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One of the most fascinating characteristics of emotions is that they have universal expressive patterns. These expressions, which are encoded through multiple.
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Citations Publications citing this paper. Prosody of expressive speech: dimensionality of methodologically controlled authentic and acted utterances Nicolas Audibert. Facial emotion expression, recognition and production of varying intensity in the typical population and on the autism spectrum Tanja S H Wingenbach.

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Developing an effective approach to measure emotional response to the sensory properties of beer Curtis B. The twin taboos of discussing religion and politics : a study of six "basic" emotions and interpersonal relationships in response to Rick Perry's "Strong" Michael Rold. The relationship between fractal dimension and other-race and inversion effects in recognising facial emotions.

It offers a valuable contribution to the filling of a large gap. Since the politicization of anthropology in the s, most anthropologists have been reluctant to approach the topic of universals—that is, phenomena that occur regularly in all known human societies. In this volume, Christoph Antweiler reasserts the importance of these cross-cultural commonalities for anthropological research and for life and co-existence beyond the academy.

The Nature of Universals

The question presented here is how anthropology can help us approach humanity in its entirety, understanding the world less as a globe, with an emphasis on differences, but as a planet, from a vantage point open to commonalities. After statement of the main problem, I will endeavour to develop a positive standpoint, first through criticism of the teaching of Bradley and Bosanquet, and secondly by way of comment upon the recently published views of Cook Wilson and of Stout. All of these writers propound some type of idealism; and being myself of that persuasion, I can best define, by their aid and by reference to them, such reasons as I have found, in this and that regard, for differing from them.

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    BERGHAHN BOOKS : Our Common Denominator: Human Universals Revisited

    Authors Authors and affiliations A. Porteous R. Maclennan G.