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続き In the beginning god created the heavens and the earth – the whole universe. matter and space were created as one, implying perhaps that space is not an. The anti-particles annihilated what they could, but a few particles remained — the origin of all matter that has existed since.
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Significant progress was made thanks to advances in telescopes, satellites, and computer simulations, which have allowed astronomers and cosmologists to see more of the universe and gain a better understanding of its true age. Today, cosmologists have fairly precise and accurate measurements of many of the parameters of the Big Bang Theory model, not to mention the age of the Universe itself.

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And it all began with the noted observation that massive stellar objects, many light years distant, were slowly moving away from us. We have many interesting articles about the Big Bang here at Universe Today. For instance, here is What is the Evidence of the Big Bang?

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Astronomy Cast has also has several relevant episodes on the subject. Globular clusters are spherical blobs of, say, 10, stars. They are abundant in numbers, do not collapse under their own gravitation, nor do they expand without limit. They are manifestly very stable structures, and current theory says they are very old. Galaxies are likewise, and even they can cluster like stars in a globular cluster. And what of Quasars and radio galaxies? What of the CMB? What of the fact that these stable structures are part of an expanding universe, and the expansion is accelerating?

Quasars, pulsars, radio galaxies, exploding galaxies, etc. I have already commented on the CMB below. These are observationally superimposed. Non-local radiation will be spatially diffuse, and local radiation will ultimately have spatially localized, specific sources. And that is why the search for a diffuse infrared component is so difficult.

Creation |

There are answers to these other questions, but we will never find them if astronomers are focused on these off-in-the-weeds, way-out theories. You are correct, but a theory, BB or otherwise, cannot be thought of as a fact, can it? The BBT is the best we have to date because it is based on confirmed facts. So long as any part of the theory is consistent with the known facts, it is only a possible idea, concept that has a possibility of being true. Nothing wrong with such theories so long as they are based on the facts! It is up to us to learn the facts so that we can compare them against the endless ideas we can think up.

Even more important than that, we must be able to objectively separate the facts from the fiction inserted daily into our brains! Hence why it is called the Big Bang Theory. And ongoing investigation continues to confirm that it fits the facts. It assumes that we are treating a theory as fact and trusting in it on a sort of ideological basis, rather than an empirical one.

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I favor the Steady State theory, meaning specifically that a trillion years from now the Universe will look statistically the same as it does today. It will have the same density, will still be expanding, and will have the same general features galaxies, quasars, etc that are observed today. The Big Bang theorists are cherry picking the evidence.

Yes, there is a very uniform diffuse microwave background. But there is also a diffuse X-ray back ground surprisingly bright , a diffuse Ultraviolet background, and a diffuse cosmic ray particle background. The cause of the X-ray background, UV background, and cosmic rays have already been determined, none of which contradicts the Big Bang theory or has anything to do with the CMB. Of course there are several things that still need to be worked out with our cosmological models.

But how does these indicate that the Steady State hypothesis is more likely the accurate one? Investigations into the UV background produced speculation of interaction with Dark Matter. I am just hoping for something better than the-little-dot-exploded-and-became-the-Universe theory which sounds ridiculous on its face. I think science has become stuck in the rut of Big Bang thinking.

Creation science

There is a diffuse ultraviolet background, a diffuse X-ray background, a diffuse gamma ray background, a diffuse cosmic particle background, and yes, a diffuse microwave background. There might be a single explanation for all of these. If so, there is nothing special or unique about the microwave background. Void or Zero is artificial and exists only in designations or descriptions. There is no zero in reality.

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  4. Like we had thought atoms were the smallest until the particles were discovered. The number of sub-sub-particles , sub-particles , particles , atoms , planets , solar systems , stars and galaxies are countless or infinite and their measurements can be almost zero to infinity. Even if u can travel at a speed of zillion light-years per second , u will never reach what is supposed or imagined to be the boundary of the universe but find yourself still in the middle.

    Thus there will never be the complete destruction of the universe. While some planets or solar systems or stars or galaxies are coming to an end , new ones are born. That kind of scenario is always there. It is like that at any moment. It is always like that. It is like that now. It was like that zillion of years ago.

    It will be like that zillion of years later. Therefore there is neither the Creator Big Bang nor the complete end of the universe. You can no way understand the universe that is infinite by using math that can only cope with countable and measurable quantities. I mean ….. Time units can be designated in any way suited to humans or aliens. The reality is …… irreversible and endless series of events of living things and non-living things at their own paces regardless of your timekeeping. In reality or in the realm of infinity …… there is neither the beginning nor the end of the universe.

    In the realm of infinity ….. Whatever u do …… there will be no increase or decrease. That's because there was no space to expand through at the beginning of time.

    Elements and the ‘Big Bang’ theory

    Rather, physicists believe the Big Bang created and stretched space itself, expanding the universe. For a brief moment after the Big Bang, the immense heat created conditions unlike any conditions astrophysicists see in the universe today. While planets and stars today are composed of atoms of elements like hydrogen and silicon, scientists believe the universe back then was too hot for anything other than the most fundamental particles -- such as quarks and photons. But as the universe quickly expanded, the energy of the Big Bang became more and more "diluted" in space, causing the universe to cool.

    Popping open a beer bottle results in a roughly similar cooling, expanding effect: gas, once confined in the bottle, spreads into the air, and the temperature of the beer drops. Rapid cooling allowed for matter as we know it to form in the universe, although physicists are still trying to figure out exactly how this happened.

    The Scientific Case Against Evolution

    About one ten-thousandth of a second after the Big Bang, protons and neutrons formed, and within a few minutes these particles stuck together to form atomic nuclei, mostly hydrogen and helium. Hundreds of thousands of years later, electrons stuck to the nuclei to make complete atoms. About a billion years after the Big Bang, gravity caused these atoms to gather in huge clouds of gas, forming collections of stars known as galaxies.

    Gravity is the force that pulls any objects with mass towards one another -- the same force, for example, that causes a ball thrown in the air to fall to the earth. Where do planets like earth come from? Over billions of years, stars "cook" hydrogen and helium atoms in their hot cores to make heavier elements like carbon and oxygen. Large stars explode over time, blasting these elements into space. A single individual does not change by the result of evolution, while it causes the change by inherited means of growth and development that are specified for a population.