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Wolverine: Wolverine Goes To Hell Issues. Add all to Cart · Wolverine () #1 Wolverine (). Issue #
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Even the cover of issue 17, while a nice piece of art, just does not engender any feelings of excitement or thrill. I judged a bit harshly, because issue 17 surprised me and actually got me interested in the storyarc. Very cool. The other heroes discover information about the found buoy and learn about George Stanislaus. Magneto, Dr. Nemesis, and Reed are fixing their ship and Nemesis presents the problematic of needing a gigantic power source to fix the ship.

We also meet the sentient life on the planet so, other living things besides dinosaurs. However, the real win for the issue is the last page — Doctor Doom!!!! Overall, this issue fixed all of the worries and complaints that I had with the previous issue. And there were several pages of art which were quite good.

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Art in this issue was done by Jorge Molina. I really like the dynamics of some of the team-ups here and I am actually somewhat interested in the overarching large scenario that the different factions in the book seem to be coiling around. Definitely money well-spent. I mention this because I admit that I am slightly biased in my review because, well, Aaron rocks and I want to see him succeed and be writing comics for a very, very long time. Yep, total fanboy loser here and not caring!

This mini-event called Schism is a five-issue limited series involving the X-Men.

Daken: Dark Wolverine #1 - Wolverine Goes to Hell - NM+

There was a four-issue miniseries entitled Prelude to Schism that was released prior to this series. I did not buy it or read it, but I know that it focuses on four major leaders of the X-Men community and their role as leader.

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  • Daken: Dark Wolverine #1 - Wolverine Goes to Hell - NM+.

However, I did read all of the X-Men series volume that started in as well as the Wolverine volume. So, I was up-to-date with those before reading this first issue of Schism. Now, as is my usual method, let me discuss the cover. I did not get any variants, just got the standard first printing issue.

And I am disappointed. The artwork for issue was was drawn interior and cover by Carlos Pacheco. The main reason that I am disappointed is because the cover is just an adjustment of a scene from the interior art. In other words, this is no special exciting cover. And that is disappointing because this Schism event was really publicized as a big deal; so not having a truly separate piece of art for the cover somewhat belies that sentiment.

That being said…. No dialogue or exposition, just a two-page centerfold spread of Cyclops and Wolverine destroying Sentinels. The issue event starts out with Wolverine arriving on the X-Men island, Utopia, with his uniform in tatters and with arrows and throwing stars actually sticking out of his flesh. He looks rough.

I read some other reviews and people did not quite understand these frames — why does Wolverine look like this?

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He was fighting the Red Right Hand and it got pretty messy for him. Anyway, I just assumed that this mess is due to that storyarc in the Wolverine title. Which, by the way, Jason Aaron is also writing. Most of the next chunk of the issue deals with the interactions between Cyclops and Wolverine.

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There are some really nice frames of both writing and art. Some readers did not like the interactions between Cyclops and Wolverine.

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Some felt that Wolverine was out of character or that the interactions were forced. For 17 issues in that series, Wolverine has been punished and beaten and tortured especially by people throwing his mistakes and troubles in his face. I mean, literally, he went to hell itself. So, Wolverine probably is going to feel a bit of guilt and remorse and treat Cyclops with a bit of respect. Not to say that Wolverine is some sort of happy chum. He is quite grouchy here, too. However, I feel that the reader was supposed to realize how lame and laughable it was.

I do not feel it was supposed to be an entrance of some really slick badass. Like most things in the real world, major catastrophes start because some dumbass did something ridiculous. And I admit it did make me wonder how that would be in real life. Aaron, you are such a cynic! Back when all the Occupy Wherever started, I was listening to that song thinking it was so apropos.

For some reason, and contrary to all likelihood, I have taken a fondness to Emma Frost — and NOT because she runs around like a naked Hooters girl. Something about her uppity, bitchy attitude has been amusing in recent X-titles LOL — even that is punny! Anyway, I liked her and Storm in this issue. They were supporting roles, but somehow done quite well. Cyclops whom I never liked has always been a whiny, annoying, jerk. However, there are some excellent awesome frames in this issue — again without words — wherein we see the Sentinels of various countries.

China, Egypt, Russia, Paris. And these frames are awesome. Pacheco gets a gold star! Excellent artwork. Overall, the villainous plot and the mastermind is a bit ridiculous and absurd.

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However, it is the first of five issues and I am willing to wait and see how this plays out before I am going to make a judgment on the villains. And I am quite interested to get reading the rest of the miniseries. I am combining them into one entry because they are both one-shots and therefore outside of any current storylines running through their titles. Surprisingly, I liked both of them quite a bit. The cover date for Under the Boardwalk is February Its the over-exposure thing.

Supersaturation is not a good thing. That being said, I did not buy this issue full price. This one shot has quite a bit less blood and guts compared to all the other one-shots of the previous two years. I had no history in reading X-titles, and so I felt out-of-the-loop, as they say, regarding any of the characters and storylines. While the Marvel Universe is generally run as an organic whole, everything related to the X-Men has always seemed to run parallel to and almost separately from the rest of the Marvel Universe.

Uncanny X-Men was a title that Marvel ran from — with over issues including annuals.

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Therefore, jumping into the complex X-Men world was basically impossible from my point of view. In , Marvel restarted, renumbered, and reorganized most of the X-Men titles — without destroying any of their past historical events. If ever readers were going to get involved in X-titles — this was definitely the best opportunity. The events of Uncanny X-Men 1 are directly related to the events that take place in the mini-event X-Men Schism and are connected to both the Wolverine and X-Men titles. Could a reader successfully read this issue without having read those I just mentioned?

Of course; however, I can say that it really is the best option to have at least read the X-Men Schism mini-event. His second task is to put forth an engaging storyline that should propel this particular title forward from issue 1. I think that he succeeds in doing both, although the issue does not turn out to be anything fantastic. Right away the reader is given the roster of those X-Men who are on the island Utopia.

The reader is also directly given the new and improved purpose and goal of these X-Men. Welcome to the concept of Extinction Team. This is a basic storyline. If this team saves humanity from extinction enough, people will realize how badly they need us. Extinction team will prove it. That quote is from only two frames in the issue and I feel most readers who read without care might miss what was said there.

Like I said above, this is not exactly a new directive for X-Men — Cyclops readily admits that in this quote.