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3 Kull Stories The Shadow Kingdom The Mirrors of Tuzun Thune Kings of the Night 3 short adventure tales from the creator of Conan the Barbarian Robert E.
Table of contents

Howard had a gritty, vibrant style—broadsword writing that cut its way to the heart, with heroes who are truly larger than life. Keep Reading. Under the Cover An excerpt from Kull. A last crimson glory filled the land and lay like a crown of blood on the snow sprinkled peaks. The three men who watched the death of the day breathed deep the fragrance of the early wind which stole up out of the distant forests, and then turned to a task more material. One of the men was cooking venison over a small fire and this man touching a finger to the smoking viand, tasted with the air of a connoisseur.

A tall, slim-waisted, broad-shouldered lad who moved with the easy grace of a leopard. Of his companions, one was an older man, a powerful, massively built hairy man, with an aggressive face. The other was a counterpart of the speaker, except for the fact that he was slightly larger — taller, a thought deeper of chest and broader of shoulder. He gave the impression, even more than the first youth, of dynamic speed concealed in long, smooth muscles.

The other shot a quick glance at his friend as to fathom his inmost mind; he was not always sure of his friend. Over the shadowy hill country swept the dusk wind. Far off a tiger roared suddenly.

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Gor-na made an instinctive motion toward the flint pointed spear which lay beside him. Kull turned his head and a queer light flickered in his cold grey eyes.

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Since then, all the striped people worship the moon. Many a tiger has scrambled up Death Cliff and escaped the hunters, but they do not worship that cliff.

Conan - The Complete Original Robert E. Howard Stories from Del Rey Book Update

How should they know what took place so long ago? It little becomes you, Kull, to jeer at your elders or to mock the legends of your adopted people.

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This tale must be true because it has been handed down from generation unto generation longer than men remember. What always was, must always be. You mock at the customs and ways of our people — you whom that people rescued from the wilderness and gave a home and a tribe. There is war on the sea. Valusia fights the Lemurian pirates. Land of Enchantment!

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Some day I will see the great City of Wonder. No man of our race sees the Great City save as a slave. Nor were they evil featured. Then there is blood to drink!

Aye, we carried the torch and the sword deep into the empire. Five hundred men we were, of all the coast tribes of Atlantis.

Four of us returned! Outside the village of Hawks, which we burned and sacked, the van of the Black Squadron smote us! Hai, there the spears drank and the swords were eased of thirst!

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We slew and they slew, but when the thunder of battle was stilled, four of us escaped from the field, and all of us sore wounded. The other two lay down on the sward and dropped to sleep. Of what did Gor-na dream? Battle perhaps, or the thunder of buffalo — or a girl of the caves. Kull — Through the mists of his sleep echoed faintly and far away the golden melody of the trumpets. Clouds of radiant glory floated over him; then a mighty vista opened before his dream self. A great concourse of people stretched away into the distance and a thunderous roar in a strange language went up from them.

There was a minor note of steel clashing and great shadowy armies reined to the right and the left; the mist faded and a face stood out boldly, a face above which hovered a regal crown — a hawk- like face, dispassionate, immobile, with eyes like the grey of the cold sea. Now the people thundered again. All the Conan stories were published in Weird Tales , seventeen of them between and ; four more were published posthumously. The only early title of interest here is probably Conan the Conqueror December April Weird Tales as "The Hour of the Dragon"; ; vt The Hour of the Dragon , the only novel in the sequence, and more redolent of the Lost World tale than some shorter works, though a novella like Red Nails July-October Weird Tales ; comes very close to that idiom with its savage depiction of the Arrested Development of warring cultures trapped in a vast edificial City over a huge span of years.

A useful recent assemblage of Howard's own Conan tales in their original versions as established in the twenty-first century by the Robert E Howard Foundation is The Complete Chronicles of Conan: Centenary Edition coll edited by Stephen Jones Most other Conan titles are unreliable for those who wish only to read what Howard wrote. Howard wrote at high speed and his early work is unsophisticated, but the vigor and skill of his tales increased markedly over the short span of his career.

There is no question that a sometimes querulous fatalism shadows the kinetic exhilaration of much of his oeuvre; a fact which feeds necessarily into the drama of his final years — a bioflick, The Whole Wide World , sensitively depicts this period. It is certain that Howard had contemplated suicide for some time; and the news of his mother's imminent death — by relieving him of financial responsibility for her — provided him with the occasion. His suicide at the age of thirty brought to a premature end what had already been an extraordinarily productive career.

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