A Complaint Free World: The 21-day challenge that will change your life

A Complaint Free World: The day challenge that will change your life eBook: Will Bowen: leondumoulin.nl: Kindle Store.
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You keep track of your progress by switching a purple complaint-free band from one wrist to the other each time you complain obtainable from www. As a speaker in the self-help field, I thought the day challenge would be simple. Actually, it was more difficult than I thought.

I quickly realised that I complained more than I thought I did, especially when I was driving, and I had a habit of pointing out to others when they complained. Of course, that can be viewed as merely an observation, and an observation is OK, but sometimes it can be a complaint. After a few weeks of repeatedly having to go back to day one, my partner, Elizabeth, decided to try too I think, seeing my rather fruitless attempt, she reckoned she could get to 21 days before me.

Now, she was telling me how easy she was finding it and that was kind of helping to brew some stress in me. There was one evening after I had gone 17 days without a single complaint — only that night and three more to go until I completed the challenge — when we were watching a Saturday night TV show X-Factor. Elizabeth made a comment about one of the acts. I thought it was an unfair judgement and I pointed this out, and that she should now move her band to the other wrist.

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Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Very hard to do but worth it. This is an excellent book. It tells us that if we stop our constant complaining, which practically all of us are guilty of, our lives will improve dramatically. We work on eradicating our complaining by obtaining purple bracelets from [ Each time we catch ourselves complaining, criticising or gossiping, we move the bracelet to the other wrist. The aim is to go 21 days without a single complaint.

Nearly all of us take many months to achieve our goal, and generally wear out several purple bracelets in the process, what with all the switching back and forth from one wrist to the other. We are informed in the book that the bracelets are free, but in fact they now cost 10 dollars for 10 bracelets.

That was not a complaint - I find this very reasonable. Will Bowen's web site now ships millions of bracelets all over the world. Will has started a challenge that is part of our global spiritual development in these amazing times, and his idea is rapidly transforming world consciousness. Will is extremely honest in revealing his former shortcomings, namely his tendency to complain, criticize and gossip, which he first discovers when he accepts his own challenge.

Apparently, we always notice our friends' complaints but not our own - not until we begin to move our bracelet with each complaint. This is a wonderful, absolutely inspiring, easy-to-read, edifying and entertaining book. We are shown that as we try to curb our negative utterances, this eventually has the effect that our mind simply stops thinking these complaining, critical thoughts, and thus we automatically become a much more positive person.

When this happens, we become happier and our lives start to improve - good things start to happen! The book is filled with captivating anecdotes about people's experiences and insights on their journey towards a complaint-free life, including Will's own stories. Please note that you are permitted to share your feelings about something that has happened, though negative, just not "rehash" the events of what has happened.

Also if we need to get something fixed by some authority, for example, we are allowed to state our grievances so that they can be remedied. Will tells us that when we complain, we are saying "Something is wrong". Our bodies respond to our complaints with stress. Also, what we focus on persists. So when we complain we ensure that the things about which we are complaining keep on occurring. I understand why the author included that, even though it's not his own idea. If you're using your intentions to make good things happen to you, then you will have less to complain about.

My favorite part of the book was when he explained why people complain and what you can do about it. For example, people complain because they want attention, remove responsibility from themselves, inspire envy, have power point out flaws in others just to say they don't have that flaw , and excuse their poor performance.

So if you determine that they just want to remove the responsibility for their problem by playing the "yes, but" game, you can say, "I have faith in your ability to handle your problem" and if you say it often enough, they will either solve their problem or stop talking to you. Either way, you win. This advice was the best and made it all worth the read. My least favorite part was all the filler. I think there are way too many testimonials: He also includes some seriously disturbing, graphic stories of people who remained positive when they had bad things happen to them.

Without all the filler of testimonials, stories about how awful it is to hear people complain, and all the stuff about The Secret, the book would be more of a pamphlet. I'm not sure if I will actually try and stop complaining, but I kind of like the idea. Now I am unsure how I can point out things that are negative without it being complaining.

The Day Complaint-Free Challenge | David R Hamilton PhD

He says that it's OK to point out problems as long as it's to the person who is directly responsible and if you have the right tone of voice. I don't know if I can handle that but even if I'm not sure when I am complaining or stating a fact, I think it will benefit me to be mindful of when I am possibly complaining or being negative. Jun 30, Bookscmc rated it it was amazing. I couldn't put this book down, read it straight through for an average of hours. Put it down only to write a few quotes down etc.

Couldn't help but wonder out of curiosity how Mr. Bowen would write an entire book on the topic of 'stop complaining. I've ordered my own purple wrist band to give it a shot. I, too, need improvement in this area. We all co I couldn't put this book down, read it straight through for an average of hours. We all complain on a daily basis and interestingly enough, even when we consider ourselves to be quite positive people. I enjoyed this book and will re-read it again sometime. Great idea to convert the world to "A Complaint Free World. Aug 02, Jenny rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love a good challenge and this book is proving to be just that!

The whole idea is to go 21 days without complaining, criticizing, or gossiping and you wear a bracelet as a reminder that you switch back and forth between wrists when you slip and do one of the mentioned. Eek, can it really be that hard?!

A Complaint Free World

Let's just say I've yet to make it through a day, but I'm close: Anyway, all of that aside the author is a minister in Missouri and draws upon a lot I love a good challenge and this book is proving to be just that! Anyway, all of that aside the author is a minister in Missouri and draws upon a lot of great stories and ideas he's compiled over the years so it makes for a fun read and makes me wish I could be part of his congregation for a Sunday.

Anthropologist Margaret Mead once wrote that we should "never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. This is an amazing book Its simple and repetitive but then again so is life; well at least the repetitive part. I experience things and "think" about them differently I recommend this to anyone who feels that they are ready to be aware Aug 23, Heather rated it liked it.

I picked up this book because I love the idea and unfortunately I'm a complainer - but is that me complaining about being a complainer? I guess I should switch my wristband again! I do think it's a great concept and I'm going to stick with it. Outside of that, many of the ideas written I picked up this book because I love the idea and unfortunately I'm a complainer - but is that me complaining about being a complainer? Outside of that, many of the ideas written about are pretty common themes from other books I've read hence only 3 stars.

Oct 14, Marie rated it it was amazing Recommended to Marie by: We reviewed this at our book club in September. It is amazing to understand how many times we complain about things, and a wonderful opportunity to stop! Your life will be much sweeter when you learn to stop complaining about everything!!

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Dec 21, Marian la Contrarian rated it really liked it Shelves: Like many another book before it, this book falls into the self-help category. But while a lot of self-help books are narrowly focused on just that—the self—this is one of the inspiring few that derives its power from a vision of a better world that is created as one individual at a time chooses a better way. Rather than focusing on neuroses, phobias, anxieties, etc. He does believe that we can attract positive things into our lives by being positive, but the book centers around the simple, mundane, every day solution of simply not complaining.

Bowen argues that our words are powerful, not only because they affect other people, but also because they reflect and reify our own thought processes. If we spend a lot of our time complaining, then we devote a lot of our thought processes to finding things to complain about.

Change what you say, and you can change what you think. To this end, he poses a day challenge. Wear a bracelet or a rubber band on your wrist. Switch it to your other wrist every time you verbalize a complaint. See if you can go 21 days without switching wrists. Bowen discusses the reasons we complain and some ways we can address these issues, and he gives strategies for thinking about things differently and dealing with problems productively.

My 6-month Complaint Free Transformation in less than 3 minutes

His writing is direct and upbeat; his examples, mostly drawn from his own life, are compellingly simple and clear. While he undoubtedly rehashes some basic self-help dictums, he does so in a way that is fresh and inspiring. Best of all, he is short and to the purpose. Jun 26, Rachel Kopel rated it liked it. I have just started reading this.

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  • A Complaint Free World, The day challenge that will change your life by Will Bowen.
  • I am still using a rubber band and not the snazzy purple bracelet, although I have ordered one. It is pretty amazing the number of times a day that I complain, criticize or gossip. I am wearing out rubber bands like crazy. But I am still a beginner. All will be well and all will be well and all will be well. Dec 12, Erin rated it really liked it. I don't think I'll ever go as far as wearing a purple bracelet on my wrist and attempting a full 21 days without complaining.

    But it does make you more aware of how much you complain, and starts your mind reframing things. Oct 26, Ryan rated it liked it. Bowen's "A Complaint Free World" was very interesting. I had an extra silicon wristband that I put on my wrist and started moving to keep track of my own complaining. Bowen's main point is that complaining doesn't help you get through any trials in your life, and he holds to the idea that complaining actually attracts and brings more sorrow and suffering into your life.

    Instead of complaining, Bowen suggests keeping trials and obstructions in context. Are the things you complain about really as bad as they seem? There are a few things that cause true pain and heartache that he recommends not stifling. And he's not promoting the idea that you can't speak up for change or if there are legitimate problems that need to be confronted.

    His point focuses more on the small things that we whine and complain about. Stop focusing our energy on those things, and it frees up more of our psyche and attention to the positive in our lives. One of his final points that I loved was the idea that you can retrain yourself to expect serendipity and good things to be in your life. By changing phrases like "This always happens to me," "Of course," "Just my luck," and others, Bowen says that we'll actually start to experience more good things in our lives.

    A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted

    I'm a little skeptical, but I have my wristband on and I'm working to change the way I approach the little, bugs in life. This book is part advice and part challenge. The premise is very similar to The Secret and similar books that advise you to think positively. There's really a lot of evidence that you attract what you focus on and so if you can redirect your focus away from negative to positive, you will attract positive energy. I think that there is a lot of truth to that, but I think that this author would say that even then reframing th This book is part advice and part challenge.

    The author challenges the reader to go 21 days yes, in a row without complaining and to use a bracelet or rubber band that is switched from wrist to wrist as a reminder when you catch yourself complaining. Intriguing and difficult to go even a day, much less 21, without complaining - but I may attempt this. Complaining never attracts what you want; it perpetuates what you do not want. You are constantly synching up with those around you. You are entraining them and they are entraining with you. When you are around others who complain, you will find yourself tending to complain more often.

    And when you begin to complain less frequently, those about you will complain less. We must live what we want others to learn. Life is not about where you stand, it's about the direction in which you are heading. It is less about being perfect and never complaining and more about thinking about what you say, how you want to say it, and evaluating your intentions. Uva Uvam Videndo Varia Fit which means that one grape changes color when it sees another. Who you are creates an impact on your world You are a ripple in the great ocean of humanity that resounds around the world.

    You are a blessing. Jul 13, Ita rated it liked it Shelves: A good reminder why I'm doing the 21 day complaint free challenge. And I'm back to day one again.

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    I have purchased the app to see how often I actually complain each day! Feb 10, Julie Reade rated it really liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. It was written as a result of a sermon Bowen gave to his congregation. He wanted to give out something they could take home to remember his words by and decided on a wristbands, similar to ones worn to support Lance Armstrong.