Invest in Joy: A Journey to Inner Peace and Personal Empowerment ~ Teachings of the Light Collective

Invest in Joy: A Journey to Invest in Joy: A Journey to Inner Peace and Personal Empowerment ~ Teachings of the Light Collective avg rating — 0 ratings.
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Devie is an elementary school teacher in School District She has a strong fervor to teacher her students how to live a healthy lifestyle through the habits of yoga and Ayurveda. After her first hand experience in India she has changed her lifestyle to reflect the timeless habits of Ayurveda.

By living in closer alignment with nature she has experienced deep physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Devie is also a dedicated runner and has completed 3 marathons and various triathlons. Rebecca began her yoga practice with Iyengar yoga in while she was a university student in Chicago. Since then, yoga has been a source of inner strength and stability through the ups and downs of life and three international moves across the United States, Germany, and finally here to the beautiful Okanagan, where she is grateful to have found such a wonderfully engaged and supportive yoga community.

Practicing gymnastics from an early age, finding yoga was an inevitable and miraculous gift. My practice has helped me become more flexible and fearless, both on and off the mat.

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Becoming a yoga teacher has not only allowed me to grow as a student, but I am now able to share the transformative possibilities of this beautiful practice. Yoga is joy, freedom and release. I want to help others find this release so that they can comfortably and confidently move their bodies through all the wonders and challenges of life.

I aim to create classes that are powerful, playful, and heartfelt, while maintaining a steady connection to breath and balance. Steadiness requires awareness and encompasses the idea of equilibrium, a state where opposite forces are balanced, and I encourage students to find this balance and carry it with them off the mat. Savina is currently a Kinesiology student and an aspiring Physiotherapist who believes that movement is essential for the body and the mind. Yoga has allowed Savina to be able to connect with not only her body but also her mind.

The practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation has allowed her to be more aware and compassionate towards herself. Savina would like to share these calming, and soulful techniques with her students. She hopes that these techniques allow her students to achieve inner peace and silence in this noisy world. Jennifer Kanazawa grew up in the Okanagan Valley, and now resides with her two children in the Naramata Village.

In her opinion, the knowledge that has been passed down to her is the perfect vessel for self transformation and spiritual growth.


Presently she strives to integrate yoga into her daily life, both on and off the mat. Jennifer feels that the blessings of the SOYA lineage are a gift that should be shared. I have an abounding love for life and am in a constant state of awe in what the universe has offered to me, and to all of us, life. Yoga has allowed me to harness this love of life and to share it with others through guiding yogis in practice. Yoga means union, it not only offers the tools to create balance in your life, it can help you through the good, the bad and the ugly as it also teaches that we are the main ingredient to our own happiness.

I so profoundly believe in the benefits of a regular yoga practice that it is my goal to make yoga accessible for all walks of life. It has been through this belief that I began teaching specialized classes for Brain Injury, MS and Muscular Dystrophy as well as classes for those in their Golden Years. On and off the mat, I approach life and yoga with a light-hearted playfulness. I love a challenge but always remember to smile and not take life or asanas too seriously.

These thoughts, which are seeds that germinate in the human mind, have been passed on from the beginning of history, from generation to generation. It is like a chain, one link connecting to another link through the ages. Now more than ever, it is time to break this chain of violence and pain. The solution to ending this on-going planetary turmoil lives within each of us.

You and I both have the power to break this chain of violence and pain. How do I know this? I know this because in my life I have had thoughts of committing acts of violence. In fact, during my childhood, I did experience and participate in fights as a way of protecting myself and surviving. That may have been in a school yard, yet the root of that conflict comes from the same mind that commits terrorist acts of violence. Through personal transformation and awakening, I began to recognize a power within me that knows the ills and inappropriateness of violent acts.

We all possess this essential nature that knows morality. There is no exception to the rule. Within every sinner resides a saint. Even terrorists, who we may deem pitiful excuses for men, possess it, too. The greatest challenge we face, is the brainwashing of great populations of individuals who believe that violence is the key to their survival. It is this core belief, rooted in thoughts of survival of the fittest, that has poisoned the mind of mankind.

It is a belief that those who possess the most weapons of destruction are the ones who will survive. Thankfully, there is an antidote to this poison which permeates the mind of mankind. The antidote to violence is of course, peace. Peace in our world can only occur when we literally lay down our arms. We can, I believe, only lay down our arms when we lay down our arms in our conscious minds. When you and I and everyone else on this planet makes peace with himself or herself, peace will then come to our world.

I know this is a tall order. It is asking for the stars when we have the moon. It is asking for the mother of all miracles. Yet, I believe it can happen. The only way it will not happen is if you and I wait for the other guy to change so we can be at peace. Do not wait for the other guy! The human race has been waiting for the other guy to change for nearly 10, years. Do you want peace? This is your only true power. Defending ourselves through acts of violence only destroys what we seek to create.

Examine your thoughts and your overall mindset.

inner peace | The Possibility Coaches

Is it positive, uplifting and loving? Or is it negative, fear-based, angry and resentful? Do the words of Gandhi, Dr. King or Jesus reside in your thoughts? Thoughts of love, peace, compassion, hope and integrity? Be brutally honest with yourself! This is the only way we can change how we see ourselves and our world.

And it is the only way we can effectively turn the tide toward peace and move away from violence. Global peace begins with inner peace. The current state of affairs of our world is simply an out-picturing of the state of our collective mind. I cannot change your mind and convince you to take the high road of peace, love and compassion.

Nor can you convince me of it either. The only chance for global peace begins with the commitment to inner peace. By possessing the power and miracle of inner peace, we positively transform the lives of those we come in to physical contact with. The number of people you and I can positively affect cannot be accurately calculated.

We cannot begin to even imagine how many lives were changed over the centuries by Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed. Their essential nature resides in you and me. Seek that essence within you. Know that it is there. With patience, commitment and a willingness, you will find it. And when you find it, the world will be a better place! Do you want to learn how to create inner peace in YOUR life!

Contact The Possibility Coaches for a complementary introductory coaching session.

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  6. We are all pressured at one time or another to keep up with the crowd, fit in, to be accepted and acceptable. This is a safe haven where we live a life of mediocrity, predictability, inertia and ultimately inauthenticity. When we play safe, we cannot be great, nor can we be real. We witnessed it in relationships, people emotionally lifting other people, as well as confronting each other so they could rise above their story lines and finally see the truth about their greatness.

    At this retreat, Chris and I came together with a special group of individuals to assist them to break through the blocks and barriers that were preventing them from seeing their own greatness. In just two days, because of the courage they had, these blocks and barriers were dismantled. They are not only on the path of greatness; they are living examples of it, because they all have courage.

    The courage to be open and willing to explore the possibilities that tomorrow may bring and being okay with living in the mystery that the future holds for each of us. They each invested in themselves. Financially, yet more important with courage, because courage is the price we pay at the door for greatness. At our weekend retreat, our intent is to always hold a safe space for participants.

    That is where safety ends. The intention is to create an environment where we can each soar. No mediocrity, completely unpredictable, lots of swirling positive energy and lots of authenticity. Responsibility comes to mind as the best answer for this question. To fully experience life we all must take responsibility and this requires courage.

    Chris and I witnessed courage this weekend. Courage creates amazing outcomes. It is the willingness to embrace perfect health and release a cancer. It is about being open to allowing unconditional love to enter your life so you can truly love yourself and others. Courage is also the decision to see life situations differently and allow the power of forgiveness to heal all wounds and create miracles. Courage is about making the shift from living in impossibilities to knowing that anything is possible. We spent two days together. None of us were or are more special than anyone else.

    Yet, each one of us is special in that we possess a uniqueness; an individuality that dissolves all mediocrity and conformity. Used courageously, that individuality can and does create great things in the world. I see greatness in everyone Chris and I spent time with this past weekend.

    They, like you, are special to the world. Within all of us is the potential for greatness.

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    Potentiality is energy and energy can be transmuted. You and I are energy. We can all transmute into greatness. Chris and I are so joyous and yet humbled by the comments and afterthoughts from those who shared their lives and time with us this past weekend. Declarations for being unstoppable no matter what! Seats fill up fast. As the world busily prepares for the holiday season, let us recall that this time of year symbolizes and personifies giving.

    Giving, as an act, and as an expression of love, kindness and generosity, is a beautiful thing. It has rapidly become an extinct species; a fossil buried in the sands of time. Giving has become part of the collective neurosis. For too many, it has become an act of labor and no longer a labor of love. We have discussed with so many clients over the years about this time of year and the challenges they face with giving.

    For those of us who are put off by the shopping experience, we delay the inevitable of purchasing the perfect gift until the eleventh hour when all hell breaks loose.


    For those of us who have convinced ourselves that we have to find the perfect gift for that special someone or our hard to please in-law, the anxiety of finding a gift can drive us to contracting SAMM seasonal anxiety manufacturing madness. Actually, we just made that disorder up, although, who knows, it may be real for you! For others, the holiday season may be a time of withdraw and hibernation. A time to be out-of sight and free from the pressures that this season can exude if we succumb to the tidal wave of commercialism, consumerism and materialism.

    Beyond all this frantic doing, buried in the sands of time, yet always available to us, is the act and art of giving. These two questions, when answered honestly, will tell you whether or not you truly understand what giving is and whether or not your version is pure or distorted. We will give you the solutions.

    Giving is an act. An act of conveyance, sharing, inclusion and recognition. It is also an art. An art that is innate and alive within each of us on the visceral and spiritual levels. It has no agendas, no expectations. The art of giving is a sharing of a gift. Like any spiritual gift, giving is an expression of love, kindness and generosity. Giving, therefore, is not really anything you can purchase; it is something you already have and decide to share.

    When we begin to understand the true meaning and importance of the act and art of giving, we begin to effectively change lives; ours and those in our circle of influence. Let us for the moment, set aside the idea of giving as it relates to the tradition of exchanging material items. It does, however, refer to a loving disposition and open heart. In this season, or any season, if you do not come from a place in your heart that reflects pure, positive, unconditional love, then you really do not have a whole lot to give.

    Love, or what we think it is, becomes a pale imitation of the real thing. For this holiday season, then, commit to giving more from the heart and less from the anxiety-ridden mind and the wallet. To live by this law requires us to become consciously aware of what it is we are giving to the world. Know that what you give to others is returned to you. With that in mind, decide to give to others the gifts you want to receive yourself.

    More than likely, it is a feeling. A feeling that makes you feel good. We can call this feeling anything we want; yet at the end of the day what we all want are the gifts of unconditional love and inner peace. To give love and peace to others requires us to first be open to receiving love and peace ourselves. This season, commit to becoming more loving and more peaceful. These are selfless acts that you do for yourself so you can share it with others. Love and inner peace are the most memorable and powerful gifts we can give any time of the year.

    All other gifts, wrapped nicely and adorned with ribbons and bows, become secondary and are soon forgotten. When we give love and are at peace, we miraculously experience and receive the same in return. You see friends, giving and receiving are simply two aspects of the same thing. Authentic giving and receiving know no boundaries and limits. Ask and it is given. Be the best gift for others and yourself this holiday season and beyond.

    And yes, you can put a bow on your head and even wrap yourself in ribbon. Our gift to you is: In God We Trust. These are the words inscribed on American currency. Our forefathers knew something special, spiritual and perhaps mystical when they adopted these words. Have we forgotten what they knew? Have we decided to live our lives by standards that lack trust in God and in any creative power including ourselves?

    I believe that this one question defines in totality for us all, the purpose of our human experience. Yes, to trust God is to trust our Self. Trust, which is an aspect of faith, is also found in the power of unconditional love. Therefore, to trust ourselves means to have faith in our Godliness, which is the power of unconditional love. For decades I grappled with God.

    I felt lost among the masses of the billions of others he had forsaken, too. Later, I doubted his existence. After that I got really pissed off at him. The result, however, was always a no-win situation. There was no one or no thing that could give me what I wanted more than anything else. You see, the realization for me, which was my awakening, was that all I ever wanted was the Peace of God. Put another way, I turned my life over to that part of me that is changeless and eternal.

    That part of me that knows no fear, no disease and no death. I will share with you that when I did this, it became extremely liberating emotionally , mentally and physically.

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    From that moment my life became simplified. My life flowed with ease. I had two goals from that point forward: No more strategic planning! So how did I move from turning my back on God to allowing the Power that is God use me as a vessel? Looking back it was my willingness to let go of a long list of fear-based attributes, beliefs and behaviors that caused me to suffer and return home to who I and you truly are at our core. Imagine we are like onions and each layer is an aspect of fear we want to remove and discard.

    Removing and discarding fear. For me, and perhaps you, too, it was fear of: Loving myself and my life 3. Loving other people 4. Letting the world see the true me 5. Feeling joy which is feeling the God Power 6. Living in the mystery 7. Look at my list. Read my list over and over about what I was fearful of for way too long. That which I feared most, was really what I was seeking all along! Loving myself and my life unconditionally. Loving other people unconditionally. Living in the mystery. My wish for you is that you make the decision I did and live by these words! Chris and I are offering you a gift.

    This is our way of saying thank you for visiting our blog! To be an experienced and formidable guide as a Life Coach, and create inner peace, requires the Coach himself to be willing to go through any process to create positive change that he is recommending to his clients. Over the last decade, Chris and I have done exactly that: Each of us, though the names, faces, stories and situations may appear to be different, is seeking the same end result. That end result is a return to our natural state of being, and for each of us that natural state is inner peace.

    We all aspire to have inner peace. For me, it appeared to be just in my grasp, yet so elusive for so many years. It was not until I learned that if it was to be peace for me, it was up to me. Like unconditional love, inner peace is not some condition we achieve by creating what we want for and in our lives. Yet, we are conditioned to search and seek outside ourselves for everything to complete us: Many people, in search of peace, have decided to drop out from the mainstream, believing it is the world that blocks and prevents them from experiencing inner peace.

    Others, will go to an ashram, a monastery, or some other form of communal living where worldly possessions are visibly absent. In the most extreme cases, the search for peace may lead someone to the streets. For those individuals who move away from society, there exists a belief that inner peace is not achievable if one remains a part of the dysfunctional whole.

    This belief, I am happy to say, is not the truth. Inner peace is just that: I just lost my job!

    Tag Archives: inner peace

    My wife left me! I have debt up to my eyeballs, and you want me to be at peace? It is peace that will ground you, give you clarity and empower you. Achieving inner peace is a process that has very specific requirements for us to fulfill. As I have journeyed through this process over the last decade, I found that these requirements are:.