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The Ultimate Happiness Prescription: 7 Keys to Joy and Enlightenment [Deepak Still more mysterious is the secret to a lasting happiness that cannot be taken away. The Book of Secrets: Unlocking the Hidden Dimensions of Your Life The body is designed to support the mind, and working together they create the.
Table of contents

That means carving out time for yourself for what you love to do or what nourishes your soul. Give yourself credit for doing these things that add more to your integrity and self worth. Conversely when you start dictating what you will and will not do — you gain more of it. Or sometimes even better yet — WHO should you cut out of your life?

Tiny Habits

Firing that team member you know that has to go, etc. Personally, I love to read and learn something new each day. Or to become a world-class expert read and study for 1 hour per day for 5 years. I never forgot that and took it to heart with copywriting and direct response as the first skill sets I mastered.

We have so many easy opportunities for learning and growth. There are a ton of videos and educational materials online. Get the Swift app for your iPad and you can play videos at up to 2x speed to cruise through even more stuff, i. Create easy daily habits to develop your mastery muscle. Even something as simple as making your bed counts. Your daily habits could be as simple as flossing your teeth each day. Set yourself up with daily habits that empower you. Hopefully these 9 categories will be part of your daily habits also.


The biggest part about mindfulness is your intention. The fact is, your intuition only speaks in the quiet space in between your mind chatter. Part of my deeper voice has kept bringing up these daily activities and now by writing about, it I am forced to directly bring them into the forefront of my consciousness. Think about something you do everyday. Do you set an intention for your day? Do you create a conscious decision about what you will or will not eat?

What about your intention for drinking alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks , how you sleep, what you listen to, watch, etc.? What about what you watch on TV?

The Gift Of Joy - Jake Johnson

Mindfulness can be derived from traditional or non-traditional meditation practices. For example, a really intense ski run has a meditative quality to it since you have to be in the present. Your mindfulness could also be visualizing or imagining the future in a vivid way in your mind or in your journal. In fact, your journal is one of the most important pieces of your daily return path. I have an entire blog post on journal writing on my old Internet Lifestlye blog. Questions are some of my favorite ways of creating bigger new ways of thinking.

I think questions dictate your answers and the more powerful questions you ask the better the answers are in life and business. Our minds want to search for answers. I like writing down my question on the top of a piece of paper or my journal and then working on multiple answers. Keep pushing yourself to come up with more distinctions and sometimes even wilder answers. Or if you really want to go deeper use your non-dominant hand to answer.

Check out Mindful. Mentoring is taken here in a broad sense as teaching or sharing or serving. Humans are naturally wired to increase their happiness by being of service to others. This could be anything from volunteering your time or your skill sets. There are all kinds of sites to help connect you to organizations that can use your skill sets.

And if all of this is not reason enough, by teaching something we get better at the process or skill ourselves. It moves from an unconsciously competent level to a more consciously competent level. These mentor type opportunities can be found daily if you look for them or are aware of them. Another mentor-like opportunity you can become aware of for your day is to do a kind or generous deed. Counts in my book. Or maybe something a little more fun.

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Go through a tollbooth and pay for the driver behind you. What about sticking a quarter into an expired meter? Or even cooler put a hidden dollar somewhere. Recently at the beach, we were waiting in a long line for the Haunted House ride and I was talking to a few teenage girls behind our family. They seemed really nice and they were visiting the beach for one day so I simply paid for their ride without them knowing. It was the act itself not the recognition that drives happiness.

Got it. Makes perfect sense after that. By receiving we also allow others to be mentors and give. Surprisingly or maybe not people appreciate helping when you ask for help or even providing a favor and being able to help you.

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But by asking for favors, they developed a relationship. Multiply is all about the art of creation and not simply being a passive consumer. When I taught copywriting to others I always talked about the inner critic and how hard it is to write good copy or really anything when you have this little voice telling you something sucks. After the 33 minutes were up he would take a break for min. BTW — Eugene Schwartz was one of the absolute highest paid copywriters in the world! The big point is I want you to think about how you can produce instead of just consuming.

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You get so much more confidence and joy out of producing something of your own i. Give yourself a focused task and a focusing question yes, questions again ,. Keep going. As a side note, your brain will continue working on questions and problems for you to make sure you have something to capture those ideas as you come up with them all the time. Having a loving relationship with a significant partner or fulfilling sexual desires in a positive way earns a check box in this category too.

Well part of the daily practice is to recognize the positive progress so you can activate the virtuous upward spiral. Similar to being grateful, this is about actively making sure you identify where you are moving forward. Dan gives the example of the horizon. We feel despondent and maybe even depressed in our greatest victories if we attempt to measure them up to our ultimate ideals. But the people who are happiest are the ones of take stock of where they are today Point B than when they started Point A. He really writes from his heart with an authentic voice.

Your energy and passion for a project or idea is your intuitive nudge giving you a guidepost to more happiness and joy. Dan sets up his days that he only has 3 things to accomplish. And one more thing on momentum is feedback. You need to make sure there are feedback loops for you. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. Imagine that you believed and saw the magic in your everyday life or simply created it. How much more spectacular would your life be each day? It can be something as simple as just laughing. One of the most overlooked things to try is surprising others.

I get such a kick out of doing something even little that makes someone else really happy and excited. When we got there he was given surprise flight lessons by my pilot buddy on my hockey team. Bringing something fun to your life nourishes you and you can do it in big ways or just small unexpected ways. See my post about adding a little bit more fun to everyday occurrences.

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To help you keep track of your days, I created a little 1-pager PDF you can download, copy, share, etc. Download here.

What is your morning routine?

Then see if you can hit 3 things during each of the parts of the day. Just write in which one it is. Now the hearts and the stars are places to keep track of 2 cool things. And those could then become the habit you want to continue doing for a day pattern the stars and see if you can truly incorporate that into your life. Use the day streak section to keep a running tally of where you are on that streak.

And then at the bottom of the worksheet, give yourself credit for what forward progress you made today. Great post, Yanik, and kudos for embarking on this path. I really like the way you designed the worksheet, too. He finds her, referring to her as the "Chosen One".