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Willed To Love eBook: Michelle Houston: Kindle Store.
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And…even if one tiny thing in this blog helps another parent out, well then, may the odds be ever in our favor right? I used to be completely terrified to take Mack out in public. I was anxious the entire time that she would go into meltdown mode and everyone in a mile radius of her screams would stare and judge me for being an awful mother. All her energy and fire is saved for moments when she is truly, in her own rational way, upset.

Symbol For Strong Willed, Symbol Strong Willed

So, I have learned which battles are simply not worth fighting. If she wants to eat dirt, then dirt it is. It sounds harsh, but one tiny fall always trumps arguing with her for 10 minutes about why she needs to get down.

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If there is no reasoning with her, I will either a continue with my task without batting an eye at passersby or b we leave and a timeout is done in the car. It took me a while to learn that going toe to toe with a toddler never ends well. With G, a slightly raised voice leads to tears, remorse, guilt, and more often than not, never making that mistake again.

I sure do hope he finds someone who loves his sensitive heart. But Mack? No amount of yelling, anger, or frustration gets her to bend her will. It only serves as gasoline to an already raging blaze. For us, strict timeouts are like gold.

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I do not bend on time and in the beginning, I stood strong and ensured she stayed put, even if it was in the parking lot in the car. Yes, I am the crazy mom standing outside the car, or outside her room, holding the door shut as she screams literal bloody murder.

  1. Account Options?
  2. How to Parent Strong-Willed Kids?
  3. An Erotic Story: Bisexual Delights.
  4. 6 Things to Love About Your Strong-Willed Child | The Mom Voice.
  5. 6 Things to Love About Your Strong-Willed Child.
  6. 11 Habits to Practice When Dealing with a Strong Willed Child.
  7. 6 comments.

Which leads me to my next approach. I try to talk to her like an adult. Shouts are returned with shouts but calm conversations tend to put out fires in our house. Yes, I still flat out lose my shit on occasions. But, I have noticed in some ways that difficult, repeated behaviors have decreased, and now, she never tries to leave her room from timeout until I have come in and we have talked, forgiven and snuggled; meaning…there have been a few moments when I accidentally forgot about her, only to come in 20 minutes later to find her asleep on the floor.

As parents, we love our kids equally, but in different ways. Our love for them is molded by our individual relationship with them. Each love language is special and unique. I love her. You see, you have to love strong-willed children with the same fire they give you. So Mack sometimes gets a few more snuggles, cuddles, and kisses, especially in her fiercest moments.

Parenting Your Strong-Willed Child – The Natural Parent Magazine

For every ounce of energy she puts into fighting, she doubles that in her energy towards loving you. So in her toughest moments, I try to double my love as well. I love hearing stories from mamas of strong-willed children who grew up to be amazing adults. A very special mama in my life gave me that quote and every time I read it, it makes me smile. And I say thriving and not surviving these years because every single day that Mack wakes up is a new adventure.

Every moment that I spend trying to understand her strong will instead of trying to break it, turns into a moment where I watch her thrive. Raising a Strong Willed Child is H. Hilarious Quotes about Motherhood.

Symbol For Strong Willed, Symbol Strong Willed

Thanks for sharing!!! I can totally relate and am relieved to hear someone else talk about strong willed children. I want her to grow up strong with her own independent way of thinking. Too many young girls end up with self doubt. According to Laura Markham, a clinical psychologist at Columbia University,. Strong-willed children want to learn things for themselves rather than accept what others say, so they test the limits over and over again.

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So take heart! The future is bright. You likely want to know how to successfully parent a strong-willed child. They will see they can trust us. AND we model how to apologize when we mess up. And strong-willed children are risk-takers. And neither can we. And thus you should want that with your child. Do you have a child who is rebellious and defiant? Most of the time when my clients tell me they do, I know right away that a parent or both is micromanaging.

My Savior My God - Aaron Shust (with lyrics).

Hey, gotta play it straight here. I teach my clients to be calm, confident, and cool. In this way, whether we deliver a compliment or a consequence, it has meaning and creates a powerful memory.

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