The Power Inside You

Your mind is an incredible instrument that has abilities beyond your wildest imaginations. This book is designed to help unlock your latent powers so you can .
Table of contents

The purpose of the Holy Spirit for purification could be illustrated by how, in Ezekiel This is the new age when we as individuals and as a body of Christ has become the temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 6: The events of the day of Pentecost ushered in this new era Acts 2: The book of Acts uses several expressions to describe the baptism in the Holy Spirit: So whether it was Paul, Luke or Jesus talking about the Holy Spirit, the central theme that ran through all their teachings was the power of the third person of the Trinity.

There can be no real power with half-heartedness.

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God does not bless half-hearted service, or partial obedience. Jesus says love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind.

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There is no room for half heatedness. If we limit God in our lives, His power will not be available to us in its fullness. In other words, when we tell God that He can only have so much of our lives, or he can only go into certain areas of our hearts, we will be unable to have all of him.

Whole-hearted devotion to God will result in His Work having priority and this in turn makes us command the fullness of His power. Unity among Believers Acts 1: The disciples were all in one accord. Satan tries hard, and oftentimes succeeds in bringing disharmony in the church.

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A legion is a division of the Roman army, usually comprising to soldiers. And soldiers are always disciplined, even unto death; they are united in purpose and action.

The Power Inside - Episode 2

This tells me that demons are always united, thinking alive, planning the same way, working in one accord and doing things the same way! How good and pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell together in unity Psalm Without the Word, there is no power. Back to Church Sunday Discovering Truth When it Hurts. The primary challenge , as noted in several earlier blogs, is that you can never get enough of what you don't really want. Even if you get that one clear, you may still be struggling with how to imagine the real possibilities of improved circumstances, much less the actual choices you will need to get there.

Last week, we addressed the core premise that how you respond to the issue, is the issue. Obviously, you are going to encounter unanticipated circumstances in your life, many of which will have negative attributes.


The more you let the circumstances take over, the more trapped you will feel. The more you feel trapped, the more limited your thinking and perspective will become. The more you tell yourself that there's nothing to be done, the more evidence you will find that you are trapped. If you do even a little research into how your brain filters information, you will discover all manner of evidence that your brain filters information based on the perspective or focus you choose.

Just look at your own life experience: Haven't you ever told yourself something like, "This is really bad? The only problem here is that telling yourself that it's worse than you thought doesn't mean it's actually worse, it's just that you begin to create an even worse experience of the circumstances. Unless you are the quintessential fear-motivated person, harping on how bad something is will not move you very far in terms of taking positive action.

This is where the power within comes into play. Actually, it already was in play the moment you told yourself that things were hopeless and getting worse. You shut your brain down every time you repeated that story line to yourself. If you can make the subtle shift from how it's bad and getting worse to something along the lines of "I may not like it now, but it will get better," your brain will fall into line and start looking for evidence that there is a better way.

By holding a positive focus, you can begin tapping into a deeper power or ability to create the life you want rather than the one you may have settled for.

Soul-Talk: What Is the Power Within You?

However, there's a huge gap between simply daydreaming about a better life and doing the work necessary to turn your imagination into reality. From my own life experiences, I know all too well the challenges of holding a positive focus in life, whether from experiencing family bankruptcies while growing up, being homeless for a time, or having business opportunities melt during tough economic times. Along the way, I learned that holding a positive focus is an invaluable key to overcoming adversity.

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Invaluable is not the same as easy, however. As we dig into this deeper power to create the life you want and the role of holding a positive focus, you might want to read an earlier blog of mine titled "Why Positive Thinking Just Doesn't Work. How do you take a positive action without a positive thought in the first place? As you practice holding a positive focus, your brain may only come up with a couple of micro steps at first, and micro steps clearly won't take you from zero to hero in one sudden leap. Micro steps just get you moving.

Much like driving a car, it's a lot easier to steer once you are moving.

  • The Power Inside You Sermon by Babatunde Olugboji, Acts -
  • Soul-Talk: What Is the Power Within You? | HuffPost;

In order to get anywhere meaningful, you also need to have some idea where you are heading. So, start with that positive focus of an improved experience of life and take whatever micro steps you can.