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To get revenge, Casanova bought a parrot and trained it to recite "Miss Charpillon is more of a whore than her mother. From Ausburg Casanova wrote a letter to Prince Charles of Courlande on the subject of fabricating cold. Voltaire did not like Casanova's achievement. Between and Casanova served as a spy for the Venetian inquisitors of state.

His literary efforts did not meet success. The libretto was written by Lorenzo Da Ponte, but Casanova had earlier told the composer some episodes of his life. In one text Casanova sees that women are responsible for Don Giovanni's evil deeds: "The blame lies entirely with the female sex for bewitching his mind and enslaving his heart. Oh, seducing sex!

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Source of pain! Let a poor innocent person go in peace. During his last years the toothless Casanova concentrated on his memoirs "to keep from going mad or dying of grief".

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  • Casanova finished the twelfth volume in , with his age at forty-seven years. He also tried to find a solution to the famous old problem of the duplication of the cube. His physician, James Columb O'Reilly, had advised him: "For several moths you must give up gloomy studies which tire the brain, and sex; for the time being you must be lazy, and, as a kind of relief, you might review the happy days spent in Venice and other parts of the world.

    They give a colorful picture of the culture of the 18th century Europe. The original manuscript, sold by Casanova's family to the German firm of F. Brockhaus in , was not released until The texts used up that time were based on a volume German translation and a highly inaccurate French edition The integral French text was first published as Histoire de ma vie in The first full English edition was translated by W. Trask in six volumes Casanova died on June 4, He had suffered from bladder trouble for three-and-a-half months.

    Among his last lady friend was Cecile von Roggendorf, a twenty-two-year-old canoness, and Elise von der Recke, who sent him soup and wine. Casanova's main work was his autobiography, first published in complete form in the s. At his death he left behind some 8, pages of other manuscripts. Films : Casanova , dir.

    Mario Monicelli, starring Marcello Mastroianni; "Casanova" , short film , dir. Kurt Pscherer; Casanova , dir. Richard Blank; Casanova , dir. Lana caprina, Istoria delle turbolenze della Polonia, 3 vols. Casanova de Seingalt, 12 vols.

    The Memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt , Complete

    Jean-Francois Laya Histoire de ma vie, 12 vols. Willard R. Trask, Casanova en verve, ed. Marco Leeflang and Tom Vitelli Lettere a un maggiordomo, ed. Piero Chiara, tr. Carlo Martini Pensieri libertini, ed. Federico di Trocchio Lana caprina. Epistola di un licantropo, ed. Renato Giordano Philocalies sur les sottises des mortels, ed. Kuusankosken kaupunginkirjasto A few years later he became a secretary to Cardinal Acquaviva of Rome, but a scandal again forced Casanova to leave the city and he traveled in Naples, Corfu, and Constantinople.

    Eventually he settled in Venice, where he had a love affair with Signora F.

    MEMOIRS OF CASANOVA (part 1) by Giacomo Casanova - Volume 1 Episode 1: Childhood - audiobook

    In he was a violinist in the San Samuel theater. He contracted his first venereal disease in adolescence and the pox, gonorrhea, "Celtic humors," and other venereal diseases marked different periods of his life. He also learned the rudiments of medicine and when sick he recovered by following a strict diet of nitrate water for six weeks. Although his sex life was very lively, he did not enjoy orgies, which were popular among the high society. His nickname was "Monsieur Six-fois". Once he said: "Real love is the love that sometimes arises after sensual pleasure: if it does, it is immortal; the other kind inevitably goes stale, for it lies in mere fantasy.

    The Memoires of Casanova

    Casanova met in his great love, the young and mysterious Frenchwoman, Henriette, in Cesena. He went to Lyons, where he was received as a Freemason. By he had worked as a clergyman, secretary, soldier, and violinist in several countries. In Dresden he translated the opera Zoroastre into Italian and his mother had the role of Erinice in the play.

    Casanova's freedom ended in for a year. He was arrested, his manuscripts, books, works on magic, and Arentino's book on sexual positions were seized. Casanova was denounced as a magician and sentenced for five years in lead chambers under the roof of the Doge's Palace. The dungeon is extremely hot. He managed to escape with his friend, Father Balbi. Like Dostoevsky later on, Casanova was a gambler. He also established a workshop for manufacturing printed silk, hiring twenty young girls to do the work. In he fled from his creditors and traveled across Europe. Casanova continues his adventures in Naples, England, Germany, and Spain.

    While in London, a courtesan named Marianne Charpillon stole all his money. Moreover, she had refused to go to bed with him. To get revenge, Casanova bought a parrot and trained it to recite "Miss Charpillon is more of a whore than her mother. From Ausburg Casanova wrote a letter to Prince Charles of Courlande on the subject of fabricating cold.

    Voltaire did not like Casanova's achievement. While in France in , Casanova briefly met the famous magician and counterfeiter Giuseppe Balsamo, known as the C ount Alessandro di Cagliostro, as he was journeying through Aix-en-Provence with his wife. Both were dressed as pilgrims. Between and Casanova served as a spy for the Venetian inquisitors of state. His literary efforts did not meet success. The libretto was written by Lorenzo Da Ponte, but Casanova had earlier told the composer some episodes of his life.

    In one text Casanova sees that women are responsible for Don Giovanni's evil deeds: "The blame lies entirely with the female sex for bewitching his mind and enslaving his heart.

    See a Problem?

    Oh, seducing sex! Source of pain! Let a poor innocent person go in peace. During his last years the toothless Casanova concentrated on his memoirs "to keep from going mad or dying of grief". Casanova finished the twelfth volume in , with his age at forty-seven years. He also tried to find a solution to the famous old problem of the duplication of the cube. His physician, James Columb O'Reilly, had advised him: "For several moths you must give up gloomy studies which tire the brain, and sex; for the time being you must be lazy, and, as a kind of relief, you might review the happy days spent in Venice and other parts of the world.

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    • By Jacques Casanova de Seingalt.
    • Histoire de ma vie , written in French which he thought more sophisticated than Italian or his own Venetian diaclect, tell the story of Casanova's life until They give a colorful picture of the culture of the 18th century Europe. The original manuscript, sold by Casanova's family to the German firm of F.

      Brockhaus in , was not released until