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A Little Bit of Crystals: An Introduction to Crystal Healing (Little Bit Series) [​Cassandra Eason] on *FREE* Author interviews, book reviews, editors' picks, and more. Read it now. click to Read more. 6 people found this helpful.
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Thus, the electro-optic effects based on the LC molecular reorientation can be obtained easily.

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John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Joshua N. Winn, and Robert D. Meade

Chapter 6 Liquid Crystal Lens 6. The points should be facing upwards towards the head. Place another amethyst on the brow chakra in the middle of the forehead with the point facing up towards the crown of the head. Place the fourth crystal above the crown of the head, with the point facing straight up and away from crown of the head.

2nd Edition

A fifth optional amethyst can be put below the back of the head, on the cervical vertebrae of the neck, with the point facing up towards the head, if the headache originates from tight neck muscles. If you find it difficult to make the crystals stay in place you can tape them on with micropore. Relax with the crystals in place for minutes, or for as long as it takes for the headache to ease.

Drink plenty of mineral water following the treatment. There are many layouts to choose from, so the therapist either works intuitively or dowses with a pendulum for the right layout. For instance the "Seal of Solomon" layout can also be used to relieve pain or stress. Six quartz points in a star formation can be placed around a painful spot, or around the whole body. A malachite stone can be placed in the centre to accelerate the dispersal of energy.

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Another layout called "The figure of eight" uses quartz crystals in the shape of a figure of eight to increase the movement of the body's electro-magnet energy where it has become sluggish. One of the best ways to find out whether a painless complementary therapy works is to try it out on an animal, small child or a plant.

They do not need a belief in the treatment's efficacy, nor do they have the ability to understand the treatment, or suggest that the result could be just coincidence. Much of my research in crystal therapy has been done with animals. Animals seem to be able to sense the beneficial electro-magnetic qualities of crystals.

One of my cats so likes crystals he always goes to sleep on me with a paw over the crystal pendant I am usually wearing. He will also voluntarily sit in an amethyst healing net, composed of eight pointed amethysts in a star shape on a yellow cloth.

CRYSTALS: How They Work & Crystal Meanings

I also know of a grey parrot who asks for a crystal to be rubbed down his back. He is able to tell when a crystal has been placed near his cage, even when the cage is covered over for night time. Crystals can be placed on around the sick animal or child, but it is usually more convenient to place crystals on a drawing or a photo of them for a set period of time.

6 Books About Crystals That Will Help You Get Started On Your Healing Journey

Alternatively a gem essence can be added to their drinking water. Gem essences can be made in the same way as a flower essence by putting a gem in spring water and exposing it to sunlight for a couple of hours. Then brandy is added to the water to preserve it, and then a few drops of this mother tincture are used to make a stock essence.

Then a few drops of the stock essence are then added to drinking water. However, even drinking water which has had a non-poisonous gem in water put in it overnight can have beneficial effects. Take the gem out before drinking it. Pearl is excellent for calming a traumatised animal or child, emerald is good for the cat that keeps vomiting up fur balls, and ruby is good for improving energy. Some crystals such as ruby or garnet enhance vitality, and others such as amethyst, malachite and lapis calm over-energy states. In general warm coloured stones - red, orange and yellow - stimulate energy flow, and cool colours - blue, green and violet - generally calm overactivity.

In a treatment some areas will need calming and others will need stimulating, but if you were to use a stimulating stone and a calming stone on the same spot it would simply neutralise the effect of each stone. This is a huge subject, which many practitioners of Feng Shui go into in detail.

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Briefly for the lay person it is helpful to place a clear quartz point on top of computers and televisions, because they create electro-magnetic fields that adversely affect our energies. The crystals need cleansing regularly in clean water to prevent a build-up of electro-magnetic energy from the source. Quartz crystals can also be placed in windows or on windowsills to absorb or deflect adverse external energies, such as those emanating from electricity sub stations or pylon lines.

The crystal points need to face towards the source of the adverse energy. You can wear the appropriate stone for healing as a bracelet, necklace or pendant.