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Mark Macy is a prize-winning researcher and the author of Miracles in the Storm, along with numerous articles. He has appeared extensively in print, on radio.
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Life in the Field of Rushes was a reflection of the real world they had just left with blue skies, rivers and boats for travel, gods and goddesses to worship and fields and crops that needed to be ploughed and harvested. The dead were granted a plot of land in the Field of Rushes and were expected to maintain it, either by performing the labour themselves or getting their shabtis to work for them.

Shabtis small statuettes were often supplied with agricultural tools such as baskets and hoes and were often lead by a foreman or overseer who appeared after about BCE , who carried a flail instead of tools. Size: 11cm high, 12cm diameter. Who is Osiris? The Final Judgment Once the journey through the underworld is complete, the deceased reach the Hall of Final Judgment. Judgment involved a two-part process: Part 1: standing before the 42 divine judges Here they stood before 42 divine judges and pleaded their innocence of any wrongdoing during their lifetime.

We are born, grow, get old and die and will be reborn in this world again in a different time. Life is much more enjoyable this way. All things in this world are meant to go through a cycle, developing in the process. The world of spirit does exist — this is a simple truth. We live within the laws of reincarnation. This is a fact. Whether or not you accept it will make a major difference to the course of your life.

17 Near-Death Experience Accounts from "Beyond the Light"

One day, death will come suddenly. On average, people live for about eighty years, but there is a large discrepancy depending on the individual. You never know when you may have to return to the other world.

I want to do even better next time. If they are Japanese, then the first barrier they are faced with is the famous River Styx.

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People who live in areas where there are no rivers do not have to cross a river after death. For instance, Native Americans are confronted with a swamp, but no river. You may be faced with mountains, lakes or even the sea. When crossing the river, some people wade through the water, while others float over the surface of the water.

Spirit Faces: Truth About the Afterlife by Mark Macy

Sometimes a bridge may appear in front of the person and they are able to cross over that bridge. Different methods are employed for different people.

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So when a good person approaches the river, a bridge will appear or they will be able to float over the surface of the water, but if a bad person wants to cross, they will have to wade through the water. They continue to the far bank where they are met by people who died before them. As I mentioned before, in most cases these will be their old school teachers, their grandfather or grandmother, their great grandfather or great grandmother, any children who may have died before them, or their brothers and sisters. The mortal body and the spiritual body are connected to each other by a silver cord that comes out of the back of the head and as a person crosses the River Styx, this breaks and falls away.

Their consciousness is separated from their body and when this happens, quite a few people experience it as traveling through a dome of light. It can be said to be like passing through a tunnel and then suddenly emerging into the light. Ordinary people go to a place that lies between Heaven and Hell, a sort of extension of this world, where they stay while the record of their thoughts and deeds in life is tallied up. While they are there, they are able to see their past displayed on a screen.

So if you truly believe that "Facing [death] is our life's task," may I suggest you try atheism? It's the common thread in all religions, from the most ancient to the most modern: "When we die, it's not really the end. So don't worry so much. Most of them teach that life after death will not only exist, but it'll be way more awesome than stupid ol' life with all its trials and tribulations. A choir of angels! Forty virgins!

All your old friends, your family, even Mittens and Fido will be there to give you a big hug and welcome you to eternity! Living forever. Whatever philosophical contortions you want to twist yourself through, if you believe in eternity, you are not facing death. Atheists face death. We have to come to grips with the finality of our end without the aid of any comforting fairy tales.

It's not easy, but neither is life. Atheists and theists can agree on that, at least.

Beyond Death: The Science of the Afterlife

We just don't think death is going to be any different. When atheists claim that religion is just a fanciful way to deal with the unpleasant inevitability of death, the faithful often decry such a reduction as unfair. And yet your main response to Kevin Drum's unapologetic description of his lack of religious impulse is to ask "Then what do you think happens when we die? So which is it? And how does soothing my fears be they rational or irrational make something like religion more likely to be True? I believe we have a "soul," but not in the sense of a spiritual being apart from our bodies, but in the sense of a consciousness that transcends our physical limitations.

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It is, first, the essence of our beings, the thing that connects the person we are today to the person we have been at all the stages of our lives. The boy I once was is in some sense the man I am today and the old man I will be, and I think this persistence of being - this connective line, this inner self - is part of what I mean by "soul. And finally I mean a higher morality - the part of our beings that makes us not only human, and thus animal, but also humane, and in that sense spiritual beings with a higher morality than self-interest and even survival.

This feeling no doubt has a physical cause as well, but at some level our higher-processing brains and our experiences and learning give us feelings that seem unconnected to physical sensation. And it is here where the best of humankind resides and expresses itself. When I worry about my own death, it is not death that I really worry about, but the manner of death, and the lead up to it of decline, decrepitude, helplessness, pain.

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If I knew I would be fairly healthy until the end, and then die peacefully in my sleep, much of my anxiety would be gone. Death itself does not scare me. I remember undergoing general surgery for some minor problem, and was given some anesthetic drip before being wheeled into the operating room.

What Happens After We Die? - Now You Know

At one moment I was talking to the surgeon, and the very next moment - a nanosecond later - I was in the recovery room. I had no awareness of a dimming of consciousness. One instant I was there, an instant later I was gone. This, it seems to me, is what death is like, only there's no reawakening.

Consciousness ends, and along with it any awareness and sensation. There is not even a feeling of absence. Another way I look at it is that life after I am dead will be just like life before I was born. I don't regret not being here sooner than I was, and I had no sensation of existence before my birth. So it will be after my death. The only death that really scares me is the death of those I love, far more than my own.