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Escape from Evil. by. Ernest Becker. · Rating details · ratings · 40 reviews. From the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Denial of Death, a penetrating and insightful perspective on the source of evil in our world.
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Bandcamp Album of the Day Jun 21, Explore music. Paying supporters also get unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app. Purchasable with gift card. Tags punk doom hc post rock sludge Kiel. Bandcamp Album of the Day Feb 10, go to album. Bandcamp Album of the Day Sep 26, go to album. Bandcamp Album of the Day Jun 25, go to album. Bandcamp Album of the Day Jun 21, go to album. After two earlier records that explored the most toxic and decaying parts of modern humanity through stark, sharp, Teutonically precise indie rock as black, grey, and white as their accompanying album covers, Escape from Evil feels and sounds warmer and more expansive.

Escape from evil

Songs are less beholden to the tight matrices of melody created by the group's expertly calibrated rhythm section, and less oppressed by the murky atmosphere of cloudy, menacing psychedelic rock. The group still deploys churning, driving melodies, but now their pristine guitar work and calculated synth flourishes are much looser, more dynamic, and, in some instances, more volatile, capable of firing off into space like blinding solar flares.

Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Escape from Evil , please sign up. Do I have to complete Denial of Death before starting this one?

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  1. In the Land of The Dead!
  2. Escape from Evil by Ernest Becker, First Edition - AbeBooks.
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Aug 17, Don rated it it was amazing Shelves: existential-psychology , death. I just finished reading this and my head feels like it's ready to explode. There's just so much here. Only pages but so much to digest. Something that really surprised me: Becker's advocacy of religion. He rejects organized religion, noting all the evil it's done, especially all it's done to advocate war, but he more or less states towards the end of the book that only belief in the supernatural which, of course, can mean many different things can save humanity.

Like psychoanalysis, he I just finished reading this and my head feels like it's ready to explode. Like psychoanalysis, he writes, good religion has the goal of revealing our true nature to ourselves. Also religion has the same difficult mission as Freud: to overcome the fear of self-knowledge" But unlike psychoanalysis, unlike anything else, Becker continues, religion is able to give us hope against death. Also unlike anything else, religion is able to truly make us feel that our guilt has been expiated.

Escape from EVIL!

Why do people not talk more about Becker's very positive view of religion? This might be true; there might be no god, but it needs to be emphasized that Becker personally advocated belief.

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View all 3 comments. Nov 14, M. Nearing his own end Ernest Becker expressed that he had no intention of this book ever being published. After being diagnosed with a terminal disease he decided he had nothing more to say on the subject. But his survivors decided not to honor his wishes. This happens too often to many good writers. And it is evil. It is the only issue I have with this book. His master work The Denial of Death did much to cement his reputation as one of the premier thinkers in modern psychology.

Escape from Evil is still worth reading and is recommended as a way to perhaps consider another idea contrary to what you get from any religion, dictator, or state-sponsored entity. The book did give me cause to consider again my own state of affairs and to reason why it is I am the way I am these days instead of who I was in years past.

SCHÖNESENDE escape from evil

I often wonder why I am no longer given to the very hardest feelings of lust, envy, greed, and anger. It is not that I no longer have these feelings, I do, but not to the degree I used to and certainly not in the fitful state that might compel me to act on them. We humans are a living history of natural destruction and there is nothing in the cards to bet against our grave and tragic continuance of it.

Everything visible in the world today indicates to me that nothing much has changed. The most specific reason that I myself no longer harbor any of these feelings enough to do damage to my neighbor, or even a loved one, has in fact nothing to do with a religious conversion or newfound knowledge and understanding regarding the error of my ways. I credit my relief to my own surrendering to, and self-examination of, all my impulses including the delicious ones as well as the maniacal disturbances threatening to manifest themselves in not so glorified ways.

Because I no longer suppress these impulses I am able to examine them in light of an understanding wife, a fellow collaborator in my thinking, relevant literature and study, as well as my own fruitful imagination and exuberant gifts for fantasy.

Escape from Evil | Book by Ernest Becker | Official Publisher Page | Simon & Schuster

We have given ourselves permission to divulge our feelings and to realize them all by thinking entirely through them instead of acting them out as others among us have done so dangerously. Not only has the exercise made my wife and I more intimate but it also has brought relief to much of what has obsessed at least myself for many years. Being an artist helps. By writing honestly about whatever it is that makes the most demands on me I am better able to enjoy some sort of equilibrium in the very unstable world we live in.

The fact that we all want more, and what is beyond us, keeps the pressure on to continue to eliminate one-by-one the impulses that occur religiously among all of us. And those of us who safely deny these impulses are either satisfied by the promises of one's religious beliefs or numbed by some addictive behavior that can only harm us in the end. Instead, by accepting these wide-ranging impulses I, in essence, have chosen the disease instead of the cure. But the ripe fullness of each impulse in itself pleases me, and I learn just how and what it is that makes me tick.

The more I indulge myself in these exciting fantasies the more equipped I am to recognize which ones are good for me and which ones are bad. In the long run suppressing them only creates a certain pain I cannot escape from and subsequently less life due to a sort of dying.

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Better to live and make my share of mistakes than to remain immobile as if frozen to death on a stake. There are no fires of hell then certain to come and save me. In all matters of aggression my sword is actually my word. And though the book offers little hope to the human condition there remains an underlying urgency for continuing the pleasure for discovering new seas in which a frightened toe might take that plunge and courageously decide to really swim.

View 2 comments. Apr 06, Tomi-Ann rated it really liked it. We are not evil because we have an "instinct" to be, as Freud said, but because we're the only animal on this planet that knows it's going to die. And so we engage in "immortality projects", including clobbering people who don't subscribe to our view of the world, all in the name of "purity" and goodness. A closer look at the specific question of why humans do such awful things.

Dec 11, Ben rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites. This book spawns a theory of social psychology. It is both a devastating critique of ideology yet beautiful argument for it. All culture is fundamentally contrived Becker never finished this books himself, it was released posthumously by his wife after she found the manuscript hidden away in his desk- so Escape from Evil lacks a bit of the nuance of The Denial of Death- yet Becker writes more candidly in what might be considered his magnum opus.

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  • Escape From Evil is a cry for a unifying theory This book spawns a theory of social psychology. Escape From Evil is a cry for a unifying theory of society and lays its groundwork. Sure to please no one firmly embedded in an ideological camp; the science of society must go more slowly and modestly than advocated by Rousseau and Marx Sep 30, Jafar rated it liked it. This book is a continuation of The Denial of Death. While that book greatly impressed me, this one made me pause. Too much reflection and armchair philosophizing based on dubious psychoanalytical principles can end up giving you an odd perspective of evil.

    It seems that to Becker everything is about trying to transcend death and give meaning to life and make the world as perfect as the one in our imagination; it's all heroism and symbolism. I'm sure this is not what Becker wanted to say, but you This book is a continuation of The Denial of Death. I'm sure this is not what Becker wanted to say, but you get the impression that evil is almost noble because man resorts to it in his effort to overcome his mortality and insignificance.

    Well, as Hannah Arendt said, evil can often be quite banal. Evolutionary psychology seems very unsophisticated compared to the highbrow ideas in this book, but it's the sort of common sense analysis that escaped Becker in his high-mindedness. It's not all heroism and symbolism and transcending death. It can be as banal as amassing resources and power to have a more comfortable life and gain access to more food and mates.

    Sep 21, ehk2 rated it really liked it Shelves: sociology-1 , psycho. No wonder that people segregate themselves with such consuming dedication, that specialness is so much a fight to the death He dies when his little symbols of specialness die. It is an all-consuming activity to make the world conform to our desires Man is an animal who has to live in a lie in order to live at all" p. Jul 22, Matt rated it it was amazing Shelves: existential. I love Ernest Becker.