments on his race and the fact that he was an ex-convict. I was bartending on the side to augment the little pay I got as a helicopter flight instructor.

I worked there for two years and I was never late, nor had any disciplinary trouble. I knew I would be late, so I called and talked to my supervisor to give him a heads up.

Many years ago, when in high school, I worked at a movie theater which was pretty poorly run from the moment I started there. The staff never got paid on time and management sat in the office talking all day, never doing any managing.

It would have been hard for things to get any worse, but after a couple of months, they brought in new management who seemed to want to make it their personal mission to run the theater as poorly as possible. They first implemented a new policy requiring all projectionists to wear ties, despite the fact that projectionists are never seen by the public and that they worked around the giant, rapidly spinning objects that a tie could get caught in. The management refused to reconsider the policy and every single projectionist quit as a result. As a result, almost every single door person quit, including me.

By my count, the theater went from a staff of about 50 to a staff of about 12 in three weeks. I swung by about a month after I quit and found out that the entire management staff had been fired and replaced yet again by an entirely new one.

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I had a job working at a local restaurant that recently changed owners. Over time, multiple issues came up, including difficulty getting off for important things, hiring kitchen staff who were bad at their job but cheap, purchasing cheaper and lower quality ingredients, etc. To make matters worse, the owner just sat around and drank. Things were extremely tense and after a few months, we hung in there only because we liked each other, but many of us were already looking for other jobs.

One night, she got a call that her grandmother had a severe stroke, was unresponsive, and was not expected to make it through the night. She asked to get off and start her 3-hour drive to the hospital. The owner ended up firing them both on the spot. Seven people left. I used to work at a grocery store, where the manager who was hired ran the store, but could not be the franchisee until his numbers were satisfactory enough.

A year had passed, and the manager was doing everything he could put in a bid for the position; making the store run and look wonderful and all the staff liked one another. One day, he is told they are putting in a franchisee bid and tell him that if he wants it, he can have it. The manager is understandably upset but stays on as the grocery manager.