The Orca King

I was browsing through my library's online catalog of audio book downloads when I stumbled across The Orca King by Darragha Foster.
Table of contents

They are the topmost predators in the ocean and are known to be highly social and intelligent. Here are 10 interesting facts about this amazing animal. Orcas, or killer whales, belong to the dolphin family. Hence in spite of the name, they are more closely related to dolphins than to whales and belong to the order Delphinidae. Killer whales are the largest existing members of the dolphin family.

The largest orca on record was 9.

Orca | 10 Interesting Facts About The King of The Ocean

Killer whale belongs to the genus Orcinus. It is the only recognized surviving species of the genus. Orcus was a god of the underworld in Roman mythology. The genus name is probably due to the ferocious reputation of killer whales. It is borrowed from a Greek word used to refer to whales.

Orcas hunt marine mammals such as sea lions, seals, walruses and large whales. They even hunt the great white sharks. They are in fact apex predators , i. Like wolves, orcas hunt in a pack and are called the wolves of the sea. According to their social structure killer whales can be classified as residents and transients.

The Orca King by Darragha Foster

While transients live in small groups , usually of 2 to 6, residents live in cohesive family groups called pods. A pod is formed when a female resident gives birth. Residents, unlike any other mammal, are known to live with their mothers for their entire life. As female orcas may live up to 90 years, at times four generations of resident killer whales travel together. Works can belong to more than one series. In some cases, as with Chronicles of Narnia , disagreements about order necessitate the creation of more than one series.

Orca - King Quest ᴴᴰ

If the series has an order, add a number or other descriptor in parenthesis after the series title eg. By default, it sorts by the number, or alphabetically if there is no number. If you want to force a particular order, use the character to divide the number and the descriptor.

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So, " 0 prequel " sorts by 0 under the label "prequel. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion.

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  • Orca | 10 Interesting Facts About The King of The Ocean | Learnodo Newtonic!

Lists with This Book. Jan 27, Jessica rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. She will continue to be reincarnated, while he is left behind to wait, and to continue to make the pod strong, so weird. It just left me unsatisfied. Sep 09, Christine rated it it was ok Shelves: Chief Tamanass "Big Tom" Tyee cannot claim either one of his lives. He cannot be the Orca King and swim with the whales, nor can he totally be a man and walk among his people.

Not until his true love returns to him. As she stands by her broken-down car on a lonely night, a native-american man comes to the rescue of Marian Wines. Is it happenstance or is it fate? I picked up this audio book on a whim because it sounded like an interesting folklore story. In many respects it was, but the author was Chief Tamanass "Big Tom" Tyee cannot claim either one of his lives.

The Orca King

In many respects it was, but the author was definitely playing to an adult audience. In this book it seemed not only forced but also totally extraneous, out of place and thrown in only to titillate or maybe shock the reader. A little subtlety could have made this a much more enjoyable story.

Dawna Coniglio rated it it was amazing Oct 06, Liz rated it did not like it Oct 31, Scottie Blaine rated it it was amazing Jul 02, Sophi rated it did not like it Nov 26, Robin Danner rated it it was amazing Nov 29, Donna rated it did not like it Apr 12, Shin rated it did not like it Mar 17, Carol rated it did not like it Sep 09, Colleen Mathisen rated it did not like it Mar 06, Penny Watson rated it liked it Feb 04, Michelle Green rated it really liked it Jul 16, Allison G rated it it was ok Jul 18,