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The Odds: A Love Story [Stewart O'Nan] on “He brings lightness to every scene, while still making the characters tremendously real, recognizable yet fresh. .. Odds of a year-old woman being a grandmother: 1 in 3 .. his is: "Last Night at the Lobster", of which his latest novella, "The Odds" reminds me.
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But the novelist is always faced with the problem of whether it is more important to represent the formlessness of real life in which there are no beginnings and no ends and very few simple motives for action or to construct an artifact as well balanced and economical as a table or chair; since he is an artist, the claims of art, or artifice , frequently prevail.

There are, however, ways of constructing novels in which plot may play a desultory part or no part at all. In the works of Virginia Woolf , the consciousness of the characters, bounded by some poetic or symbolic device, sometimes provides all the fictional material. Strictly, any scheme will do to hold a novel together—raw action, the hidden syllogism of the mystery story , prolonged solipsist contemplation—so long as the actualities or potentialities of human life are credibly expressed, with a consequent sense of illumination, or some lesser mode of artistic satisfaction, on the part of the reader.

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Submit Feedback. Thank you for your feedback. Novel literature. Written By: Anthony Burgess. See Article History. Subscribe today for unlimited access to Britannica. Load Next Page. More About. Brooklyn College - The Novel. When a young woman comes to Strange asking for his help recovering a cheap ring she claims has sentimental value, the case leads him onto Vaughn's turf, where a local drug addict's been murdered, shot point-blank in his apartment.

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Soon both men are on the trail of a ruthless killer: Red Fury, so called for his looks and the car his girlfriend drives, but a name that fits his personality all too well. Red Fury doesn't have a retirement plan, as Vaughn points out - he doesn't care who he has to cross, or kill, to get what he wants.

As the violence escalates and the stakes get higher, Strange and Vaughn know the only way to catch their man is to do it their own way. Rich with details of place and time - the cars, the music, the clothes - and fueled by non-stop action, this is Pelecanos writing in the hard-boiled noir style that won him his earliest fans and placed him firmly in the ranks of the top crime writers in America. Spero Lucas has a new line of work. Since he returned home to Washington, D. He's good at it, and he has carved out a niche: recovering stolen property, no questions asked.

His cut is forty percent. A high-profile crime boss who has heard of Lucas's specialty hires him to find out who has been stealing from his operation. It's the biggest job Spero has ever been offered, and he quickly gets a sense of what's going on. But before he can close in on what's been taken, he tangles with a world of men whose amorality and violence leave him reeling. Is any cut worth your family, your lover, your life? The first in a series of thrillers featuring Spero Lucas, The Cut is the latest confirmation of why George Pelecanos is "perhaps America's greatest living crime writer.

Christopher Flynn is trying to get it right. After years of trouble and rebellion that enraged his father and nearly cost him his life, he has a steady job in his father's company, he's seriously dating a woman he respects, and, aside from the distrust that lingers in his father's eyes, his mistakes are firmly in the past. One day on the job, Chris and his partner come across a temptation almost too big to resist. Chris does the right thing, but old habits and instincts rise to the surface, threatening this new-found stability with sudden treachery and violence.

With his father and his most trusted friends, he takes one last chance to blast past the demons trying to pull him back. Like Richard Price or William Kennedy, Pelecanos pushes his characters to the extremes, their redemption that much sweeter because it is so hard fought. Pelecanos has long been celebrated for his unerring ability to portray the conflicts men feel as they search and struggle for power and love in a world that is often harsh and unforgiving but can ultimately be filled with beauty. On a hot summer afternoon in , three teenagers drove into an unfamiliar neighborhood and six lives were altered forever.

Thirty five years later, one survivor of that day reaches out to another, opening a door that could lead to salvation. But another survivor is now out of prison, looking for reparation in any form he can find it. Gus Ramone is "good police," a former Internal Affairs investigator now working homicide for the city's Violent Crime branch. His new case involves the death of a local teenager named Asa whose body has been found in a local community garden. The murder unearths intense memories of a case Ramone worked as a patrol cop twenty years earlier, when he and his partner, Dan "Doc" Holiday, assisted a legendary detective named T.

The series of murders, all involving local teenage victims, was never solved. In the years since, Holiday has left the force under a cloud of morals charges, and now finds work as a bodyguard and driver. Cook has retired, but he has never stopped agonizing about the "Night Gardener" killings. The new case draws the three men together on a grim mission to finish the work that has haunted them for years. All the love, regret, and anger that once burned between them comes rushing back, and old ghosts walk once more as the men try to lay to rest the monster who has stalked their dreams.

Lorenzo Brown loves his work. In his job as an officer for the Humane Society, he cruises the city streets, looking for dogs that are being mistreated - underfed, unclean, trained to kill. He takes pride in making their lives better. And that pride helps Lorenzo resist the pull of easier money doing the kind of work that got him a recent prison bid. Rachel Lopez loves her work, too.

By day she is a parole officer, helping people - Lorenzo Brown among them - along a path to responsibility and advancement. At night she heads for the city's hotel bars, where she can always find a man who will let her act out her damage. She loses herself in sex and drink and more. But Rachel's nights are taking a toll on her days. Lorenzo knows the signs. The trouble is, he truly needs her right now.

There's an eruption coming in the streets he left behind, the kind of territorial war that takes down everyone even near it. Lorenzo needs every shred of support he can get to keep from being sucked back into that battleground. He reaches out to Rachel - but she may be too far gone to help either of them. Down here after a close day, relief. A few lamps cautiously peer into encroaching darkness.

Come what may, I am at ease making my peace with night. People are on display here. These cities become me. Levenson will also be reading in Ottawa and Kingston at the end of April. While Canada is doing well for itself with over a dozen poetry awards distributed annually, in comparison to honours given for literature and non-fiction in both Canada and worldwide, recognition for our thriving poetry community is severely lacking.

But poetry, which was once the most popular art form during the days of the Romantics, was never meant to be inaccessible and indecipherable. Our ancestors gathered around the fire and tried to communicate with mysteries bigger than themselves. Natasha Trethewey, former U. The League of Canadian Poets as well as small presses like Quattro are doing what we can to ensure poetry will always have a place in Canadian culture, and there is no better time to get involved than during National Poetry Month.

I really enjoyed this book. I really liked it. Yes, I am an adult, and yes this is an original fairy tale by the beyond talented David Day.

PELECANOS BOOKS | George Pelecanos

It pulls you almost instantly into a world where the music of a simple instrument, can cast a spell as bewitching as an enchanted forest. The protagonist is a young flute player named Kung who is mild and even tempered until his uncle is tricked and taken away by sorcerers with evil intentions. Kung follows his uncle and on the ways encounters a dragon, an enchanted forest, a beautiful and wise princess and an emperor with an unusual collection. Balance, not conflict.

Overcome evil with reason, not with force. Taking the time to slow down and think allows Kung to defeat a great evil and reunite with his good friend panda. I wonder what kind of place the world would be if we all slowed down just a little and took the time to think a bit more. Perhaps this story is meant for children, but perhaps there are some adults who could use to indulge in a fairy tale too.

The biggest surprise was how much I learned by reading it. It was smart, and fast paced and I feel like I learned about relationships between Israel and Palestine in a way I had never considered before. Against a fictional backdrop, the issues took on a different and new meaning for me and painted a picture of a part of the world I had, admittedly, not wholly understood before.

In many ways, a book that can open your eyes and show a reader something new, is a wonderful gift.

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I was also drawn to the heroine, a strong and steadfast intelligent woman, weaving her story and herself through the London underground in an attempt to solve a mystery and a murder. I am, however, so pleased to have read it! It was a refreshing take on the mystery, crime, and thriller spy novel and kept me guessing until the end.

30 Dystopian Novels By and About Women

Despite his rescinding his comment on the grounds of being drunk, the idea is one worth considering. If we rely on government grants to produce art, does this mean that the integrity of that art is compromised in order to accommodate, or not risk offending, the patron? There are numerous examples of edgy and interesting Canadian writers and publishers who continue to push boundaries.