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Ruthless is a pirate themed game in which players will gather their crew and fight with their opponents.​ The primary mechanic of Ruthless is deck building.​ Every turn a player must play a card or set of cards from their hand after which they may buy new cards to their deck.
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But her enemies are generally monstrous. And it sure seems likely that the icy White Walkers will have a tough time dealing with her trio of dragons. Talisa Stark Born to a noble family in the far-off slave city of Volantis, Talisa rejected her upbringing to become a combat nurse in the battlegrounds of Westeros.

  1. Ruthless Games.
  2. About This Game.
  3. Forever Taboo: Hot Taboo Romance Story (Stepbrother Grasped Book 5);

A classic case of the road to hell paved with good intentions. A whole lot of people died so he could follow his heart. You win or you die, as they say.

Ruthless Review

But his desire to see everyone get along leads to his undoing, as he cedes far too much authority to the fanatical High Sparrow and ignores the threat posed by his own mother, Cersei. When she helps frame him for the murder of King Joffrey at his trial, Tyrion reads it as a betrayal, but given the power of his enemies, what choice did she really have?

Certainly less of a choice than Tyrion had when he strangled her to death on his way to kill his father Tywin. His only real crime was his willingness to play along with the overreaching ambitions of his boyfriend Renly and grandmother Olenna.

  • About This Item.
  • Turnabout by Bruce Kaler M.D..
  • Ruthless Games, a song by Michael Coleman on Spotify.
  • Margaery Tyrell Marge in charge of our days and our nights: In many ways, the flower of House Tyrell is the one character who combines shrewd realpolitik with an innate moral center. Arya Stark This poor kid. At least he died serving a monarch worthy of his service. Osha Con: We first met this wildling woman when she threatened to murder Bran Stark in order to reach safety.

    Pro: Osha really did need safety, considering the demonic goings-on north of the Wall, and everything she did afterwards showed she was a thoughtful, loyal, loving person forced into terrible circumstances.

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    She deserved a better death than Ramsay Victim No. Edmure is kept as the prisoner of the Lannister-Frey alliance it was his wedding! On the other other hand, well, that particular hand is turning into stone because he caught the grayscale plague. In conclusion, Jorah Mormont is a land of contrasts. He also nurses a serious crush on Brienne of Tarth, and who can blame him? Like the Spider, he exploits the hard reality of the world to work toward the preservation of the realm. In his case, the realm is all the people and giants!

    Sure, he employs a few cannibals and war criminals to get the job done, but if the alternative is getting turned into zombies by ice monsters, who can blame him? On the other hand, he stakes his claim on the Iron Throne based on sheer ego alone, risking the lives of countless thousands in the process. Tyrion Lannister The Imp is a challenging figure. And when his relationship with Shae is shattered by false accusations, he murders her before also killing his sinister dad.

    Perhaps working for Daenerys is his form of penance? Peter Dinklage may be the breakout star of the entire series, but Lord Tyrion is a tough nut to crack. More than any other character, Ygritte embodied the moral compromises of war: In order to preserve the lives of herself and her people, she was willing to take the lives of others indiscriminately, and she died at the hands of one of her victims for it. Daario Naharis This hunky mercenary slaughtered and smoldered his way into the heart and pants of Daenerys Targaryen herself.

    Throughout their relationship, he made his moral position crystal clear: He did whatever he did for fun and for money. If it happened to be for a good cause, great! If not, well, so be it. Oberyn Martell He loves for kicks. He lives for kicks. He kills for kicks. Sadly, he wound up coaxing a confession from her killer, Gregor Clegane, at the cost of his own cranium. Which is great, if you want to train Bran Stark to be your heir apparent and the main magical opponent of the Night King and his evil army.

    Robert Baratheon I can still remember when that Robert used to make me smile.

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    He was just a cool jock in love with bold Lyanna Stark, and he freaked the hell out when it looked like Rhaegar Targaryen ran off with her. But as their passion reignites, the stakes are raised. Because Kane is now a wanted man as well. I didn't have overly high expectations for this book as Kane is in the same team as Mack, who was the hero in the previous Ghostwalker book Street Game and although I enjoyed it the characters didn't appeal to me as much as the characters from the other teams who were in the previous books.

    But I went into this book with an open mind, prepared to like it and not like it as much as the other books in this series. Happily I did end up liking it but the first half of the book was a bit 'meh' for me, although I adored the action in this book which there was plenty of. I much preferred the second half of the book, where there was more action, more romance and more involvement of other characters which added more to the book and hero and heroine.

    I wasn't overly fond of Kane and Rose, they were good characters but at times I had a problem connecting with them, yet at other times there wasn't a problem at all, which I found a little annoying. However, I managed to get past this and really enjoy the overall storyline.

    My only main problem with Ruthless Game was that Whitney the bad guy since book 1, Shadow Game was 1 starting to get on my nerves, 2 will the Ghostwalkers ever kill him off, especially anytime soon because at 9 books it's getting a little bit old, also if all the Ghostwalkers are working together then why don't they just wipe him out considering he's such a big threat and all? Overall, Ruthless Game was a great addition to the Ghostwalker series!

    Sep 09, Amanda rated it really liked it Shelves: romantic-suspense , pnr-sci-fi-fantasy-romance , read As per usual, the newest Ghost Walker book just makes me even more excited about the series and in suspense for what will happen next and who the couple will be. I liked that this book was a little different than the previous books. We have actually seen the main couple before, and they had a previous relationship if that is what you can call being in the breeding program together They know that the other is a Ghost Walker, and already have a bond and trust that previous couples other As per usual, the newest Ghost Walker book just makes me even more excited about the series and in suspense for what will happen next and who the couple will be.

    They know that the other is a Ghost Walker, and already have a bond and trust that previous couples other than in Street Game have not had. I loved Kane and Rose, and I loved their connection. They were actually able to communicate with one another, which is one thing that drives me crazy about romances. Feehan was able to keep my interest in them without the usual contrived misunderstandings and miscommunication. The plot had enough suspense without adding any of that additional drama. There are four GW teams well, four that are the good guys , and Feehan does not follow the usual formula of taking one team at a time and finding them their soul mates.

    She doesn't "marry off" one teammate at a time and then move to the next team. She jumps around from team to team, and we also usually see or hear about the other teams within each book.

    I think it helps keep the series fresh, that we are not always dealing with the same people and situations. I'm hoping that the next book will stay with this team and deal with Javier and Rhianna, but I'm not banking on it. We did have to wait a few books to see Kane and Rose's story which was introduced in Deadly Game. All I know is that, no matter who's story is in the next book, it will be a must buy for me! View all 3 comments. Jul 06, SheLove2Read rated it really liked it Shelves: I had a spectacular review written and Goodreads lost it.

    They are truly a self made family and it shows.

    Kane is a stand up guy, going to be a great father and definitely one of the more Alpha males I've read lately. Loved him! Sebastian is such a cutie. As long as he doesn't start speaking in sentences before he's a year old, I'm fine with his special abilities. Can't wait for this story to Grrr. Can't wait for this story to play out! Paul - this man deserves a book of his own.