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The Misfits of San Fernando Valley: A Lesson in the Fluctuations of Character and Morality - Kindle edition by Chase Harrington. Download it once and read it on.
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After seeing that this book was about the porn industry, I thought I might as well give it a go, as it certainly piqued my interest! From the very first sentence, the book hooked me and kept me engaged throughout its entirety. Considering the topic matter, I feel Chase has very cleverly shown both the good and the bad aspects of the industry, mainly through the story alone, the reader gets a better understanding of how these movies are made, what goes on behind the scenes, and how these companies After seeing that this book was about the porn industry, I thought I might as well give it a go, as it certainly piqued my interest!

Considering the topic matter, I feel Chase has very cleverly shown both the good and the bad aspects of the industry, mainly through the story alone, the reader gets a better understanding of how these movies are made, what goes on behind the scenes, and how these companies are often pinching the pennies at times to save money! There are a multitude of funny moments, and I can tell the author has put a lot of time into making these characters as diverse, and as idiosyncratic as possible! Most notably, I would like to applaud Chase for incorporating strong female characters in a book about an industry which divides opinions on its treatment of women.

Jul 30, Kenneth Parker rated it it was amazing. One of the best, most refreshing books I have read in a long time. Chase really brought the characters to life with concise writing and extremely palatable prose. I cannot wait to read the next volume of this book, and anything else which Chase has to offer in the future!

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A sterling effort for a debut novel. Kenneth Parker. Jason Gary rated it it was amazing Aug 02, Nicole Nelson rated it it was amazing Jul 31, Larry Jones rated it it was amazing Aug 02, Carolina Cervera rated it it was amazing Jul 28, Warren Wooten rated it it was amazing Aug 24, Harry Mason rated it it was amazing Jul 31, Dana Gaulin marked it as to-read Mar 15, But Western life was completely emulated by the American missionaries.

However, they were seldom seen outside the Korean ports open to international trade. Treaty regulations prevented them from expanding business into the interior. The increasing number of Japanese merchants, after the Sino-Japanese War in particular, defied the treaty regulations and infiltrated the Korean interior.

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But the ancient antagonism between the two countries greatly limited the effectiveness of their presence among the Korean people. The Japanese had to wait until the whole peninsula fell under their political control. As the nature of their work required, missionaries daily contacted with the nationals. Soap, silver ware, watches, clocks, lamps, furnaces, glass windows, sewing machines, and other conveniences fascinated the Korean visitors.

They were enraptured by the first taste of sugar and cookies. Missionaries would talk about American wonders like the steam-engine, elevators, the railway, and the telegraph. Then a preaching about a world far better than that would follow. Word spread like wildfire and Korean neighbors soon inquired about ways to acquire those wonderful articles.

The Misfits of San Fernando Valley: A Lesson in the Fluctuations of Character and Morality

The Korean interior was one of those remote places where American merchandise would never have penetrated other than through the introduction and the creation of a demand for it by missionaries. However, there was a more direct cause of enmity than jealousy resulting from a sense of relative depravity—moral and material—on the part of the merchants.

When, for example, a Korean farmer saw his American missionary friend using labor-saving, productive farming equipment in the backyard, he would be impressed and want to get some himself. Thinking that he was accomplishing a humanitarian purpose, the missionary would then meet the demand for the equipment. American traders were not readily available in the interior. Besides, it was easy for the missionary to import tools from America by sending an order through personal connections or directly to the manufacturer. More than likely, upon receiving orders from the interior, the manufacturer in America would ask the regular agent at the port if he could transfer his agency to the person in the interior who could sell — a missionary, in this case.

This, in turn, would spawn bitter, and rather unreasonable, condemnation of missionaries in general by the merchants.

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Knowing that the matter was very sensitive, the American minister at first attempted to discourage the accused missionaries by privately speaking to them. But he found that the matter could not be solved in that way.

Minister Horace Allen, in his capacity as consul general, criticized:. Having their living assured and having no expenses, they can, of course, undersell the regular merchants. This causes much friction and brings the missionaries under the suspicion of too great interest in acquiring a money profit.

I am sure the practice works to the injury of the mission cause. The troublesome paragraph on missionaries was, of course, quoted verbatim. He also collected a large quantity of Korean pottery and artifacts, and endeavored to receive a gold mine concession. The most articulate response came from Horace G. Underwood, about whose mercantile tendencies loud complaints had been made. His strong character as well as his position as a pioneer missionary, put him in a position to defend his practice.

We [i. Beckwith, who manufacture Round Oak stoves informing us that they have received letters from the Rev. Eugene Bell of Seoul, Korea, who requests them to send him full particulars, regarding their stoves, and offering his services as their agent in Korea. We have also received a letter from Mr. Archer B. Hulbert of Seoul, making the same request. Both of these gentlemen state that they are satisfied considerable business could be worked up in Korea in their stoves, and we will ask you to secure their orders, provided they have any , as Messers. Beckwith informed both of the gentlemen referred to, that we were acting for them in the East.

Consul General William F. Hulbert, was not himself a missionary, Eugene Bell was a clerical missionary of the Presbyterian Church U. The only other time that missionary trade was officially mentioned was in the report. There Allen gave a very different view of the matter:. The Mission work is remarkably successful. Our people have abstained from meddling with politics In some cases, without going into merchandizing the missionaries have introduced simple but improved farming implements, such as plows, to the great advantage and profit of their people and the possible creation of a demand for such goods.

What brought about this sudden change? Of course, he cautioned the secretary to keep it only to himself. Sometime in Presbyterian Cadwallader C. Hulbert was becoming wealthy through his real estate transactions. Or board executives might have thought that the practice was simply tolerable unless it gained public notoriety or the missionary was charged with utilizing mission funds for business purposes.

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In , Bunker suddenly resigned from the Methodist Episcopal Mission. What actually shocked his missionary colleagues was not his unexpected resignation itself, but rather his reason. Lucrative financial offers, no doubt, were the major attractions. But in other cases missionaries chose Mammon over God. Joseph W. Nolan of the southern Presbyterian Mission, for instance, resigned from the mission even before finishing his first term and accepted a position at an American mining company.

Bunker worked for the mining company for about one year and six months. However, others were willing to accept him back. A large part of it resulted, really, from the values they shared, that is, liberal-capitalist values. In fact, it was the money from businessmen that fueled the machinery of overseas missions. Besides, all major denominational mission boards had rich business leaders.

John T.


Of note is that this claim was based on the Anglo-Saxonism of the time. It indicated that Anglo-Saxon universalism had finally flared into imperialism. Clark of the United Society of Christian Endeavor claimed that foreign missions brought in the increase of export and "the widening of our empire.