Ask Your Guides

Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System Paperback – June 1, We’re all spiritual beings with a spiritual support system on the Other Side that oversees and helps guide our lives from the moment we’re born to the moment we leave our physical bodies and.
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They also take great joy in helping us whenever they can.

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  • Ask your Guide.
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They exist as pure thought and energy. Money concerns are replaced by thoughts of manifesting abundance.

  1. The Yoga of Nutrition (Izvor Collection Book 204).
  2. Frequently bought together.
  3. Trotters Bottom.
  4. Physical health concerns are replaced by thoughts of feeling lively and energetic. Human friendships are replaced by soulful connections. This is basically a shift towards a less fear-based mode of thinking about life on earth, one I find immensely empowering. Receive Steve's new articles by email. Enter your email address below, and click "Download Now" to get the free guide and subscribe to Steve's newsletter.

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    Enter your email address below, and click the button to watch the videos and subscribe to Steve's newsletter. Join the Free Masterclass. One-Minute Productivity Hacks Activate a focused state of mind Use a timer trick to get more done Prime yourself to finish early. Please enter a valid email address. Take the Red Pill Subjective Reality Breakthroughs Take charge of your reality Restore your sense of wonder 10x your manifestation results. Each deck has something unique to offer is what I have discovered.

    So no deck of cards is better than any other. They all serve a different unique purpose in the information presented. Want to know about the practically of listening? To act as if the voice in your head and your daydreams and the random songs that pop into your mind are the voice of your guides. You love first always then listen.

    Ask Your Guides

    Today they helped me create an amazing recipe. It happened because I listen and trust. They helped me find my fiance. They help me give powerful readings to help others. When you start to listen your life will break open. From the smallest of things like dinner to the greatest of things like love. It always gives me the best cards for the moment and it really does feel like i'm connected to my guides when I use this.

    The illustrations are nice and the booklet that explains them is clear, well stated and has a little message from each identified guide at the end of the explanations. Has helped me in so many situations!! This book has just the right balance between anecdotal stories and specific explanation and directions. Many of these areas are really so airy fairy that it such a leap to get on the path of using divine guidance. Sonia makes everything very accessible. She tells what works for her and yet encourages individuality in how to connect with Angels, Guides and Runners.

    What is especially helpful are the discussion on low level guides and vibrations to dispell fear of these entities. The perils of ignoring guidance that you may not like is another key to understanding how to listen to and follow your guides. The books is also very readable and in such a conversational tone that I looked forward go what would come up next. Not real impressed with these cards, despite them being Sonia's cards who I love.

    The biggest drawback is that you have to look up each card and each page number. The cards are only titled, not numbered - and you have to find the title in the book that comes with it, and then find the page number that explains the card. I also didn't think the card meanings were exceptionally powerful. Out of four decks of cards from different authors these are my least favorites.

    Sorry, Sonia - I just love everything else you've ever offered! See all reviews.

    Ask Your Guides - Steve Pavlina

    See all customer images. Most recent customer reviews. Published 25 minutes ago. Published 23 days ago. Published 27 days ago. Published 1 month ago. Published 2 months ago. Published 3 months ago. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Connecting to Your Divine Support System.

    Set up a giveaway. Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Trust Your Vibes Oracle Cards: Sonia recounts various stories of how she and others are helped in miraculous ways by these runners. They find lost things, save seats in planes, and turn up parking spaces, etc. There are helpers, healer guides, teacher guides, animal guides, joy guides and light beings. We also learn about contacting our guides through oracles, such as tarot cards. We must not repeat. Different oracles tend to attract different types of guides.

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    There is an important chapter about negative entities. You may pick these up in a public place, or if you have a weak aura owing to addiction of any sort. Low-vibration guides are pushy, bossy and negative and harass you into doing what they want, Really, they have no power, and can be easily dismissed by firmly asking them to leave and sending them into the light. I have been trying to connect with my guides for years with no success, but after reading this delightful book, I feel much more confident about linking to my guides and angels.

    Also, when giving a Reiki healing, I contacted a healing guide called Michael, who advised me to flow water through the four bodies physical, emotional, mental and spiritual of the person I was healing. I had never ever done this before, and would never have thought of it, so I know I must have had contact with a guide. Also, I am assisted by a computer deva or devas, sometimes with miraculous results.

    Once I worked for hours to change the picture on my computer screen, following various sets of complicated instructions which never worked, until exasperation set in, and I shouted for help. But, as regards this book, it is easy-to read, inspiring, and will help you, above all, trust and know that you have not only access to the angels, but all these various helping guides. I absolutely recommend that you purchase this book, You will not regret it.

    Traceyhd's Review Of The Ask Your Guides Oracle

    I will now be ordering other books by this inspiring author. I really like her everyday spirituality teachings and her "it's really just that easy" approach to connecting with your own intuition as well as spirit guides and angels, but The audiobook sounds like it was pieced together from live lectures and off-the-cuff ramblings and anecdotes, which makes me wonder if it was even the same material as the hard copy book. And as a personal gripe, her cutesy doll-girl voice and the incess I really like her everyday spirituality teachings and her "it's really just that easy" approach to connecting with your own intuition as well as spirit guides and angels, but And as a personal gripe, her cutesy doll-girl voice and the incessant New Age theme music drove me a little batty.

    Overall, good material but I'd rather have read it, not listened. Oct 27, Deb rated it really liked it Shelves: This book was so meaningful to me. I read this at a time when I was lost and really needed something in my life to help me feel that there was something more out there. The style of writing really spoke to me and it drew me in so readily and I was drawn to the very real world way in which Sonia spoke.

    The message wasn't overly "Religious" yet spoke to the very spiritual nature in me which was crying out to be massaged with a little love and reminder that it was all going to be okay. This book is amazing, I am going to be buying it as soon as I can! May 24, Babs rated it really liked it Shelves: One of my new favorite books.

    Choquette is down-to-earth and matter-of-fact and encouraging. Feb 04, Mandy rated it really liked it. This is the first book on the subject of spirit guides that I have ever read. I was surprised at the detail. One spirit guide is good for me— 3, tops. Lots to think about and try.

    Most people "suffer from mental constipation and Psychic anorexia: Feeding the mind way too much information and not feeding your spirit enough" What feeds your soul? Activity to do for 3 mins every day for 30 days. These are the things that come up that will feed your spirit. The spirit world will always Most people "suffer from mental constipation and Psychic anorexia: The spirit world will always give you the way for every bit of guidance that it offers.

    Your spirit is not complicated, it doesn't need much. But it does need what it needs.

    Angels have never had an earthly experience. You must ask for spirit guide or angel help.

    Ask Your Guides: Connecting to Your Divine Support System

    Some angels can help without you asking because God sends them. Connect with your guides by writing or by just asking them out loud, let them speak through you Request only the highest guidance from light and love set up boundaries Good guidance is consistent and doesn't flatter or make you feel special Archangel Michael: Protection, love Archangel Gabriel: Emotions, essence of water, calms doubts, boosts confidence Archangel Raphel: Healing mind, body, spirit , essence of air, boosts creativity Archangel Uriel: Essence of earth, multitasker, brings warnings, patron of music Archangel Raguel: Police officer of the archangels, ensures that others behave helps with relationship discord , drama to subside Archangel Sariel: Keeps things in order, calm things down, organization Archangel Ramiel: Hope, life and death issues, endings circumstances, relationships, etc When someone offers you something say, "Yes, I'd be so grateful" as a way to practice being grateful.

    Guides like it when we are grateful. Guides will always give you guidance that you can accomplish. But it may be outside your comfort zone. Jul 17, Emma rated it liked it Shelves: I am only a little way in to this book, but I'm liking it. It is not for the woo-woo averse, as it does talk about angels, etc. What I'm liking about it is that she starts out by saying that to get in touch with the spirit world, you have to first get in touch with your own spirit - by doing the things your spirit loves, the things that make you feel happy and playful and light and good.

    Just reading this I fe I am only a little way in to this book, but I'm liking it. Just reading this I felt affirmed in a couple of things that I enjoy but don't let myself do because it seems 'silly' or are 'pointless'. Or I do them but I don't let myself enjoy them. Somehow saying 'this is what my spirit likes to do' makes it a little less personal too.

    It lets me get out of judgment.