Manual Babylon Has Fallen

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2 And he criedmightily with a loud voice, saying, “Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit,​.
Table of contents

And as we shall see, there are some very specific things that are said in chapter 18 that hark us right back to those prophecies that I read you earlier so that the writer of Revelation - and John, as he sees the vision and then writes — is being told, in effect, that what the prophet — for example, Isaiah and Jeremiah — said is indeed what he is seeing in the vision of the destruction of the future Babylon.

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Now, having said all of that, let me then say this; while I believe that Babylon is a city, I believe that the influence of Babylon is worldwide. It is then more than a city. The city is its namesake and its capital, but it is the pervasive character of the age of Antichrist. Search for a Bible passage in 70 languages and versions.

Now, plenty of warnings have come before we get to chapter Go back to chapter 14, verse 8. Remember now, the gospel is being preached by the , The gospel is being preached, and judgment is flying all around. But in the midst of all the warning, the people of the world reject. And so, we finally come to chapter 18 and the judgment falls. Now, all of that gets us to verse 1. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.

This is an opening pronouncement of judgment. It tells you judgment is coming and a little bit about why — because of the tremendous, pervasive, demonic influence, and because of the wretched sensuality described in verse 3. Verse 1. Without begging the issue, I would like to suggest that that little phrase supports the distinction between chapter 17 and It identifies a later revelation than that of chapter There is the mention of an angel in chapter 17, verse 1, verse 7, verse Well, this is another one. Another one like the one in It means another of exactly the same kind.

Christ is different than angels. Notice verse 1. Three features tell us of the power and importance of this angel. First, having great authority. He has delegated authority from God to act for God. Very powerful, strong angel. He delegated authority to act on behalf of God. He comes as an executor of judgment. Secondly, he not only comes down from heaven with great authority, but the earth was illumined with his glory. Now, if you go back to chapter 16 and verse 10, you remember that when the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast.

This is coming now toward the end of the great tribulation. When he poured out his bowl, his kingdom became darkened. So, there is a period, at the very end of the great tribulation, of worldwide darkness. It is against that background that verse 1 says the earth was illumined with the glory of this angel. The earth was dark. Babylon was dark. They have to light not only the night, but they have to light the day, because God has basically turned out the heavenly lights in His judgment.

And by the way, though chapter 18 describes the system that existed through the seven years, and most particularly that existed during the second half. The vision that John has here is of the very end when the judgment falls. And so, we can assume that the angel coming at the very end is illuminating an otherwise dark world. The Lord sends, then, an angel who is a glorious angel to illuminate the darkness.

Who is Mystery Babylon in Revelations?

And then verse 2. He comes from heaven with great authority. He is an executor of judgment. He comes to earth and illuminates the whole earth with the shining manifestation of divine presence reflected off of him. And he cries out with such a mighty voice that no one can ignore him. And what does he say? Identical words to chapter 14, verse 8. And both of those passages go back to Isaiah In the form of the Greek, it views the results of judgment as if they have happened already.

Historical Babylon, by the way, fell in B. That event, of course, God showed to His prophets. But this is a far greater fall of a far greater Babylon. The fall that is the annihilation and desolation that Isaiah and Jeremiah promised. And I really do believe that this final fall of Babylon occurs with the seventh bowl judgment.

Go back to chapter 16, verse When the seventh angel poured out his bowl, this is the last act of judgment. And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And huge hailstones, about a hundred pounds each, came down from heaven upon men; and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail, because its plague was extremely severe. The seventh bowl is the destruction of Babylon described in detail in chapter She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit and a prison of every unclean and hateful or foul bird.

And you will remember that demons are released out of the pit, the first part of chapter 9. Then million demons are released who have been bound at the Euphrates River.

Demons are running amok everywhere. Then you have the demons of chapter 12 that were cast out of heaven to the earth. Then you have the filthy spirits of chapter 16, verses 13 and 14, like frogs; spirits of demons going out to deceive the whole world and collect them to the battle of Armageddon. And the headquarters for the whole demon operation is none other than the city of Babylon.

So, Babylon is going to get its destruction because it is the headquarters for the demon enterprise of the last days. All the demons of the pit that can be released have been. All the demons of the sky have been catapulted to the earth, all the bound demons released. And because of their influence comes a destruction.

Every unclean spirit and all the demons find their residence in this final Babylon. And it depicts evil spirits, like hovering birds of prey. Scavenger birds hovering over the city, waiting to devour their prey. Here is a picture, then, of hovering demons waiting to consume people.

Mystery Babylon – Who Is It?

And this does explain, beloved, why people blaspheme God. Because they have been blinded by satanic power and demon deception. And the influence is worldwide. The influence of this Babylon system - this commercial system that is also a worship of Antichrist, that is run by demons, that is satanic and hellish — their influence is worldwide. They will have literally led the whole world into a materialistic stupor.

Who is Mystery Babylon?

The whole world, all the nations, are going to be drunk with the passion of having a relationship with Babylon. They all want to indulge in the bed of Babylon. They all want to get involved in the luxury and the materialism and the sin of Babylon. We would not like to think - would we? Their passion is out of control.

They lack self-control. They plunge into a relationship driven by passion, materialistic passion. They want what Babylon can offer.

Babylon Has Fallen

They desire riches and luxury. And as a result, the kings of the earth have committed fornication or acts of immorality with the Babylonian system. I really believe that when the bowl judgments come at the very end, the thing will disintegrate very rapidly. But up until that time, it has survived fairly well the trumpet judgments. The merchants of the earth are getting rich. Kings of the earth are making every alliance they can. There will be national alliances, and there will be mercantile alliances — that is there will be national alliances between the rulers who have been given authority by the Antichrist.

You remember there are at least ten of those, and there will also be the business world cashing in, as it were, on what is available in terms of riches. So, the whole world allies with Antichrist in this final system. Why all of this? Why is it necessary? Why does the Bible tell us this? Are we going to be there? Was it relevant to them? The point is multiple. One, to give you confidence that no matter what is happening in the world in the end, Jesus Christ will triumph.