Life is Tough: I Doubt Ill Make It Out Alive

I Doubt I'll Make It Out Alive Stacy Anderson. “Yep, son, there aren't many more reel lawn mowers out there now days and it's a shame. Nothing cuts grass more.
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Instead, train yourself to become a person that can endure difficulties. No strain, no gain. Again, everybody knows this, but I almost never see people apply this in their life. They put up with negativity at work, at home, with their friends, family. In fact, people are inherently negative. All those things keep you from living a healthy and wealthy life.

So why do you let yourself be exposed to negativity? The problem with us, humans, is that we always see the good in people. People only change when THEY decide to change. Weirdly enough, that behavior of taking things tends to stick with us as we grow up. I was in the same boat for many years. But looking back, I was delusional.

Or the promotion that you want? Instead of always focusing on what you want from the world, start thinking about what you have to offer. Life is not about taking. Please, do yourself a favor, and start giving more. Helping others is the most important thing you will ever do in your life. Out of all the resources in the world, time is the most valuable resource you have. But why do we collectively spend time like we have an unlimited supply of it?

Do you ever stop and think about how much time you have left on this earth? Just do the math. Be more selective with your time. We look at others and view them as examples. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends, bosses, mentors, authors, entrepreneurs, artists. In fact, I still do it. Mostly because none of them was a success. So how do I do it? How do I keep going? What keeps me alive? The one thing you should really care about though, the one thing that really matters is that you do your thing. And start doing the things that will help you live the life you always wanted to live.

The life you have to live. You probably know exactly what those things are. These are usually the things you should be doing. The things you were running away from. The things you know deep down you should be doing but were too afraid of. But without jumping off a cliff. The world needs you. The world needs to hear your story. So just be patient. And start putting in the work. And try to always get back up again. Go one step at a time. Go one step at a time instead. Not to say deadly. Life is just a game. So you might as well try to live for as long as you can.

And try to not kill yourself while at the same time you should try to not live in fear all the time. And instead, I just do it. But always try to remember that parachute story. Try to avoid everything stupid. Try to not kill yourself. And go one step at a time. A philosophy that gives me superpowers. The superpower of fearlessness. Of not giving a shit. For some people it is. For me it is the fuel that keeps me going. It is the air I breathe that keeps me alive. It is the food I eat to be able to keep moving. So you can finally start creating your own….

I was freaking out…. I was 25 years old and I had no clue about what to do next. I was studying something that I was barely interested in, just to keep as many doors open as possible. I had no clue about what I wanted to do with my life. So I thought keeping as many doors open as possible might be the best choice. At least for me. I studied business so I could literally become everything and nothing at the same time. Nothing was really tangible.

I felt like a total fraud. Back in I attended a class that was called futures and options. And one day there was a guy from Lehman Brothers coming into class and he gave a guest lecture. So for about two hours I saw hundreds of graphs and hundreds of lines going from left to right. From right to left. From the top to the bottom. This can not work! This is a total scam. Ok, I never said that out loud. Maybe it really is possible. I almost failed that course. So that was that. I had the chance to save the world. But I blew it…. Still, I had no clue about what I wanted to do with my life.

I was scared about making the wrong decisions.

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Just a short year before my graduation I had thousands of thoughts racing through my head. What if I get depressed? All of these thoughts were killing me. I was scared of the future. I was scared that I would never be able to support myself. How will I ever be able to find a job that I like that pays enough to feed me and my future family and my unborn kids? So I did everything a sane person would do in such a situation…. I just walked away. I left the country. And went to China. As an exchange student.

Not because I thought China is the new promised land or because I wanted to learn Chinese. No, not at all. I went to China because I always wanted to go to Japan. Nothing makes any sense when we look at it right now. It only makes sense in retrospect. So the only choices that were left were Israel, Russia or China. I went to study in China for a semester. And that semester turned into almost two years. And it lead to me starting a company in China and miserably failing at it. As well as a short side career as an English teacher at a Chinese and a Japanese company. And to me learning a bit of Chinese.

A tiny little bit. And I finally learned something tangible. I learned how to use illustrator to design t-shirts, how to screen print and how to use a sewing machine. Not because I thought it was a lot of fun. It was out of necessity and a lack of cash. And because of one of the most important lessons that I had to learn the hard way doing business in China. A rule that probably applies to making business everywhere. You can only rely on yourself. And no one else….

But it was one piece of my puzzle. A piece that would lead to many more seemingly unrelated pieces that would ultimately lead me to the stuff I do right now. A picture that needs courage. A picture that needs patience. A picture that needs confidence. A while ago someone asked me if one of my books was available as PDF. He wanted to read it on his tablet. He was trying to figure out what would make him smile every single morning. There are just way too many things going through his head. Too many things to think about. And not enough time. A problem that I had myself for a long time, too.

A problem I still have every once in a while. And I strongly believe that the only way to solve this riddle, to solve your riddle, to solve my riddle, to solve all our riddles is to stop thinking. You will never find a solution just by thinking about it. Especially when it comes to something complex like finding your passion. Or finding something you might enjoy doing. Something that makes you smile when you get up every single morning. And most importantly we stopped doing. Some time in our early twenties or maybe even earlier we stop experimenting.

Lyrics - Eilen Jewell

Because everybody tells us that we need to know what we want to do with our lives. But the truth is that no one is able to know what to do for the rest of their lives at that age. At any age as a matter of fact. Simply because the rest of your life is a hell lot of time. It kills the explorer. A system that wants us to choose what we want to do for the rest of our lives. When our lives have barely even started yet. So instead of continuing to explore, we settle. We settle for the things society and people expect from us.

And then somewhere along the way some of us, not necessarily all of us, get stuck. Some of us need more time to explore. Not more time to think. But more time to do. You need to give yourself some time. Some time to try things out. To test new things. To figure out what you enjoy doing.

And getting away from all the thinking. Too much thinking never solves anything. You can think about things for years and years and years. But today, we call it the amygdala. The life we deserve to live. To be able to tap into our strengths and to unleash our potential. The lizard brain has been responsible for our survival for the past tens of thousands of years. And back in the days when we were still cavemen and cavewomen pretty much everything was life threatening with all the wild animals out there.

So we really needed it. But today, not so much anymore. Back in the days we needed it because whenever there was the tiniest bit of uncertainty about what that sound back there in those bushes could have been, it pushed us to run away. After all, that sound could have been a tiger.

Or any other large animal that wants to eat us. But it still operates like this. It feeds on certainty. Because the lizard brain is playing its trick on us. It wants to survive. It wants us to think about the negative part of everything. It has helped me to stay focused on my end goal.

Over and over again. And the first time I used it was when I decided to go to China, instead of looking for a job like all my fellow classmates did back in Some part of me said I should be reasonable and look for a job. It was probably the lizard brain trying to protect itself. I certainly did not read about it in a book. Simply because I read less than 10 books in total back in my first 27 years of living on this planet. So it must have been something else. In every situation I find myself in and am in doubt about whether or not I should do something, I imagine my 80 year old self sitting on my veranda or the street corner, who knows?

Would it be any different? But it worked for me. He was spitting all over the place while he was trying to talk. And then I just left the dinner and went home. I went home to the flat where I lived with four other people. During those two years in China I probably lived together with 20 different people or so. In 3 different places. So I went home and one of my room mates was smoking a joint. He was some sort of drug dealer before.

I gave it a try. But I never really feel anything. The only thing that happens is that I get sleepy. So I went to bed. The burger place was called Munchies. So now that I think about it, maybe it did have an effect on me…. I was at that dinner the other day because I was invited to have dinner with the family of one of my students who I taught English for a while.

Yes, I also taught English for a while. The dinner was really great until her husband got a pretty fancy looking bottle with alcohol in it out of somewhere. It basically tastes like gasoline. But this one was quite different. It was actually really good. He had a business and was doing something with the government. So it could be true. He got pretty drunk. We also talked about Chinese zodiac signs. He told me that he was born in the year of the dragon. And that I was born in the year of the rat. Sometimes I really feel like a rat.

I can survive pretty much everywhere and get used to pretty much everything really fast. Just like a rat. So maybe all of this zodiac sign stuff does make sense after all. Just like starting a clothing brand in China for the Chinese market without having any clue about clothing or being able to speak Chinese. One day a guy at school asked me if I wanted to teach English.

I said sure, why not. And why would I? But I just did. All at the same time. Not surprisingly, none of these things really worked out. Because I might end up in jail. I have no clue. What I think matters though is that you use your twenties or thirties, heck maybe even your entire life to do things. To try as many different things as possible. To not get stuck along the way. Just because right now nothing makes any sense at all. For perfecting your CV or anything like that.

Or maybe it is. I did all of it, too. Maybe it will look like the Eiffel Tower? Maybe it will look like the Great Wall? To make sure that some of the pieces you picked up along the way match your final puzzle. Sure, some people are geniuses and get everything right the very first time. Some people end up marrying their high school love. Some people end up starting Facebook. We need to collect more pieces. We need more time. More time to find our own personal Facebook. More time to find our high school love. Nothing will really fit the puzzle you have in your head.

All of this stuff only makes sense in retrospect. I never thought about starting a company.

My Suicide Letter

I never thought about going to China. And not even in my wildest dreams would I have thought that I would end up starting a company in China. I had no clue about anything. So starting a business seemed like a great idea. It was a total coincidence and not planned at all. Most of the good things in life just happen. And most of the things you try to plan and map out usually turn into something horrible. That has at least been the case for me pretty much all the time. For pretty much everything.

So I stopped planning. To me it seems that most people wait for that perfect set of cards to go all in. Most people wait for that one big idea. That one big master plan. But this never really happens. This only happens in Hollywood. That perfect hand to go all in will never come. That one big idea will never come. Because that one big idea is the result of many small ideas. That big master plan will never come. Just like no one is ever going to save you.

Because only you can. Most things in life are a coincidence. No matter how good or bad. And it all start with a first small step. When you take a step without really knowing what could happen next. When everything and nothing is possible. Even me writing this right here is a total coincidence. I never planned any of this. We totally randomly met in a hostel in Shanghai. And it turned out that we were in the same exchange program. And then it turned out that we were in similar courses. And then one thing lead to another and boom! And it all started with a first step. Without really knowing what could happen next.

Everything and nothing was possible. And then again, when I came back to Germany one thing led to another and I ended up working in venture capital for a bit in Berlin and then in New York. Until I decided to quit my job. And then I wrote a book about it. And then some more. Until all of this somehow led me to writing 7 books and more than blog posts and publishing one part of a book for 30 days and releasing it on day Everything started with that initial coincidence. It all started with that one step that could mean nothing and everything.

That one step that led to everything. I guess there is no point. There are just coincidences. Instead of hunting them down. And how one step led to many more steps…. I lived in China on and off for almost two years trying to build that company. And what I had to realize back then is that quitting is hard. Knowing when to quit is probably the hardest thing out there. And over the following years. Here are the things that made me realize that it was about time to pack my things and go.

Over and over again…. That you should be doing something else. Health is more important than anything else. And from there everything will get worse and worse. I was constantly sick. My body was constantly sending me signals. And I tried to ignore them for as long as I could. One time when I went back home to Germany some of my friends told me that my face was yellow.

That I had to pack my stuff and leave….

The Principles Of Life That Everyone Knows, But Only A Few Follow

Your body wants to tell you that something is wrong. That something is missing. And whatever that is, your body wants that feeling to go away. But after that quick high it will be even worse than before. A circle you need to break out of as fast as you can. The sooner the better…. People do it because they tell themselves that they deserve it. Now is the time to be happy and pack all the fun that was missing during the week into a few short hours.

Or the following day. What I mean with doing everything you can is to literally do everything you can. And not hire other people to do it for you. And if that fails, then move on…. And then I designed all our products. I also learned how to use a sewing machine to sew the tags on the shirts. But try to remember d …. Too many people get stuck in dead end jobs, projects, relationships or whatever because at one point they stopped progressing. And then lost all of their momentum.

And losing momentum is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. But very, very hard. And when you start losing momentum, you have to get out of there as fast as possible…. At my first job I usually came home around 5 or 6pm.

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But still, I felt so tired every day I came home it was insane. I felt like I ran a marathon. All I could do was to turn on the TV. Only to wake up at 3am in the morning with my work clothes still on. As soon as a better opportunity comes along, take it. That thing that might be better for you. And everybody else around you. But what about loyalty? Be it in a relationship, a business or whatever. Which will in the mid to long term hurt your performance…. You need to be well rested to be able to resist all the temptations out there.

That one thing only you can do. And you need to do everything you can to do the thing you were sent here for. You owe it to yourself. And the people around you. Heck, you owe it to the entire world. Right now I enjoy writing. Tomorrow I might enjoy teaching. And then maybe next year I might enjoy doing something else. Everything around us is changing so fast. And so are we. So I grabbed the opportunity and joined my partner and helped him build his dream. The kind of business he wanted to build.

And instead I would probably be sitting somewhere in a cubicle. Which, by the way happened right after we had to shutdown that company. Which, by the way might have been the second best thing that ever happened to me. It helped me to understand how big companies really work. But even more importantly I learned a lot about how people think and the psychology behind the smallest things out there. And without both of these experiences I would probably not be where I am right now.

To get you ready for your own dreams. To observe, see and learn.

Which to me sounds like a pretty good deal. Either on your own or with the support of the person or the organization whose dreams you were working on before. As an opportunity to learn what it takes to make your own dreams come true. Because sometimes that safety net might turn out to be a spider web with a big fat spider on it waiting to suck all the life out of you…. Talk and write in your own voice. Read more Read less. Cedar Fort; 1 edition February 11, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers.

Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Gooch-Anderson has a way of touching the heart like few authors can; and here, her skills shine through in a funny and often tender way, as she shares with readers twenty-eight lessons she has learned from her own parents and her journey through motherhood.

From embarrassing home movies, to the challenges of learning to ski; from Daddy's little girl, to married woman; from a first-time mother, to the ruler over four unique and challenging boys, and from her role as daughter to her role as family matriarch, Stacy Gooch-Anderson's lessons will leave you laughing so hard that you cry, and crying along with her as she deals with the loss of a child and the loss of both parents to cancer. Perhaps, having lost my mother to cancer when I was just a girl helped me relate to the emotions the author shares as she watches her father struggle with the disease, but still maintain his positive outlook on life.

And perhaps I cried a few extra tears as Gooch-Anderson tells of her mother asking her to become the "mother bird" who would watch over her siblings "like a hawk". Overall, though there sad moments like these in every mother's life, the majority of the book shares the joys of motherhood: It is my hope, that Stacy Gooch-Anderson comes out with another title soon. I'll be the first in line to buy a copy. This was, quite simply, a delightful book about finding the joy in life. Stacy Gooch-Anderson, author of The Santa Letters, has written a book of humorous vignettes about the ups and downs of motherhood and life in general.

Stacy shares 28 lessons that she has learned over the course of her life, and with each lesson we see how she, not only, grew from the experience, but changed her perspective. With lessons like, "Life is like a roller coaster.