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Henry the Canada Goose is late for his family's annual migration south. Story time just got better with Prime Book Box, a subscription that delivers editorially hand-picked children's books every 1, 2, or 3 months — at 40% off List Price. This book kept me wanting to turn each page to find out what happens next. The story.
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Is befriended by another circus person who is a hermaphrodite. Seems like she was very tall which appealed to the ringmaster. Help - what is the name of this book? Searching for a children's book I borrowed from the library about 25 years ago. I remember that some animals, perhaps mice, worked in a jam factory and weren't paid?

So they stole the jam one night. There were lots of pictures of the dark factory with jam. I read this book when I was in Elementary school so it's been a long time, but the book is about a girl whose parents died I think and she's sent to live with her aunt, and she ends up traveling by train, and on the way she meets a homeless boy who teaches her how to "survive" on the way there. They end up becoming friends. I'm pretty sure she also disguises herself as a boy since she didn't want to seem vulnerable or something as a girl I think.

The girl had some valuables in a suitcase with her, which eventually got stolen by some other kids, and the boy she was with came down with a sickness, so she sold some of her stuff for money but it was too late by then or something.

The boy eventually dies, and she finally decides to go to her aunt and the book ends by her arriving there or something after a long time. The boy enters the circus and watches the show after, he meets a talking ape and passes out then he wakes up in an infirmary where he meets the ringleader the man who runs the circus. Looking for a book about a possible female author who finds a haunted stone, I believe she moves to Ireland and begins to have dreams of a murdered druid tribe by romans and a druid rising from a bog?

Does this ring a bell with anyone? Okay this is gonna be a little crazy One of them lives with just her mother and the mother is a drunk. The other has both parents.


Basically the rest of the books are about them growing up together and getting married, one has kids, then she gets cancer and passed away. Then the stories go on to talk about the other woman taking care of her kids. I cannot remember the name to save my life.

Henry IV, part 2: Entire Play

I literally have been looking for this book forever I read it in middle school. I remember she was driven out to a field and she was loopy from meds?? After her death she tried to connect her murder. She had a boyfriend and he gave her a bracelet that I think the police found it in the woods. At some point there was a piano she may have played the piano, or her mother did.

I am looking for a book from possibly the 's. I read it when I was in 4th grade and it scared me. It was about people turning into cacti.

The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Four Million, by O. Henry

It had real photographs. I would love to have that book again. I know that isn't much to go ok n but I am hoping for a title. I'm currently looking for a ghost stories book I read when I was a teen. It had a story about a slave who killed his master, a banshee, a train wreck, a family that died in a blizzard, and more. I'm looking for a book that is a young adult genre.

Henry and Mudge and the Wild Goose Chase

It's about a girl who gets into a car wreck going to see her cousin or brother and sees a large animal in the middle of the road after crashing into a ditch. It was on a stormy night. She also learns that another werewolf from another pack is after her but she doesn't know why. I hope somebody recognizes this book because I've been looking for it for a couple years now. Please help. Ok so im looking for the name of a book I read almost 10 years ago it was a young adult genre book about this kid living in a wierd religious town who is in love with a girl who keeps trying to stay distant spoiler if haven't read at the end of the book this town sacrificed her as part of their religion and she tricked him so he wouldnt stop them its one of the only 2 books that ever made me cry.

A book about a young Chineses girls who escape the wars disguised as a boy.

Short Stories

She makes it to America and spends her entire life as a man. I'm trying to find a book that I read in 5th or 6th grade in or It was about a girl whom was ship wrecked I do believe. A lady and her young son found this young girl in the water barley alive and nursed her back to health, however the young girl could not speak. I have never been able to forget this book and would really love to find out what it was and read it again. I am searching for a book I read in 5th or 6th grade, or It was about a girl whom i do believe was ship wrecked, she washed up on the shore maybe a boat deck and a woman and her son found her half alive.

They nursed her back to health but the young girl could not speak. Please if anyone knows what it could be it would be much appreciated. I don't know the title or author. I have never been able to forget this book, and it would mean so much to me if I could find it again. I'm looking for the title of a children's picture book that was printed in the 's or the early 's.

It was illustrated in tones of brown watercolor I think and it about a little bear that wanders off from his home and goes to school in the woods, where I believe his older siblings are.


The teacher there notices him wandering in and gives him some coloring or a project to do while she teachers the other little bears in a one room school house. Later, the mother bear finally finds him there and takes him home. I'm trying to find the name of an old fictional novel about a group of male friends who committed murder and swore each other to secrecy. I read it in Im trying to find the title of a book i remember reading a long time ago.

It was about a girl who lived on a ranch near this other boy. She wasnt aloud to leave their land because of her father or grandfather.

Maddie Ziegler - The Book of Henry - Behind the Scenes

One day she did on horseback and her horse threw her and she was unconscious when this boy found her. I dont remember the rest but i am dying to read it again. I am trying to remember this book that was old, well to me, or before. It was a book that came with a CD version of it. I remember it looking white cover maybe some pink details like light pink or maybe it was a girl in a light pink dress.

I am trying to remember a book I read in elementary school so it would have been published before I know there was a little kid and I think it was a child vampire. The main thing I remember is the vampire getting chocolate milk for the kid to drink.

Looking for a book where the boy is an orphan and has only his grandparents. They send him to a magic school where his Grandfather was expelled from due to a crime. He becomes a black robe mage and discovers his Grandfather was set up. I think the main character was Macy? The main thing I remember is that she made a friend who always had these pink sneakers on and then one day she sees the news about a shooting and she knows that her friend died because she saw the pink shoes sticking out on the broadcast. I read a book in the late 50's or early 60's written by a Catholic priest explaining reincarnation in a positive way.

I can't remember the title, except that it had the word reincarnation in it. I can't remember the author's name. I'd like to find this book again. Im looking for a manga that is about a girl and a boy and their forbidden love buy their parents, the girl at least comes from a rich family. The boy and girl run away and ens upp in an accident and the girls parents take her away to america the boy goes after her and finds her.

They end up together and you can see in the end about their life. There is flowers somehow included in the book. The girl is tall and has long dark hair in the end. I'm looking for a young adult fiction novel from the mid to late s. It was about a young girl who was a skilled sleight of hand magician looking for her parents. She had an orangutan as a companion, the end takes place in outback Australia.