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These verses of the Holy Qur'an testify that Allah (the One True God) has sent The Puranas are the most widely read of all Hindu Scriptures, as these are.
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But unfortunately, this conversion of Hindus into Muslims has been seized and stopped, because the character of Muslims has not been so impressive from the last few hundred years, as it was before, when Muslims regime conquered and ruled over this region of subcontinent. At that time Hindus converted into Muslims very fast and in big numbers, due to good character and behavior of Muslim rulers. To make this process of conversion fast, and to keep this cool breeze flowing, Muslims must make and present their characters according to their religion and then preach the Hindus not only with the reference of The Holy Quran but with reference of their own Hindu Scriptures as well.

Because if Hindu will truly follow their own Scriptures they will be automatically convinced towards Islam.


This is a very strange argument to convince Hindus towards Islam with Hindu Scriptures? After reading this article our minds will be cleared, that who Muslims can convince Hindus towards Islam with reference to their own Hindu Scriptures. Amongst them were some whom Allah guided, and some justly disposed to error. Travel in the land and see what was the end of those belied the revelation and the Prophets " It is possible, that God has sent any Messenger with some Sahifa or Scripture, in which worship of one unseen God and the indications or signs of the prophecy of Prophet Muhammad PBUH were mentioned.

And, later on after passing thousands of years their followers changed the message according to their own materialistic desires and manipulated, distorted the true message and mixed with some other man-made religion, for their benefit, as Christians did with their Bible. Stress not in your religion other than the truth, and follow not the vain desires of folk who erred of old and led many astray But had your Lord willed, they would not have done so.

Therefore, leave them and what they invent. It is secular in origin. It has been derived from the word Indo, Sindhu, which is the name of a major river that flows in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent.

A Hindu is wondering: Which is better, Hinduism or Islam, and why?

The ancient Greeks and Armenians used to refer the people living beyond the river Sindhu as Hindus and gradually the name struck. After centuries the Aryans came down, and where they started living, they named the place Aryavart and long afterwards it was named as Bhartvarsh. When the Muslims came to the subcontinent they called the people living in the region as Hindustanis to distinguish them from the foreign Muslims.

Subsequently when the British established their rule, they started calling the local religions collectively under the name of Hinduism. It is interesting to note that the word is neither Sanskrit nor Dravidian and did not originate in India. The word Hindu is also not mentioned in Hindu Scriptures. If, we go by the original definition of the word Hindu, any one who lives in the subcontinent is generally a Hindu, whatever religion he or she practices. It took the shape of an "Ism" lately, by Pundits and Brahmins.

The rites, sects and ceremonies prevailing in the valley of River Sind were named as Hinduism. It means Hinduism in itself is nothing. It is a formulation and manipulation of Pundits and Brahmins and not of any Avtar or God. The European historians of early 20th Century grudgingly accepted the period around B. But many present day scholars, especially from India, do not agree with this opinion. Hinduism can be better estimated from the astronomical evidence available in the Hindu Scriptures.

These evidences suggest that the Hinduism has a long and checkered history of at least 6, years or more.

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Hinduism is not a religion, but a set of beliefs, rites, ceremonies, customs, traditions and cultures, which have evolved over a period of time in the valley of river Sindh. It is only a way of life, based upon a local group of religious movements evolved in the Indian subcontinent over a vast period of time. It is not based upon a single scripture. No definition of Hinduism truly justifies the true meaning and significance of Hinduism. Now, it is for Hindu scholar's to think, as to where they stand.

Of these, the first three books are considered the more ancient books, and the Rig Veda is the oldest of them. Praise Him alone". Unfortunately, the knowledge of the Vedas have been stopped to be listened during the last five thousand years, that is why, the worship of only one God is not being done.

Up to the time of Mahabharta there was no temple. So, the reason of the temples and murti is only due to the decrease and little knowledge of Vedas, for the last about three thousands years, because before this period there was no temple. Temple provision is only in the sects made by Pundits and not in the Vedas. So when there was the knowledge of Vedas, only one God was worshiped. This is how religion given in the Vedas changed or converted into Hinduism by the Pundits, Brahmins and so called saints. The common Hindu consider everything as God like tree, sun, moon, snake and even human beings as manifestation of God.

On the contrary, Muslim believe, that everything is God's. In other words everything belongs to God, like tree, sun, moon, snake, human beings and everything in this universe belongs to God. So the main difference between Hindu and Muslim beliefs is that Hindu says everything is God and Muslim says everything is God's.

Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Scriptures?

The common Hindu belief in multiple gods while learned Hindus, who are well versed in their scriptures, insist that a Hindu should believe in and worship only one God. Lets take a look some verses about the basic concepts of God in Hindu scriptures with the comparison of Holy Quran. Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.

He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him. I am the only refuge, the ONE true friend; I am the beginning, the staying, and the end of creation; I am the womb and the eternal seed.

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I am heat; I give and withhold the rain. Amongst them were some whom Allah guided, and some justly disposed to error,. It is the place that gives spiritual life to the people and is unconquerable. He who knows the House of God, knows it because God is remembered there. This abode of the angels has eight circuits and nine gates.

It is unconquerable, there is eternal life in it and it is resplendent with Divine light. Atharva Veda X, 2, Mantras 28 and 31 The Kabah is not exactly cubical and its sides are not of the same length.

GOD IS ONE proved from hindu scriptures

The Holy Sanctuary Haram of which Ka'abah is at the center remains open day and night throughout the year and it is always filled with people praying and supplicating to Allah the One True God. Muslims face toward it during prayer forming circle in the Haram Holy House and the circle extends out in this manner throughout the planet Earth. The holy sanctuary Haram has remained unconquerable. Abraha al-Ashram, the Abbysinian viceroy of Yemen, tried to demolish it in CE with a strong army and hordes of Elephants. By Allah's Command, the 'Abaabeel' flying creatures, birds pelted stones at Abraha's army and decimated it, leaving them like green crops devoured by cattle.

Darul Ifta, Darul Uloom Deoband India

This incident is described in the Surah of the Qur'an. So far nine have come and Hindus await the tenth. Descriptions and symptoms, which are found in the books exactly coincide with those of Muhammad pbuh Kalki Puran is one of the holy books of Hindus. It is written in this book that the reason why this prophet will be known as "Kalki" Avatar, is that he will remove Kalki rust and darkness from the hearts of the people, and will prevail over all the artifices.

It is also written that people of his community will be worshipers of God. According to Hindu belief an Avtar is going to appear in the future, who will be the final Avtar and he will be bless for all mankind and kill the evil. There are several indications and specifications have been predicted and mentioned about the Avtar.

Prophecies of Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hindu scriptures convinces a Girl to enter the fold of Islam