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A mistress is a relatively long-term female lover and companion who is not married to her Historically the term has denoted a "kept woman", who was maintained in a comfortable (or even lavish) lifestyle by a wealthy man so that she would.
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To state it mildly. Flabbergasted, overwhelmed, incredulous—yes, those words would have worked. Keep in mind I was 21 years old.

My builder husband earns £25k so I can be a kept woman – and I’m proud of it

I am from a small town in Arizona, and although sexually experienced, I did not know or understand every variation or nuance. He asked me if I would be interested in living in an apartment he owned. He would pay all of my living expenses—including food, clothes—anything I wanted. His offer included accompanying him on occasion for business travel. At this point, I was just trying to maintain a listening face. My head was spinning with: For real? Why me? Who DOES this?

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Why would you want to do this? He told me to consider everything he had said and that we would meet again to talk about it. He did not offer me his phone number, which clinched for me my assumption he was married.

I drove home in a daze—a Dubonnet, proposal, and reality check daze. I did not have anyone I could talk to about this. This thing. This thing that just happened. Too close to Van Ness to be considered any neighborhood worthy of note. Who was I kidding? My life at that time was hitting the clubs on Sunset or parties with friends nearly every night and waking up hungover and going to a job I hated.

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Trading this for a life of what appeared to be luxury and sleeping with a man I was carnally attracted to? I took a few classes at the university. He rented some furniture to go with what little I had so the apartment began to have a homey feel. It was a cozy little life. After an amount of time, it was as if I had a part-time husband who would come home at a regular time on certain days of the week—only this pretend husband went home. Perhaps lover might be a better description. Our sexual attraction knew no bounds.

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It was crazy play. We were both completely uninhibited. I had always been this way; this hypersexuality was my normal. In retrospect, I believe it had to have been his core attraction to me. He could have had anyone in his bed, but he had chosen me. As Los Angeles was then, and is now, a haven for preternaturally beautiful, mostly blonde women. I was brown-haired, Arizona girl pretty, but nowhere near their game. We had long conversations lying in bed.

About life, the Dodgers, his dreams, my dreams, and we spent a great amount of time just staring at each other, as the newly smitten do. But we were not smitten with each other. We were smitten with the arrangement. It worked for both of us. Sometimes he would come over in the middle of the day, leaving his office for a business meeting, no doubt.

Kept Woman | Definition of Kept Woman by Merriam-Webster

These afternoons were the height of decadence and held the thrill of secrecy. In some ways, my sex life with him was so much more fulfilling than past boyfriends. But what did I know? There were some firsts. For me, anyway. He introduced me to the wide variety of sex toys available. I will be forever grateful to him for gifting me a small vibrator. Who knew of such self-pleasure appliances?

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Certainly not me. Between hosting the most talked about parties in Manhattan, Diana makes being the perfect wife an art form. Then she discovers her husband is having an affair, and finds herself broke and alone, shunned by the glittering society that once embraced her. Can she make it on her own and swap manicures and charity balls for passion, ambition and revenge? From the tough streets of the Bronx, Lita is determined to succeed - whatever the cost.

Privileged Rebecca has never wanted for anything. And when she inherits an estate in England, it's just the start of a whole new life. Linked by betrayal, Rebecca and Lita are set against each other. Until they discover just how sweet vengeance can be But the next best thing to being kept, financially speaking, is being in a couple.

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Being single is expensive. Hideously expensive. Mortgages, rent, council tax, food, holidays and entertaining all costs a lot more when you have to go it alone. That way instead of being kept, you can keep each other a much healthier arrangement. Do you want to comment on this article? You need to be signed in for this feature. Terms of use Privacy policy Disclaimer.